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But one of these days we're going to have to meet again into His Presence and give an account for all that we've done and said here on earth, when the GREAT Book is opened in the JUDGMENT. Blessed are they that hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.
One of these days, the doors of the Tabernacle will be closed for the last time; the Bible will be closed on the pulpit. And you'll stand in the Presence of God to give an account for what you've heard tonight. What then? What then? When the GREAT Book is opened, what then? When tonight comes on record, what then?
293 THE.SEAL.OF.GOD -- JEFF.IN -- 54-0514
In the Seals 72-4 {32} 63-0317E and 146-3 {196} 63-0318, Brother Branham says that in March 1963 the little Book was opened, which is the Bible. Later he said many times that in that week the Bible became a new Bible. According to Bro. Branham, the GREAT Book is the Lamb's Book of Life, as he explains in 486-3 {188} 63-0324M and other places. On the backside of the Book means when the last one has received this teaching of the Bible, then "on the back" of that, at that time the Lamb will come forth and take the GREAT Book and to loose the 7 last Seals to all the gathered saints of all ages, and personally and individually "judge" and redeem and reward each one.
John saw the same thing, and when he saw it on--on there, this Book on the backside, AFTER it was done been TAUGHT all the way through, on the backside had seven Seals. And these was to be loosened when the mystery of God would be fulfilled. We're at that time, for the seven mysteries to be opened up to the church.
Don't you write it." John saw the same thing, and it had already be written outside of the Bible; and had seven Seals on the back of the Book, that no man could open THOSE Seals, that was them voices. Here's the Bible written, which is a mystery Itself. But on the backside of the BIBLE, the revelations was shown to Daniel, say that there's seven voices to be uttered that no man could open, no man knowed what it was.
And may they serve this office with all their hearts, knowing that it is purchasing to them a great degree in heaven. Someday when the books of heaven shall be closed, may the Book of the celestial beings and the GREAT Book of heaven be OPENED, may their names be one hundred percent before God and the Saviour and all the heavenly hosts to be the same in His Kingdom.
358-32 THE.PLACING.OF.DEACONS -- JEFF.IN -- COD -- 58-0720E
Brother Branham explains that the 7 Thunders are the 7 "thundering Voices" of the 7 Angels. They opened the Seals to him in 1963, and 2 times 7 Seals are opened by 2 times 7 Thunders. The 7 last Seals which seal the GREAT Book on the back of the Book, they will be opened by the 7 last or 7 other Thunders, as Brother Branham calls it. That's the real and true Message, that's how he explained it in different places.
As Daniel heard the seven THUNDERS and forbidden; and John heard the VOICES, and this Book was sealed, AND the back of the book was sealed with Seven Seals; but in the days of THESE Seals to be opened, the mystery of God would be finished.
So this is one thing they might SQUABBLE about this IN HERE, about what it is, but He's the One that Divinely interprets It. But on the backside here there's no one can do it. It belongs to Him and Him alone, and He's the One that can reveal THOSE seven mysteries out. And watch here, every bit of it is on redemption, how the church WAS redeemed and what will be the redeemed.
161 REV.CHAP.5.PT1. -- BRUISED.SERPENT -- JEFF.IN -- ROJC -- 61-0611
...we will bring in the SEVENTY WEEKS of Daniel, and the last three weeks, tie it in with the Pentecostal JUBILEE that brings in the people to the--the LAST Seals, and then be setting ready for the Lamb to open up the Seals. And remember, the Seals are a mysterious thing. The Book was sealed and it was on the back, had seven Seals that was NOT even revealed IN the Book.
Without the understanding of 2 times 7 Seals opened at different times, there will certainly be "SQUABBLES" and confusion all the way. The result is that these quotes are never preached, they are mostly ignored because the ministers would not know where and how to place them. The opening of the 7 LAST Seals will be at the Pentecostal Jubilee, at the coming of the Lord AFTER the church ages, when God is dealing with the Jews again in the last part of Daniel's 70th week.
And we have started from Revelations 1, got over in the 6th chapter. And of course, we get in now to the seven LAST Seals. And Those Seals will run from the 6th--LAST part of the 6th chapter unto the 19th chapter inclusive.
Revelations 6:1 to Revelations 19:21 is connected with the SEVENTY of WEEKS; therefore we must stop and explain before we go further. We must stop and explain why these seventy of weeks, 'cause if you don't you'll miss THOSE Seals, you'll miss those Trumpets, you'll miss those vials, those Plagues, those three unclean spirits like frogs, those three Woes, the casting out of the red dragon, the woman in the sun. You'll miss it ALL if you don't, 'cause it TAKES PLACE right here in this seventieth week. That's where it takes place.
All this now that we see will help us by His grace as we endeavor to approach these LAST Seven Seals. See where we'd have MISSED IT? From Revelation 6:1 to Revelation 19:21, we would've missed it, 'cause (See?) we'd have been trying to apply it back there in this GENTILE age, where you see it's over in THIS AGE. See?
Would have missed it? We should rather ask who actually did NOT miss it, because just about everybody DID miss it! The 7 LAST Seals will be opened AFTER the church ages to all the saints of all ages. Revelation chapter 4 and 5 is the Breach, it is BETWEEN the church ages and the 7 LAST Seals. Therefore, the 7 LAST Seals must be AFTER the church ages, and the Breach is in BETWEEN, or else this quote above and many others makes no sense.
