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According to the Bible and the Message, the coming of the Lord starts with the translation of the LIVING saints. After we have left our natural bodies with great rapturing faith, and entered our waiting Theophany bodies, we will be translated to Heaven. There we will meet the DEAD in Christ of ALL ages in their Theophany bodies before the Throne. Then Christ, the Judge of the LIVING and the DEAD will leave the Mercy Seat and come down from above to meet us, and to judge, and claim, and fully redeem and reward each saint personally and individually as an faultless and blameless OVERCOMER of sin and unbelief, according to our righteous deeds which are recorded in the previously sealed Lamb's Book of Life. Then God will incarnate Himself into us, His Bride, which will be the consummation of the Marriage. After that, we will come back to earth to receive our glorified bodies at the resurrection of the dead, and the glorification of our natural flesh bodies, after we have re-entered them again.
Then after a few days we will all together be raptured to the three and a half years Wedding supper, which is the reception, the second part of the Wedding. This short basic description is the true Jude 3 and Malachi 4 scriptural teaching by the Apostolic fathers of the second coming of the Lord in glory. The following Scriptures confirm this teaching, this is less than half of the Apostolic fathers biblical explanations of the second coming of the Lord Jesus, but enough to get a clear picture of that "Greatest event in human history," as Bro. Branham calls it. Isaiah says that the Bride (Zion) can only be redeemed with Judgment, that is the only way for her to be confirmed in righteousness, and presented faultless and blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ, as these verses tell us.
ISAIAH 1:27 Zion shall be redeemed with JUDGMENT, and her converts
with righteousness.
God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou
mightest be justified in THY sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art JUDGED.
And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves
groan within ourselves, waiting for the ADOPTION, to wit, the redemption of our BODY.
But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother?
for WE shall all stand before the JUDGMENT SEAT of Christ.
11 For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, EVERY knee shall bow to me, and EVERY
tongue shall confess to God.
12 So then EVERY ONE of US shall give account of himself to God.
Who shall also confirm you unto the end, that ye may be BLAMELESS
in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.
For we must ALL appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that
EVERY ONE may receive the things DONE in his body, according to that he hath done...
For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband,
that I may PRESENT YOU as a chaste virgin to Christ.
At the coming of Christ, the Apostle Paul will present every one of his converts who have overcome the attacks of the white horse rider in the days of the first church age. This will repeat just the same with every other church age messenger and their elected converts, as it was explained in detail to Bro. Branham behind the curtain of time.
Which is the EARNEST of our inheritance UNTIL the REDEMPTION of the
purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.
And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are SEALED UNTO the day of
And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that YE might be filled with
ALL the FULNESS of God.
Sealed by the baptism of the Holy Spirit, which is the EARNEST, the down-payment UNTIL or UNTO the day of Redemption! No NOT the resurrection, but UNTO the day of Redemption! The day of redemption has to be BEFORE the resurrection, because the resurrection is the RESULT after our full Redemption. There are hundreds of millions sealed saints who have OVERCOME the onslaught of the white, red and black horse riders, they are waiting in Heaven for their full redemption by our Kinsman Redeemer. They are sealed with the earnest, which means more is to come, and after all the elected saints of all ages are judged, claimed, confirmed and rewarded by the Kinsman Redeemer, then Almighty God will incarnate Himself into His Bride "with all the fulness of God" (Eph. 3:19) which will be the consummation of the Marriage. Then the Bride will be the wife of God throughout Eternity
In the body of his flesh through death, to present you HOLY and unblameable
and UNREPROVEABLE in his sight:
I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall
JUDGE the QUICK and the DEAD at his appearing and his kingdom;
...there is laid up for me a CROWN of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous JUDGE,
shall give me at THAT DAY: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.
HEBREWS 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to DIE, but after this the JUDGMENT:
To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written
in heaven, and to God the JUDGE of ALL, and to the spirits of just men made perfect,
Now unto him that is able to keep YOU from falling, and to present you FAULTLESS
before the presence of his glory with exceeding JOY,
The following quotes, and many more all over the Message were preached between 1947 and December 1965. They are exactly in line with the Bible teaching of the Apostolic fathers shown above. Brother Branham tells the people, and often in a prayer line in the presence of the Angel of the Lord, and under HIS anointing, that the NEXT time we MEET each other again will be in Heaven at the Judgment Seat of Christ.