And I think, if the Lord willing, I want to take, the next time that we start on the Seven Seals of Revelation, AND the seven natural Seals. And then if we get through in time, take the seven Seals on the back of the Book. See? Now, that may take a little time. See, there's seven Seals that's opened; there's seven plagues, seven trumpets, all those sevens; and THEM Seals we could take FIRST. But THEN on the back of the Book is sealed with seven Seals. Daniel heard the Voice as It thundered, and was forbidden to write it. John was forbidden to write it. But it was sealed on the BACKSIDE of the Book, THAT is, AFTER all of the mysteries of the Book has been given out and revealed. You notice Daniel said there the mysteries in the days of these voices, the mystery of God should be unfolded by that time (See?), the mystery, Who God is, how He was made flesh, all these things should be unfolded by THAT TIME. And then--THEN we're ready for the Seven Seals on the backside of the Book, that's not even revealed to men...
2 IN.HIS.PRESENCE -- JEFF.IN -- 62-0909E
And now, the next time, as far as I know, to be with you, will be after the church is completed. And I want to then, AFTER the church AGES, now we want to go then to the seven LAST Seals, and the seven LAST Seals in the Book of Revelations, to TEACH that.
6 A.GUIDE -- JEFF.IN -- 62-1014E
But I promised AFTER them Seven Church Ages we'd TALK on the Seven LAST Seals. God willing...
"As John the Baptist forerun the first coming of Christ, your Message will FORERUN the second coming of Christ." The opening of the 7 LAST Seals is the second coming of Christ, and the forerunning messenger must first explain all about it, and TALK about and TEACH all these previously hidden mysteries about the 7 LAST Seals that we know and understand, and be able to prepare ourselves for the fulfillment of it, when time for grace and mercy, and for salvation has run out.
And now in this, it'll dovetail right into THESE seven Seals that we're coming to speak. And the seven Seals that we're trying to speak of when I come THIS TIME, is the seven WRITTEN Seals. And THESE seven Seals, as you know, is just the manifestation of the seven angels of the seven churches. BUT there ARE seven OTHER Seals that's on the back side of the Book, that's outside the Bible.
Did you notice that when the seven Seals, that FOLLOWED the seven church ages; when the FIRST Seal WAS opened, that there was a thunder? The first Seals IN the Book WAS opened, there was a thunder. WOULD not the first Seal on the OUTSIDE Book open the same way? God doesn't change...
"When the FIRST Seal WAS (past tense) opened. WOULD NOT (future tense) the FIRST Seal on the OUTSIDE Book." We see here in these quotes that the 2 FIRST Seals of 2 times 7 Seals are opened at different times. One Sealsopening is past already, and the opening of the other FIRST Seal of the 7 Seals on the backside of the Book is still in the future.
43-5 Blast that shook the earth, and when the first Seal of the seven that WAS opened IN the BIBLE, it come forth, just one, but a blast that shook the whole thing: a thunder. And then, if the Seals that's on the backside would open, WOULD not it be a thunder too? I don't know. I can't say.
11 month later in 148 An Absolute 63-1201M he says that "Is this the sign of the end Sir" is THUS SAITH THE LORD, and in 202 Invisible Union... 65-1125 he says that it is EXACTLY right, and that the Bride will be gathered by THAT revelation. That is not skim milk! Yes, the Bride will be gathered at the end by that revelation of 2 times 7 Seals opened at different times, when she will make herself ready to meet Her Kinsman Redeemer at the opening of the 7 LAST Seals, to be fully redeemed.
Notice, the end-time messenger, his job will be to get the saints ready, the Bride ready for the Bridegroom. That'll be his Message. Now, you want to learn abc's so you can study algebra later? When these OTHER Seals on the back is opened they'll only be revealed to them. That's right. Learn ABC first. What is ABC? "Always Believe Christ..."
Now, we're going to turn to the 5th chapter. Now, this is NOT the Seven Seals. It is the "Breach BETWEEN the Church Ages and the Seven Seals."
70-5 {23} BREACH.THE -- JEFF.IN -- 63-0317E
90-6 {145} ...the Seven Seals got the mysteries of God from the foundation of the world all sealed up in there, and revealed by Seven DIFFERENT Seals; that if God willing--let Him--let us pull back THESE Seals and look down through the Book and find out what it's all about.
All these quotes were preached BEFORE the opening of the 7 WRITTEN Seals of the Bible in March 1963. Revelation 10:2 calls the Bible the "little Book," it opened up and revealed the Mystery that AFTER the church ages have finished, and when the last half of Daniel 70th week has started already, then the Lamb will come forth and take the GREAT Book and loose those 7 LAST Seals, or 7 OTHER, or 7 DIFFERENT Seals as Bro. Branham calls it, to fully redeem all the gathered saints of all ages. He calls that the "greatest event in human history," and as everybody can see for themselves, and on the Internet and everywhere else that hardly anybody in the worldwide Message knows anything about it.
A in depth study of the book "The Revelation of The Seven Seals" brought to light 72 quotes which explain the second coming of the Lord, and all about the OPENING of the seven LAST SEALS. To really understand the purpose of these sermons, we must study and UNDERSTAND the NEXT QUOTE, only then can we correctly place the events which are revealed in the Sealsbook, and know the right time of their fulfillment. The Prophet said a few times that the opening of these 7 written Seals describe what IS, and what WAS, and what is TO COME. We know what IS, and the history of what WAS, but we should examine ALL the following quotes in the light of this prophetic quote, they show us what IS TO COME, and When, and HOW.
This is DESCRIBED in this seven-sealed Book that we're talking of now. All right. The Book of Redemption, it's all described in here. ALL that what Christ WILL DO at the END will be revealed to us THIS WEEK in the Seven Seals if God will let us. See? All right; it'll be revealed. And revealed as the SEALS BREAK and are released TO US, then WE CAN SEE what this great PLAN of redemption is and WHEN and HOW it's going TO BE DONE. It's all hidden in this Book of mystery here.
90-1 {140} THE.BREACH
The opening of those Seals in 1963 revealed, described, opened up to us what is TO COME, what Christ WILL DO at the END, and WHEN and HOW it's GOING TO BE DONE. By these revealed mysteries we must prepare ourselves and get ready for that day of Redemption at the very END. It will take place when the LAST ONE is declared and manifested on earth, and SEALED and finished, and when the church ages are OVER and completed. Then Christ will leave the Mercy Seat, MERCY and GRACE will be over, the Mercy Seat becomes the Judgment Seat and there will be NO MORE BLOOD for the remission of sins. No less than the following 19 QUOTES state plain and clear that AT THAT TIME the Lamb will come forth to TAKE the BOOK, the Lamb's Book of Life (486-3 {188} 63-0324M) out of the hand of Him on the Throne, and then He will OPEN it and claim and redeem ALL the gathered saints of all ages, from Adam to the LAST ONE. Let's look at these quotes, starting in the Breach. As we see in the next quotes, the Prophet tells us that we MUST get THIS, it is of vital importance, to miss it means that everything is lost.
Remember, HE'D BEEN on His mediatorial work back here. But remember, these SEALS are ready to be OPENED, and the LAMB COME from the sanctuary of God, advanced forward... Wait till we get over there at that one hour--take that one-HALF HOUR that is SILENT; the sanctuary's smoking; there's NO MORE INTERCESSION; the Sacrifice has left; it's a JUDGMENT SEAT. There's NO BLOOD on it no more, for the Blood covered Lamb has walked away. Don't you wait till that time.
97-5 {201} THE.BREACH
...said, "a lion," because He had been a Lamb, an Intercessor, a bloody Lamb, but now He's coming forth as a LION. My. His days of intercession's OVER. "Let him that's filthy be filthy still. Let him that's righteous be righteous still. Let him that's HOLY be holy still." The thing is closed. Oh, brother, then what? Then what? And remember, it comes at the seventh church age, when the mysteries of God will be opened up. Now, watch real close. This is something you MUST GET. Now, He HAD BEEN doing His mediatorial work making intercessions for the believer. For two thousand years He'd been back there, a Lamb. Now, He is stepping forth from ETERNITY to TAKE the title deeded BOOK, and to BREAK the SEALS, and reveal the MYSTERIES. When of it? At the END TIME. Do you get it?
99-1 {210} THE.BREACH
All these quotes from the opening of these 7 written Seals of Elijah the Prophet's Message turn our hearts to the teaching of the apostolic fathers, which are the writers of the New Testament. They explain that at the END of the New Testament, the bloody Lamb will come forth to take HIS BOOK, and open those 7 other, or 7 different, or 7 last Seals to fully redeem ALL His gathered Bride members of ALL AGES, from Adam all the way down to the last predestinated saint, on that great and dreadful day of the Lord. That is the true and solid Malachi 4 teaching.
Notice, when He TOOK the BOOK, the Title Deed, sealed (Just get that in your mind, now.) and BROKE the SEALS of the mystery to reveal them, to bring them to His... See? ALL of His redeemed subjects... Now, when we hit this in the Seals, we're going to go back there and see them souls under the altar crying, "Lord, how long, how long." And here He is as a Mediator on the altar, "Just a little longer until there's more has to suffer like you." But NOW HE COMES from here at this LAST SEAL. He's NO MORE Mediator; He's KING now.
105-1 {252} THE.BREACH
This 7th and LAST Seal of the 7 written Seals gives the explanation of the coming of the physical, corporal Lord Jesus, it includes the teaching about the opening of the 7 other, or 7 last Seals. The revealing of a part of this great mystery is included in the first 7th Seal, the rest will be known at the actual fulfillment of it.
And he came... (the Lamb)... and TOOK THE BOOK out of the right hand of him that set
upon a throne--(set upon the throne)
Now watch, and when He done that, watch what taken place. You talk about a jubilee. Now, this is exactly the breaking of THEM Seals take place. We'll get in that half hour of silence, just after this. Watch this. And we started in, and we finish this up next Sunday night, right here.
109-5 {290} THE.BREACH
.the Lamb come up, bloody, slain, and TOOK the BOOK out of the right hand of Him that set upon the throne. And when they seen there was a Redeemer... And all the--the souls under the altar, when the Angels, when the elders, when the... everything seen it, when this was done... it... Here it lays in the future. Tonight He's a Mediator, but He's coming to this.
110-1 {290} THE.BREACH
Listen what a jubilee going on. When they seen that Lamb come and TAKE that BOOK of Redemption, the souls screamed out. We'll get it. All, everything, the elders fell down; they poured out the prayers of the saints. What? There was represented a Kinsman for us.
110-5 {296} THE.BREACH
From the 18th to the 24th of March 1963, the Holy Spirit came every morning into the denroom at Jeffersonville to open and reveal ONE SEAL at the time to His waiting Prophet, and at the evening he preached a small portion of it at the Tabernacle under the anointing of one of the 7 Angels. He said that if he could preach all what he received in that room in the morning, it would take him many, many months of preaching, just on any one of these 7 Seals.