E-54 THE.CHILDREN.OF.ISRAEL 47-1123 But, friends, I have to stand at the JUDGMENT someday to answer before YOU people. That's right. And your blood will be upon my hands
E-25 JESUS.CHRIST.THE.SAME.YESTERDAY.TODAY.AND.FOREVER 52-1027 There's people here that I'll NEVER see NO MORE until I SEE YOU at the JUDGMENT seat of Christ.
6 ISRAEL.AND.THE.CHURCH.4 53-0328 ...we want it to be the real true unadulterated Seed of God that's sown into the people's heart, for someday I must stand in the JUDGMENT to give an account for what I've said and DONE in this life, along with YOU.
E-39 BLIND.BARTIMAEUS 54-0402 But one of these days we're going to have to MEET again into His Presence and give an account for all that we've done and said here on earth, when the GREAT BOOK is opened in the JUDGMENT.
(Notice, the GREAT BOOK...)
E-31 THE.SAME.JESUS.TONIGHT 55-0826 God knows us both. And someday, God, and YOU, and I will stand together. And we will have to give an account for our lives. You believe that?
Some of these quotes might pertain to the White Throne Judgment, but most of them will take place at the coming of the Lord where all the messengers are judged and accepted first, before they present their converts to Christ.
E-43 JESUS.CHRIST.THE.SAME.YESTERDAY.TODAY.AND.FOREVER 58-0515 Brother, sister, if I NEVER meet you AGAIN, until it's at the JUDGMENT seat of Christ, where the DEEDS that's DONE in the body could be made manifest...
157 STRAIT.IS.THE.GATE 59-0301M There's men and women setting here that I may NEVER see them AGAIN until that DAY at the JUDGMENT, then I've got to give an account.
E-96 THE.UNCHANGEABLE.GOD.WORKING.IN... 62-0120 ...we may never meet AGAIN. I hope we do. But remember, we'll have to give an ACCOUNT for tonight when we come to the JUDGMENT.
E-83 A.TESTIMONY.UPON.THE.SEA 62-0726 This will be our last meeting on this earth. Then we got to meet one another AGAIN. That'll be at the JUDGMENT, or judgment seat of Christ.
568-2 {335} THE.SEVENTH.SEAL 63-0324E But one of these days, if we NEVER meet AGAIN on this earth, we're going to MEET YONDER at the JUDGMENT seat of Christ. And you'll find out...
259 IS.YOUR.LIFE.WORTHY.OF.THE.GOSPEL 63-0630E (Hebrews 11) ...That life is worthy of the Gospel. How is mine and yours going to stand in the Day of JUDGMENT, with men LIKE THAT?
195 SPIRITUAL.AMNESIA 64-0411 I'm going to meet you AGAIN. If I never meet you here on this, or I'm going to MEET YOU at the JUDGMENT and I've got to ANSWER for what I said tonight.
195 A.THINKING.MAN'S.FILTER 65-0822E But a real, thinking man that knows his SOUL is going to JUDGMENT, will filter his taste through the Word of God.
22 WORKS.IS.FAITH.EXPRESSED 65-1126 But let us have ALL of our DEEDS done right, because they're in a BOOK, a RECORD that is to be played at the DAY of the JUDGMENT.
299 MODERN.EVENTS.ARE.MADE.CLEAR.BY.PROPHECY 65-1206 This may be our LAST meeting time... If I would be back a year from today, if I live, there'd be many that's here now won't be here then. And I'll have to MEET YOU at the JUDGMENT Bar and answer for everything that I said tonight...
For any serious Message believer, Bro. Branham's experience behind the curtain of time should be an infallible evidence that the coming of the Lord is a Judgment for ALL the righteous saints of ALL ages, the LIVING and the DEAD. The Lord Jesus Christ Himself will cancel and lift the curse of death pronounced at Genesis 3:19, which according to Romans 5:12 is still upon us. THAT IS what this Judgment is about on the day of our full redemption, as foretold in Ephesians 1:13+14 and 4:30, and explained by Bro. Branham time and again. The resurrection and the receiving of our glorified bodies is the RESULT of this Judgment, as our Prophet was told behind the curtain of time. Full Redemption can only be positive, it proclaims us to be as sinless as Adam and Eve was before the fall
31 ADOPTION.1 60-0515E And especially we shepherds of the flocks, we pastors who someday will gather yonder in that glorious land with the little flocks, and we'll stand in the Presence of the Lord Jesus, and we'll see that generation come up, of Paul, and of Peter, and of Luke, and Mark, and Matthew, and ALL them, and see them JUDGED there with their groups.