And there about twelve o'clock in the day the Holy Spirit just swept right down into the ROOM, and the whole thing just OPENED UP to ME, and there it was...?... of this--of this FIRST SEAL being OPENED.
122-3 {38} THE.FIRST.SEAL -- 63-0318
Now, the mystery of the Book are revealed when the Seals are broken. And when the Seals completely ARE BROKEN, the time of redemption IS OVER, because the Lamb left the intercession post to walk out to take His claims. He was a Mediator between that, but when the REAL revelation happens on the SEALS as they begin TO BREAK, the Lamb is COMING forth from the sanctuary. It's according to the Word. We read it last night. He come from the--out of the midst and TOOK the BOOK. So He's no more Mediator, because even they called Him a Lion, and that's the--that's the KING, and He's not a Mediator then.
124-5 {51} THE.FIRST.SEAL
In the last quote it is so plain and clear, the breaking of the first 7 Seals REVEAL the mystery of the Book, while nothing changes in Heaven and nothing changes on earth till the last saint has received it. Then, at that time, only then are the first 7 Seals COMPLETELY broken, and then it will be time for the REAL revelation when these previously hidden mysteries will be fulfilled and manifested when the bloody Lamb will come forth to TAKE the BOOK and open the 7 LAST Seals.
Now, the Lamb in the time of intercessory back here, He knew that there were names in there that was put in there from the foundation of the world, and as long as them names have never been MANIFESTED on earth as yet, He had to stay there as Intercessor. Do you get it? Perfectly PREDESTINATION... See? All right, He had to stay there...
125-6 {59} THE.FIRST.SEAL
Therefore as long as there was ONE NAME hadn't NEVER YET been clared--DECLARED in earth, Christ had TO STAY there as an Intercessor to take care of THAT name. But as soon as that FINAL name had been splashed in that Clorox or bleach, then His intercessory days was OVER. "Let him that's FILTHY be filthy still. Let him that's HOLY, he's holy still." See? And he leaves the sanctuary, and then it becomes a JUDGMENT SEAT. Woe unto those outside of Christ then. Now, notice: But it's TO BE revealed when the Lamb LEAVES His intercessory place from the Father. (Now, THAT'S Revelation 5). Now, He TAKES the BOOK of Seals, the Book of Seals or a Book SEALED with Seals, BREAKS them and shows them (look) at the END of the age now, AFTER the intercessory is over; the church ages has done FINISHED UP.
126-2 {59} THE.FIRST.SEAL
It is as plain as reading a newspaper. WHAT will Christ DO at the END? He will come forth and take the Book and break the SEALS. WHEN will that happen? AFTER the last one is MANIFESTED or DECLARED on earth, and AFTER His intercessory days are over, and when the church ages have finished up. The Prophet does not talk about the opening of the written Seals here, any believer under the age of 50 was not even BORN YET in 1963, how could they have been "manifested on earth" or "declared in earth" at that time in 1963?
But, see, the kingdom still belongs to Satan. He's still got this part in his hand because why? It is redeemed by Christ, but HE'S DOING the part of the Kinsman Redeemer taking His subjects, until the LAST ONE name is put on that Book, has ALREADY received it and been SEALED AWAY. Now, do you got it? THEN He COMES from His throne, His Father's THRONE, walks forward, TAKES the BOOK out of God's hand from the throne and CLAIMS His rights. The first thing He does is call for His Bride.
136-4 {132} THE.FIRST.SEAL
Now, someday He rises from the Father's throne, and goes to take His own throne. Now He comes forth to call His subjects. How's He going to claim them? He's already got the BOOK of REDEMPTION in His hand. Glory. Oh, I feel like singing a hymn.
Soon the Lamb will take His Bride, To be ever at His side,
All the hosts of heaven will assembled be; (To watch that.)
140-2 {155} THE.FIRST.SEAL
How is it possible that my friends in different parts of the world who understand these things, and I myself have not once heard a minister preach the coming of the Lord like all these quotes explain? That is mindboggling, to say the least! Someone said: "Why do you show so many quotes, they say the same, a few should be enough." I said NO, I want to show as many as I possibly can, to show how much of the Message is completely disregarded and swept under the carpet as if it does not exist! Let us remember, all these quotes explain and call us to be READY and be prepared for THAT DAY at the very END. We, the living saints MUST have these facts exactly right, and apply them, or else we will not be ready, which would mean to be cast into outer darkness.
He had been back there in His--doing His mediatorial work, for He was bleeding for the people, INTERCESSING for the people until the LAST SOUL that was put on the LAMB'S BOOK of Life before the foundation of the world COME IN. There's just going to be so many of them there, and that's it. That's all. The others won't even want to come in; they have no desire to come in. And so then WHEN that LAST SOUL COMES IN, THEN the time of redemption is FINISHED. THEN the Lamb comes forth to CLAIM His rights to what He has redeemed, and that's all creation. The earth and everything belongs to Him. See? He has redeemed it with HIS OWN BLOOD. And when He come forth to TAKE this BOOK to OPEN it, why, my, they was... John didn't weep anymore. And he looked, and this Lamb was a slain Lamb.
233-4 {34} THE.THIRD.SEAL -- 63-0320
Now, notice, but then AFTER it was ALL OVER, after the--His--His interceding WAS DONE, He comes forth, TAKES the BOOK out of the hand of Him, and then John, and everything in heaven, and begin... The souls under the altar begin screaming (We get that in the Sixth Seal again), and how they rejoiced , and--and the--fell down, the elders, and poured out the prayers of saints.