69 HAVING.CONFERENCES 60-0608 ...said, "you know how old she was when you led her to Christ?" I said, "I have no idea." Said, "Past ninety." Said, "See, she's young forever."And she looked up at me. She said, "Brother Branham, Jesus will come someday, and THEN we'll go back to earth." And said, "THEN we'll receive our GLORIFIED BODY, then we'll live together forever."
E-38 ABRAHAM 60-0803 "...will Paul have to stand the same JUDGMENT by it?" "Sure." I said, "Then if Paul makes it, I will too, because I preached the same thing he did, without compromising on one word." And all them people screamed out, "We are resting assure on that." Said, "THEN well go BACK to earth and receive a GLORIFIED BODY, and live together through forever in this condition."
382-4 {407} THE.FIFTH.SEAL 63-0322 He said, "Then when Jesus comes, then we're... And He judges you for your ministry, THEN we go BACK to earth and take up BODIES." (Well, I--I thought about it then; that's exactly the Scripture.) Said, "Then we go back to earth and take up bodies...
Bro. Branham said that the opening of the Seals in March 1963 was the highlight of his ministry. He said a few times that those Seals revealed what IS, what WAS, and what IS TO COME. As he was told at the Ohio river in 1933, that future prophetic part which IS TO COME will be the fore running, the foretelling explanations of the coming of the Lord, BEFORE it will happen. Bro. Branham met the Lord in the form of the pillar of Fire every morning in the den room in Jeffersonville, he explained the coming of the Lord more than 70 times during those 7 days. If the following quotes would be incorrect, the Lord would certainly have corrected him at their daily meetings. Here are just a few of those 70 statements preached between the Breach and the seventh Seal, they describe the same over and over.
90-6 {145} THE.BREACH... 63-0317E ...the Seven Seals got the mysteries of God from the foundation of the world all sealed up in there, and revealed by Seven DIFFERENT Seals; that if God willing--let Him--let us pull back THESE Seals and look down through the Book and find out what it's all about.
99-3 {212} This is something you must get. Now, He had been doing His mediatorial work making intercessions for the believer. For two thousand years He'd been back there, a Lamb. Now, He is stepping forth from eternity to TAKE the title deeded Book, and to BREAK the Seals, and reveal the mysteries. When of it? At the end time. Do you get it?
126-2 {59} THE.FIRST.SEAL 63-0318 Therefore as long as there was one name hadn't never yet been clared--DECLARED in earth, Christ had to stay there as an Intercessor to take care of that name. But as soon as that final name had been splashed in that Clorox or bleach, then His intercessory days was over. "Let him that's filthy be filthy still. Let him that's holy, he's holy still." See? And he leaves the sanctuary, and then it becomes a judgment seat. Woe unto those outside of Christ then. Now, notice: But it's to be revealed when the Lamb leaves His intercessory place from the Father. (Now, that's Revelation 5). Now, He takes the BOOK of SEALS, the Book of Seals or a Book sealed with Seals, BREAKES them and shows them (look) at the end of the age now, AFTER the intercessory is OVER; the church ages has done finished up.
233-4 {34} THE.THIRD.SEAL 63-0320 And so then when that LAST soul comes in, then the time of redemption is finished. Then the Lamb comes forth to CLAIM His rights to what He has redeemed, and that's all creation. The earth and everything belongs to Him. See? He has redeemed it with His own Blood. And when He come forth to take this BOOK to open it...
283-5 {35} THE.FOURTH.SEAL 63-0321 And now, THESE Seven Seals that this Book is sealed with, and THOSE Seven Seals... Now... And then after THESE Seven Seals are completed, we find in Revelations 10 there was seven mysterious thunders that John was commissioned to write but then forbidden to write those. And at the time of THOSE thunders, we find Christ, or the Angel come down with a rainbow, and put His feet on the land and sea and swore that time had RUN OUT at that time.