234-5 {37} THE.THIRD.SEAL
HOW can you be an ANTICHRIST? Anybody that denies that EVERY WORD of THIS--isn't true and to be TAUGHT just the SAME, is an ANTI-CHRIST, 'cause they DENY the--the--the--the WORD, and He is the Word.
264-5 {266} THE.THIRD.SEAL
No sensible person can take this quote lightly! Revelation 22:18+19 says it is by EVERY word, nothing added or taken away. How many PREACH and TEACH the second coming of the Lord like THIS? We can be sure that if those quotes above, and all the others would be wrong, the Holy Spirit would have certainly corrected the Prophet when HE MET HIM face to face EVERY morning in the denroom for 7 days in a row. The next quote tells of to 2 times 7 Seals opened at different times again. THESE 7 Seals, and when they are COMPLETED, then comes the opening of THOSE 7 Seals by THOSE 7 Thunders, when Christ has left the Mercy Seat.
And now, THESE Seven Seals that this Book is sealed with, and THOSE Seven Seals... Now... And then AFTER THESE Seven Seals are completed, we find in Revelations 10 there was seven mysterious THUNDERS that John was commissioned to write but then forbidden to write THOSE. And at the time of THOSE thunders, we find Christ, or the Angel come down with a rainbow, and put His feet on the land and sea and SWORE that time had RUN OUT at that TIME. And then WE find-FIND OUT that in the revealing of the Seals that the--the Lamb HAD LEFT His mediatorial work as an Intercessor and had come forth now to CLAIM His rights, all that He had redeemed by His death. And then the... No one could OPEN the BOOK; no one understood It. It was a Book of Redemption, and God, the Father, Spirit, had It in His hand...
283-5 {36} THE.FOURTH.SEAL -- 63-0321
The next quote from the sixth Seal is another easily understandable one for perfect clarity about what Christ WILL DO at the END. And at that time of the JUDGMENT, He will come forth to take the Book. After Brother Branham had met the Pillar of Fire for the sixth time in the denroom, he explained once again about the bloody Lamb coming forth to TAKE the BOOK. He taught all these facts precisely and placed them time-wise, step by step. We cannot not afford to miss this!!
...tread down the walls of Jerusalem until the Gentile dispensation be FINISHED. The times are OVER. Yes, sir. And then, "Let him that's filthy, STAY filthy. Let him that's righteous be righteous." See? There's no more Blood on the seat of the--of the--of the--in the sanctuary at all. There's no more BLOOD on the ALTAR. The sacrifice has been removed; and there's nothing but smoke and lightning and JUDGMENT in there. And that's just exactly what's poured out here tonight. (See?) The Lamb's done left the--His mediatorial work. The mediatorial work has been FINISHED from over on the throne, and the Sacrifice, as we've typed Him perfectly, the Kinsman Redeemer, the bloody Lamb that come forth, the Lamb that had been slain (a bloody One, been killed, bruised), come forth and TOOK the BOOK out of His hand. That's... The day's are finished. Now, He's COMING to CLAIM what He HAS redeemed.
408-1 {119} THE.SIXTH.SEAL -- 63-0323
It's got TO BE, THUS SAITH THE LORD, 'cause it's not only as to say it from me knowing it myself, but the Word of the Lord is THUS SAITH THE LORD. And here is the Word taking what He has give to me and blending it together and showing you, so you know yourself it's THUS SAITH THE LORD.
447-1 {403} THE.SIXTH.SEAL
All these quotes must be taken very seriously because the LORD is talking here DIRECTLY to us, to every foreordained individual believer of HIS BRIDE, through His Prophet. But if all the facts we have seen so far are still not enough, then there is another undeniable incident which no sensible person could dispute. On the last day, Brother Branham had a question and answer service. In the Sealsbook on page 500-3 {266} 63-0324M, someone asked the Prophet if those people in Revelation 5:9 are the raptured SAINTS when the Lamb TAKES the BOOK? He taught all week that WE ALL will meet the Lord at THAT TIME and place, and BE PRESENT and witness the coming of the bloody LAMB from the Mercy Seat to take the Book (the Lamb's Book of Life) and OPEN those 7 other, or 7 different SEALS. But for some reason he said NO, they are NOT, CONTRARY to what he had taught the church for the last 7 days. As he tried to answer the next question, THE LORD personally stepped in, the Holy Spirit STOPPED His Prophet, as we see in the next quote.
And they sang a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to TAKE the BOOK,
and to open the seal thereof:
for thou has--wast slain,...
(HERE IT IS. Here it is. I was WRONG ON THAT. See?)... thou hast REDEEMED US to God by the BLOOD of every kindred,... That's right. Now, what do you think about that? Oh, if the PRESENCE of the Holy Ghost isn't here...
501-2 {270} QA.ON.THE.SEALS -- 63-0324M
The next 2 quotes show us that the Holy Spirit made Brother Branham to go back and CORRECT this accidental oversight, confirming once again that the Bride WILL be PRESENT when the LAMB TAKES the BOOK out of the hand of God. When? When the mediatorial grace is OVER and redemption will be FINISH, and time be no more. To miss that event means to be cast into the great Tribulation. The "raptured saints" mentioned by Brother Branham in the next quote are the living saints who will be translated or raptured to join all the dead saints of all ages before the Throne, to partake in this greatest event, as Brother Branham explains many times when he reveals the meaning of the mystery of Moses an Elijah on Mt. Transfiguration.