"THESE seven Seals and THOSE seven Seals." As far as we can see, that phrase is a big stumbling block within the Message communities, even so Bro. Branham mentions that from the beginning of the Message. The Bible, the little Book mentioned in Rev. 10:2 is sealed with THESE seven Seals, it was revealed and "unsealed" throughout the ministry of the seventh angel. The revelations in this chapter and everything else in the Message could not be understood without the revealing of these previously hidden explanations. But THOSE seven other Seals on the Lamb's Book of Life, which Bro. Branham refers to as the big Book, those seven Seals will be loosed by the bloody Lamb and King of Kings to ALL the gathered saints of ALL ages at the second coming of the Lord in glory.
408-2 {120} THE.SIXTH.SEAL 63-0323 The mediatorial work has been finished from over on the throne, and the Sacrifice, as we've typed Him perfectly, the Kinsman Redeemer, the bloody Lamb that come forth, the Lamb that had been slain (a bloody One, been killed, bruised), come forth and took the BOOK out of His hand. That's... The day's are finished. Now, He's coming to CLAIM what He has redeemed.
575-6 {392} THE.SEVENTH.SEAL 63-0324E Here now, we find that the Sixth Seal has been opened to us; we see it, and we know that this Seventh Seal cannot be broke to the public until that hour arrives. Now, there was some reason that God let this seven voices be thundered, because it must come (See?), for the... We find that Christ, the Lamb took the--the BOOK in His hand, and He opened that SEVENTH Seal.
There are over 70 quotations like these few in the Seals book. This is the previously unknown interpretation of the mysterious white stone on top of the pyramid in Bro. Jackson's dream, which was revealed to Bro. Branham by the 7 Angels during the opening of the 7 written Seals in March 1963. This most important part of the Message has not been understood, it has been ignored and rejected as if it does not exist, and that leads us to the great controversy or contradiction among the Message believers all over the world.
According to Revelation 10:7, ALL the mysteries of the Bible are revealed in the Message, it includes ALL what we have need to know. As much as we dislike to accept it, we have to admit that there are some contradictions in the Message. The question is why did the Lord allow this to happen? Every time when I see 2 contradicting versions at any subject, I find that always one of them seems to be according to the Bible. Could it be that the Lord allowed that to see how we respond to that? After all, Bro. Branham said that the Bible is God Himself, He is the Absolute.
Looking at the worldwide Message following, as far as we can see, including VGR, just about all of them preach that presumed interpretation of 1 Thessalonians 4:16 as the one and only explanation of the second coming of the Lord, no more than that! They preach that at any time the dead in Christ will rise and appear to us, and we will be changed into our glorified bodies, and after a few days we all together will be raptured to the Wedding supper. That teaching cancels and discards EVERY quote and Scripture written above, make it null and void. They skip and omit:
1. The 70 plus quotes in the Seals book which foretell the coming of the Lord, as explained by the 7 quotes above.
2. The most important part of Bro. Branham's experience behind the curtain of time, as he explains it.
3. All the quotes from 1947 to December 1965 which tell us that next time we meet Bro. Branham will be at the Judgment seat of Christ.
4. They also ignore the 60 plus Scriptures written by the Apostolic fathers, which explain the coming of the Lord.
According to the Bible and the Message, for anything to be established, it has to have 2 or 3 witnesses to be legally valid. Can all of the Malachi 4 teaching of the great and dreadful day of the Lord be just one single Scripture, and ignore and throw out all the other 60 plus explanations from Paul, Peter, James, John and Jude, and replace all of them with their interpretation of ONE single Scripture? But the critical part of this situation is that Bro. Branham also preached this short-cut interpretation of 1 Thess.4 right through the Message, from the start to the end in 1965. This means that this is the most serious contradiction in the entire Message, this fact cannot be denied, no matter how grievous it is. Having these 2 contradicting doctrines before us, this means that every Message believer will have to decide which one of the 2 versions is right, and make up his or her own mind which one to believe and to follow, no matter how difficult it might turn out to be. Here are a few of those hundreds of contradicting quotes.
71 ADOPTION.2 60-0518 For the trumpet of the Lord shall sound, and the dead in Christ shall rise first." These CELESTIAL bodies come down and PUT ON earthly GLORIFIED bodies. "And we which are alive and remain shall be changed in a moment in a twinkling of an eye, and shall be caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the air."
126 THE.UNITING.TIME.AND.SIGN 63-0818 ...but all of a sudden, you'll see appear, before you, your loved ones that's gone on, has come to unite with you again. And we'll be changed in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye; and be caught up, together, to meet our Lord in the air. And then unite with Him, to be there forever, and never to have to be out of His Presence again.