I read the first; it does sound like it at the first (See?), "And they sang a new song..." But down here, see what it was? the next, coming on down, "has REDEEMED US." Sure it was the BRIDE, the RAPTURED SAINTS. Could you... And here... Certainly, the--the Lamb had the BOOK in HIS HAND. He'd done LEFT the THRONE of mediatorial grace.
502-2 {275} QA.ON.THE.SEALS
When the Lamb LEAVES that seat of the throne, to--being a Mediator, He becomes DOWN HERE, and the day of REDEMPTION for the church is FINISHED. The next redemption is OPENED is for the JEWS, the hundred and forty-four thousand. Is that right? 'Cause He promised He'd cut the tree off, you know. Now, here... Now, here He COMES OUT, the Lamb, and then the day of REDEMPTION is FINISHED, and all that's going to be redeemed is ALREADY BEEN redeemed and put on the Book, and HE'S out here OPENING the BOOK.
502-4 {276} QA.ON.THE.SEALS
This incident was certainly embarrassing for Brother Branham, but for us this mishap turns out to be the ULTIMATE CONFIRMATION that this is solid TRUTH. The Lord's personal intervention in this situation makes this fact undeniable to any true believer. To say otherwise, and those who still deny that there are 2 times 7 Seals opened at different times, they are saying indirectly that the Lord made a MISTAKE, and that God HIMSELF is CONFUSED about this subject.
In many other places in the Message, Brother Branham explains that the opening of the 7 Seals in March 1963 was to open up the previously hidden mysteries of the Bible, the "Word written within." They reveal to us what IS, what WAS, and what IS TO COME. All these quotes we are looking at right now reveal, explain and open up the revelation of what IS TO COME, at the very END, and WHEN and HOW it's going TO BE DONE, as the first quote of this section plainly explains it to us. But the other section on the backside of the Book is the sealed LAMB'S BOOK of LIFE. THAT is the big or GREAT Book which the bloody LAMB will TAKE from the hand of God, as the Prophet confirms that in the following quote.
...the Bible said, the LAMB'S BOOK of LIFE was written before the foundation of the world, and your name was put in--was in THAT Book when the Lamb was slain before the foundation of the world to redeem every name that was written in THAT Book. See? You got it now? See, there ain't nothing out of order. It's working just exactly like God's big timepiece (See?), like a clock moving right around. Your name was put in there before the foundation of the world, when the Lamb was slain to REDEEM what was in THAT Book. And now, He comes forward and TAKES THAT Book to CLAIM His redemption.
486-3 {188} QA.ON.THE.SEALS
Here now, we find that the Sixth Seal has been opened to us; we see it, and we know that this SEVENTH SEAL cannot be BROKE to the public until THAT HOUR ARRIVES. Now, there was some reason that God let this seven voices be thundered, because it must come (See?), for the... We find that Christ, the Lamb TOOK the--the BOOK in His hand, and He OPENED that SEVENTH SEAL. But you see, it's a hidden mystery. No one knows it. But it--it's right along with what He said: no one would know HIS COMING; they also would not know about this seven thunder mystery. So you see, it's connected together.
576-3 {394} THE.SEVENTH.SEAL -- THE SIXTH SEAL 63-0324E
The last quote tells us once more that when the hour of the actual MANIFESTATION of the SIXTH SEAL has arrived, THEN the LAMB will take the Book and open that SEVENTH SEAL, which is HIS COMING. We know that the SIXTH SEAL is the JUDGMENT Seal, it will END the church ages and start the last half of Daniel's seventieth week for Israel. It will start just BEFORE the Lord will leave the Mercy Seat. This will be confirmed on the following section, there are many quotes in "Souls in Prison" and in other sermons which explain that when the SIXTH SEAL has "produced itself," and the LAST MEMBER has been redeemed, THEN the Lamb will come and TAKE the BOOK.
I believe this chapter has enough information from the mouth of the Prophet for a true believer to understand that there are 2 times 7 Seals opened at different times. We have seen the quotes, and we now realize that the opening of the first seven written Seals includes the explanations of what Christ WILL DO at the END, and WHEN and HOW it will BE DONE. The opening of the seven written Seals is the most important part of Brother Branham's Message, it does FORERUN (NOT fulfill) the SECOND COMING of the Lord, as the Prophet was told at the Ohio river in 1933. The Bride is making HERSELF READY for that greatest of all events as the Prophet calls it. For every true believer, the most important part of this life is to be prepared, and to be ready for THAT DAY.
...plus the history, plus the church ages; and all blends together. So, I could truly say that to the best of my understanding and according to the Word of God and the vision and the revelation, the interpretation thereof is THUS SAITH THE LORD!
579-1 {413} THE.SEVENTH.SEAL
We have seen in the 7 written Seals that Bro. Branham mentioned at least 19 times that when the last member of the Bride is manifested and declared on earth, and saved and sealed unto the day of Redemption, then God will gather all the saints of all ages, from Adam to the last one, the living and the dead, before the Throne. Then the bloody Lamb will leave the Mercy Seat yonder, the Intercessory place, or the Throne of mediatorial grace and come forth to TAKE the BOOK of Redemption and loose those 7 last Seals and claim and reward each one personally, saying: "Well done my good and faithful servant, enter into the joys of the Lord." He confirmed this future event further with quotes preached AFTER March 1963, till the end of his ministry in December 1965.
But a--a Lamb come forth, a Bloody Lamb that had been slain since the foundation of the world, that come and TOOK the BOOK of Redemption and opened It. God, may MY NAME be there. May every name here be written There, Lord, that's been redeemed in this great PLAN of redemption. Grant it, Father.