7 TESTIMONY 63-1128M Did you notice the order of the resurrection? "Shall be caught up together with them." We meet each other before we meet Him. "Be caught up together to meet them... with them, to meet the Lord in the air."
234 RECOGNIZING.YOUR.DAY.AND.ITS.MESSAGE 64-0726M Oh, won't that be a time! Just walking along, someday, and here's appears somebody. "Who is it? Mother!" Amen! "It ain't going to be long now." Just in a few minutes, you're changed. And we'll be... meet them, then be caught up together with them, to meet the Lord in the air. Oh, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye.
934-55 COD 64-0823M Will the Bride be gathered together in one place at the rapture, and will it be in the west? Nope, don't have to be there. Yeah, the Bride will be gathered together in ONE PLACE. That is true, but NOT until the RESURRECTION. See? "For we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord..."
58 Now, the FIRST thing happens when we're resurrected... The ones which are a-living will just still remain... The resurrection will set in FIRST, the resurrection of those that are asleep. There'll be a wakening time, and those which are asleep in the dust now, not those that are asleep in sin...
153 THE.RAPTURE 65-1204 The FIRST thing comes forth is His Message, calling the Bride together. The NEXT THING is a resurrection of the sleeping Bride; the--the ones died, back in the other ages, they're caught together. And the trumpet, the Feast in the heavens, in the sky. Why, that's the thing that takes place, friends. We're right there, ready now.
176 The NEXT Rapture takes place is (Second Thessalonians) for the Church, the Bride to be resurrected, to be raptured into Glory. "We which are alive and REMAIN," that's the BODIES LEFT on EARTH, "will not prevent or hinder them which are asleep. For the trumpet of God shall sound first, and the dead in Christ shall rise." See? "And we which alive and REMAIN shall caught up together with them."
In 1788, Morgan Edwards, one of the first teachers of the Rapture and the coming of the Lord wrote: " because the dead saints will be raised, and the living changed at Christ's "appearing in the air" (I Thes. iv. 17); and this will be about three years and a half before the millennium." In 1906, at the Azusa street revival, the Pentecostals continued the same teaching, predicting: "My people have only time to get on the beautiful garments and prepare for the wedding supper in the heavens." This doctrine remained the same till today, over half a billion Pentecostals, including those huge charismatic Mega churches are all waiting for the resurrection of the dead, and the Rapture to the Wedding supper to take place at any time. Why did Bro. Branham have to meet those 7 Angels to get this special revelation of the coming of the Lord, when half a billion have the same understanding already, going back to 1788? This doctrine is a left-over from the Pentecostals, the resurrection will be AFTER the coming of the Lord.
In 1963, the Message was not yet established as we know it today, therefore the opening of the 7 written Seals was mainly for the Pentecostals. They rejected those explanations of the coming of the Lord completely, which led to Bro. Branham preaching the sermon Indictment, telling them that they crucified the Lord a second time. But we see that the prophetic part of the opening of the Seals, the 70 plus detailed explanations of the Lord's coming have been rejected again by the worldwide Message following, and discarded as if they do not exist. Those explanations were again replaced with these same short-cut verses of 1 Thess. 4, just as the Pentecostals did. Such a grave refusal must have consequences for the church, that puts Christ once again on the outside. Why would the Lord allow this to happen? Let us seriously consider the following quotes.
55 REVELATION.CHAPTER.FOUR.1 60-1231 Whatever I got, I surrender myself to Him and just do what He says do. That's all. Sometimes it's very CONTRARY to the WAY I THINK IT IS. But I know, if He's leading it, He's smart. He knows what He's doing; I don't. So I just let Him do it (You see?), and then it's just all right. See? I just let Him do it.
E-75 PERFECTION 56-0610 Remember, the preaching of this Word will be a--stand in the judgment. And I'll have to stand behind it, stand there. I'll have to be a witness to that. I can't take it back. I've done said it. Got to stay with that. It's going to meet me in judgment, just as God said His Word and can't take it back. See? Now, I weigh every word first in my heart and see if I want to say it MYSELF. If it seems WRONG, I DON'T say it. I let HIM say it, but if He says something CONTRARY, though I WOULDN'T BELIEVE it, I'd say it ANYHOW, 'cause It's Him. I want to be sure, 'cause I don't want any mistakes that day.