216 63-0628E Grant it, Lord, that the Kingdom of God will soon be established in the earth. You are coming for Your delegates. ONE DAY the Lamb is going to leave the sanctuary, come forth to TAKE the BOOK out of the hand of Him Who is the deed Owner of it.
Look here where we're at: right here at the top of the pyramid; right here where God HAS proved it, that the BIBLE through the seven Seals has perfectly BEEN REVEALED; WAITING only now for them seven MYSTERIES right at LAST, on the Coming of the Lord and the Rapture of the Church that might happen before morning.
This is another quote which explains perfectly that the 1963 Sealsopening pertained to the Bible, the opening of the 7 written Seals of the Bible, the LITTLE Book, to show us what IS, what WAS, and most important, what IS to COME. What is to COME? The 7 mysteries sealed up in the 7 LAST Seals to be revealed at the coming of the Lord, and that great mystery of the Rapture or translation of the living saints to meet the dead saints before the Throne.
But under the Sixth Seal, where these Trumpets opened. Remember, under there, we find out that the Lamb came forth, appeared on the scene. He had left the Mercy Seat. His work of redemption was finished. And He came forth and TOOK the BOOK out of the right hand of Him that sat upon the Throne, and "time was no more."
304 -- 63-1110M Then you just might as well walk... You're finished, them that's outside. AFTER the BOOK is TAKEN by the Lamb, the Sixth Seal is revealed and all the Seals, it's OVER. It could be. I hope it isn't. It could be. All right.
347 -- 63-1110M The Bride is sealed in with Christ, the last member HAS BEEN redeemed. The Sixth Seal has produced itself. The Seventh Seal brings Him back to earth. The Lamb come and TOOK the BOOK out of the right hand of Him, and set down and claimed what He owned, what He had redeemed. That right? It's always been that Third Pull.
391 -- 63-1110M There won't be no mercy. Remember that. "And the sanctuary become smoky." "He that's filthy, is filthy still; he that's righteous, is righteous still; and he that's holy, is holy still." There is no more mercy, when the Lamb TAKES the BOOK; that's it, that's ALL of it. And it looks a whole lot like it could be now. Maybe we have another day; maybe today is that day. Maybe tomorrow is the la-... Maybe tonight is the last night. Maybe this is the last year. I don't know, friends.
These quotes in "Souls that are in prison now" tell us more about the 7th Seal than what was revealed at the opening of the 7th Seal on the 24th of March 1963. When the LAST saint HAS BEEN redeemed, and the 6th Seal (the Tribulation Seal) has started already, then the Lamb will come down from the Mercy Seat to take the Book out of the hand of Him on the Throne. This was preached 8 month after the opening of the 7 written Seals, and today it is obviously still a future event.
And, then, we're at the closing of the history of the world. The Book is NOW being FINISHED. The last line will be wrote across it someday, and she'll be closed up, then time shall be no more.
That Church is a predestinated Church. Every name that was ever put on that Book, Jesus came to redeem. And when the LAST name is redeemed, the Book is CLOSED. Now, He didn't intend that no one would be lost, but His foreknowledge let Him know who would be lost. Therefore, He could predestinate, and then their names were put on the Book. And then when that Book of redemption is closed and sealed with seven seals, while it's being worked out by the--by the mysterious powers of God. And SOME DAY when the Book of redemption is finished, the Lamb TAKES IT. And then the LAST name is called off of that, the Lamb comes forward to call for what He has redeemed, that's His Church. And I believe that time is close at hand.
Men and women, boys and girls, may be sitting here tonight, will be in the morgue before daylight. It's true. And then YOUR book is closed, and you'll never have another chance. This may be the last chance that you'll ever have. Think of it, seriously. You say, "Well, it probably isn't." It probably isn't, but it could be. But, remember, SOMEDAY the book is GOING to BE CLOSED, and what you are doing now.
30 INFLUENCES -- TULARE.CA -- 64-0215
...those here, Lord, who was in Your thinking before the foundation of the world, surely this is wakening them up. I trust that every one of them was. And there, Father, we'll KNOW when You come and the GREAT Book is OPENED, we will understand THEN.
What will we learn and know at the coming of the Lord when the GREAT Book will be opened? The new name of Jesus, our new name, our deeds and works as they are recorded in that Book, our exact position in the Body of Christ, and many more mysteries which we could never understand in this dimension we are presently living in. At that convention of all conventions the bloody Lamb will also reward each one personally and individually as He has promised in Matthew 16:27, and in Revelation 22:12.
The following quotes explain that the Lamb's Book of Life is open in Heaven till the LAST saint has his or her predestinated works and deeds completed on earth, as recorded in that Book since before the foundation of the world. Then that Book is closed and sealed, and it goes into the hand of God on the Throne. According to Revelation 4:1 and other Scriptures, he then calls the living and the dead saints of all ages, all those whose names are in that Book to appear before the Throne as Revelation 5 explains, and the bloody Lamb will come and TAKE the BOOK out of God's right hand, as taught from every possible angle in all these quotes.
So we're--we're trying to get EVERY soul saved, so that Jesus can come. And He cannot come until that LAST one that has the name of the Book of Life, that was put There before the foundation of the world; when that name is called, that's the LAST one then. He came to redeem, to bring back. Redeem is "to bring back." And when He brings the LAST one in... He is setting at the right hand of God, TONIGHT, doing His mediator work. And when that LAST soul is saved, that was redeemed, and seen and knowed by God before the foundation of the world; when that LAST soul is saved, that CLOSES the Book. Then the Lamb comes out, TAKES the Book out of the right hand of Him that sets upon the Throne. Then it's... He's coming THEN, He's coming to the earth.