Bro. Branham says here plain and clearly that sometimes the Lord makes him say certain things which he DOES NOT believe that they are RIGHT, but he is saying it anyhow. But then Bro. Branham is NOT saying it through his MIND, but like in discernment he lets the Lord say it through him, but then he is not responsible for it if he does not say it consciously through his mind. That is how I understand what Bro. Branham means in those quotes. There is a deeper understanding to this, let us look at some Scriptures which show WHY the Lord is doing such things:
With the merciful thou wilt shew thyself merciful; with an upright man
thou wilt shew thyself upright;
With the pure thou wilt shew thyself pure; and with the FROWARD thou wilt
shew thyself FROWARD.
According to the dictionary, FROWARD means to be unreasonable, perverse, disobedient, adverse and contrary. The Bible says that with those that are FROWARD, God is not obligated to be truthful to His word, but He can also show Himself FROWARD, which means that the Lord is NOT bound to be truthful to them. There are a few cases in the Bible, and a very clear one in the Message. In 1 Kings 22, we see 400 prophets prophesying, telling Ahab to go up and fight the war, and the Lord will prosper him. In verses 21 to 23 we read that the Lord HIMSELF gave the order to a LYING SPIRIT to anoint those 400 to prophesy a false prophecy, because Ahab and his 400 prophets were FROWARD towards the Lord. Could it be that one of these 2 contradicting Message versions is put there for the same reason, because of the froward attitude of those who reject the most important teaching of the Seals?
In 2 Samuel 24:1, we see that the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel, and the LORD HIMSELF moved David to say that they must number the people, which was strictly forbidden in the law of Moses. This is a perfect example that God is not bound to His own word towards those who are froward towards Him, even so they are the Lord's chosen people with a king who was a man after God's own heart. They counted the people, and then God punished them for it with a pestilence, and 70 000 died. Is this another fitting example for our present situation?
Bro. Billy Paul testified that a brother came to Bro. Branham and asked a question, and the Prophet gave him his answer. Later on another brother came and asked the same question, and Bro. Branham gave him exactly the opposite answer than to the first brother. Bro. Billy Paul was shocked, how is it possible, the same question and 2 contradicting answers? Later he asked Bro. Branham, and he said the first brother was a genuine Christian, and the second one was a HYPOCRITE. Here we have the answer why there are contradicting statements in the Message which are put there by the Lord Himself to test and try us. Not everything is for the true believers, and those with the baptism with the Holy Spirit and the right attitude will know right from wrong. John 16:13 says that the Holy Spirit lead us into ALL truth, and will show us things to come. The Lord's coming is the most crucial "thing to come."
23 ISRAEL.AND.THE.CHURCH.1 53-0325 Now, WE must PROVE all things by the Scripture. Not what... If It's contrary to my faith, and yet the Scripture says so, the Scripture's right and I'M WRONG. See? The Scripture's ALWAYS right; and the only way you can do anything...
49 THE.INVASION.OF.THE.UNITED.STATES 54-0509 So This is the Word. And if anything's contrary to That, leave it alone. See? Now, SECONDARILY, He speaks today through the prophet, the seer, and so forth. But first is This, the Word, now.
E-71 GOD.KEEPS.HIS.WORD 57-0115 Don't--don't never, never ACCEPT anything, 'less it comes out of the Bible. See? This is the Blueprint. Let it be set in order and in the Bible.
E-9 EXPLAINING.THE.MINISTRY 62-0129 If that isn't Scriptural, then LEAVE IT alone. If I ever say anything in your presence, as a doctrine or a teaching, that's not in the Bible, FORGET IT, because it's not right.
85 AN.ABSOLUTE 63-1201M God is the Absolute. He said, "Let every absolute, otherwise than Mine, be a lie. Mine is the Truth!" So, there is the ABSOLUTE to Christianity. That's the end of all arguments. The Bible said so, that makes It right. Yes, sir. There must be an absolute in everything
150 INFLUENCE 63-0803E A man that claimed to be baptized with the Holy Spirit, and blessed of God, and will stand up and DENY that Bible and the Truth of It, has swapped It for a creed or something, he is just as full of leprosy of sin and unbelief as Uzziah was.
10 GOING.BEYOND.THE.CAMP 64-0719E And I, if I say anything WRONG, the Heavenly Father knows it's not because I'm intending to do it; it's because I do it NOT KNOWING; I'd be ignorantly doing it. Therefore, knowing that you are my responsibility and on my hands for the Gospel, I'll always want to keep you right in the pages of this BIBLE.
There are lots of quotes like these few which say the same, Bro. Branham is very adamant that his ABSOLUTE is the Bible, because he says that the Bible is God Himself in print form. Therefore, if God allows some contradictions in the Message, they are there to test us if we follow these instructions, or not. This is the real test for us to see if we as individuals are led by the Holy Spirit, or some other man's doctrine. 1 Thessalonians 4:16 says "and the dead in Christ shall RISE first." Everybody past and present presumes that the word RISE means to rise from the dead, they see no other option, but as we seen already, that contradicts the Apostle Paul who wrote those verses. It is obvious that he also taught that this Judgment will be for the LIVING and the DEAD, which can only mean BEFORE the resurrection, there are no more dead saints after the resurrection. In the Bible, the word RISE appears 169 times, and most times it means to get up and go somewhere else, NOT rise from the dead, like in this Scripture:
...they call the blind man, saying unto him, Be of good comfort, RISE; he calleth thee.
50 And he, casting away his garment, ROSE, and came to Jesus.
Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which
took their lamps, and WENT FORTH to meet the bridegroom.
6 And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; GO YE OUT to meet him.
7 Then all those virgins AROSE, and trimmed their lamps.
10b ...and they that were ready WENT IN with him to the marriage: and the door was shut.
Bro. Branham said that all Scriptures have a compound meaning, and the wise virgins in Matthew 25 includes all the predestinated Bride members of all ages. The dead saints are scattered all over Heaven, they are waiting there with their respective messengers for the coming of the Lord, as Bro. Branham was told behind the curtain of time. At that midnight cry, they will ARISE and be ready to "GO FORTH, GO OUT," as verses 1 and 6 tell us, and "WENT IN" with him, as verse 10 says. No NOT rise from the dead, that interpretation of the word RISE in 1 Thess. is wrong, it contradicts every Scripture mentioned at the start of this chapter, plus a few dozens more written in the Bible by the Apostolic fathers, which explain the second coming of the Lord in detail. The LIVING saints will be translated to be gathered together with the DEAD in Christ before the Throne at the Third Heaven to meet the coming Lord Jesus.
That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might GATHER TOGETHER
in one all things in Christ, both which ARE in HEAVEN, and which ARE on EARTH; even in him:
And then shall he send his angels, and shall GATHER TOGETHER his elect from
the four winds, from the uttermost part of the EARTH to the uttermost part of HEAVEN.
According to Mark 13:27, that midnight cry of the Angels will GATHER TOGETHER the elected living saints from the uttermost parts of the earth for the translation to the Throne in Heaven, and the elected dead in Christ from the uttermost parts of Heaven, who will RISE and GO OUT to be gathered before the Throne with the living saints to witness and partake in the greatest event in human history, the second coming of the Lord as Bro. Branham calls it. His explaining of the Mount Transfiguration event confirms this vital doctrine again, over and over.
387 THE.UNCERTAIN.SOUND 60-1218 Moses was--represented the ones that had DIED and was sleeping in the GRAVE, 'cause Moses died and was buried; nobody know where he was buried at. But he represented the ones that were ASLEEP when HE COME. And Elijah represented the TRANSLATED ones, who didn't have to die. See?
315 IT.IS.THE.RISING.OF.THE.SUN 65-0418M Now look at transfiguration. We was, every one, represented there. There was the living saints that had RAPTURED, there was Elijah standing there; and there stood Moses, the DEAD saints repre-... Also, both of them had quickening Power. Whether one died, and the other didn't die, they're ALL THERE.
227 THE.EASTER.SEAL 65-0410 I look right back and see myself laying on the bed. "O Lord, let me look a past the curtain of time." What is it? It's quickening power that will CATCH US AWAY. That great quickening power. The quickening power COME in this LAST DAYS.
This is the actual Marriage ceremony which will take place in Heaven. Then together we will come back to earth again for the SECOND part of the Wedding, which will be the resurrection of the dead in Christ, and the changing of our bodies, followed by the Rapture to the Wedding supper, which we call the Reception. There is no contradiction in the Bible, our Prophet said he believes it with "all my soul, all my life, all I am," God bless you, grace and mercy is still open for any sincere believer to rectify his or her doctrine, if they feel it needs to be done.
Contact: emfich@gmail.com