Maybe there's a little boy in here, tonight, or a little girl was born over in Seattle, Washington. Now, that Book holds her name. He come to redeem whose name was on that Book. Redeem means "bring back from where it fell from." And in the human race, she was fell. And she can't accept It now; she's too young. So the church will slug right along, just play along, will have meetings, and so forth, till that LAST person is brought in, THEN that Book is CLOSED, there's no more added. Then it's all over. Until, when to that time will be, none of us know. But let's just keep doing all that we can, to His glory, until that time is over.
The Gentile, when THEM SEALS IS opened, is sealed away; time IS ended; the Church IS called.
In some of the printed sermons it is written like this: "when them Seals WAS opened is sealed away: time is ended." But that is not correct, Brother Branham clearly says on the tape: "when them Seals IS opened is sealed away; time is ended." IS and WAS is very different, THEM Seals are certainly the 7 LAST ones.
everything will be finished for the Gentile church when the Bride is taken from the earth. The Spirit of God leaves the earth: "He that's filthy is filthy still; he that's righteous is righteous still; he that's holy is holy still." In other words the sanctuary becomes smoky, where the--the Attorney stands to plead the case. Christ leaves the sanctuary; His day of mediatorial is over. The rapture comes; He leaves from the sanctuary, goes forth and TAKES the BOOK of Redemption, and CLAIMS everything He redeemed. There's no more mediatorial work. How many understands that?
1032-Q-306 QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS.2 -- JEFF.IN -- COD -- 64-0823E
And there wasn't nothing, nobody, in Heaven or in earth, or anywhere, was worthy to come take the Book, or to even to look on It. John wept with great... because the whole Book of redemption was there. It was at the meeting the other night, that little Assembly of God brother and sister sang that song, "I wonder if John SAW ME when he saw all the nations gathered. Did he see ME?" Sure, he did, if your name was on THAT BOOK. And when... John's name was on it, too, and he wept because there was nobody that could touch It.
Did John see me? Or you? Yes I believe he did see me among all the saints of all ages when he was translated into the Lord's day, which is still in the future. He saw it all how it will be on that great day of redemption at the second coming of the Lord, when the Lamb will come forth to take the LAMB'S BOOK of LIFE and open those 7 other Seals to judge, and redeem and reward every one of the gathered saints, the living and dead, according to our righteous deeds recorded in that Book.
The Message now goes into history, and It's RECORDED on the BOOK. We ALL have to answer now for this, every move that we made, every word that we said, every thought went through our mind, the record is still playing. And it'll play on till life is over, and then we'll answer at the Day of the Judgment.
But let us have all of our deeds done right, because they're in a BOOK, a record that is to be played at the day of the judgment.
"For they are worthy." Do you realize Who is saying this? It is Jesus, the Worthy One, Himself. This is the only One Who is accounted worthy to take the book out of the hand of Him Who sits upon the throne. And now this Worthy One is saying to His saints, "You are worthy." Here is this One, the only One qualified to judge, (and indeed all judgment is committed unto Him,) and He says, "You are worthy."
Nobody can fail, every one who will be summonsed to appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ at the second coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, our Kinsman Redeemer, will be found worthy and be judged and confirmed and rewarded as faultless and blameless "overcomer" of unbelief and sin. In Revelation chapters 2 and 3, the Bible promises the "overcomers" of every one of each of the 7 ages an individual reward from the Lord personally, which will take place on the day of our full Redemption. This is necessary in order to lift the curse which God has put on mankind in Genesis 3:17-19, then we will be just like Adam and Eve were before the fall. The resurrection cannot take place till this formality is fulfilled. All the other Gentiles will be judged at the White Throne Judgment.
I am looking at most of these quotes for over 20 years already, and sometimes I come across a new one which further explains the second coming of the Lord. At the beginning of this chapter, the 8th and 10th quote explain that the Lamb will open the 7 LAST Seals at the time when the Gospel will have gone over to the Jews again, during DANIEL'S 70th WEEK. That will obviously be in the future, we are still living in the church ages. The last part of Daniel's 70th week, and the 6th Seal, and the Tribulation will be at the same time, it will take place AFTER the church ages have finished up. There are many quotes which place the second coming of the Lord AFTER the church ages, but those 2 quotes say specifically that it will be in DANIEL'S 70th WEEK. Just recently I found another one, and the Lord put it on my heart to search the Message properly for more of them. To my surprise, there are at least 10 of them! I wonder how I could have missed them all these years? Here they are:
...we will bring in the SEVENTY WEEKS of Daniel, and the last three weeks, tie it in with the Pentecostal jubilee that brings in the people to the--the LAST Seals, and then be setting ready for the Lamb to open up the Seals. And remember, the Seals are a mysterious thing. The Book was sealed AND it was on the back, had seven Seals that was not even revealed in the Book. These things are not even written in the Bible.
216 -- 61-0618 I want to get these SEVENTY WEEKS of Daniel and TIE IT right in here, and show it where it takes it to the Pentecostal Jubilee, and brings it right back with those seven plag--them seven Seals to opened HERE just BEFORE we go, and show that it's at the END.
We can't go no further in Revelations till we tie the Bride and Israel TOGETHER with the SEVENTY WEEKS of Daniel. And maybe, if God willing, so that if He should speak to me in the future, to speak on some of these Seventy of Weeks... or, not Seventy Weeks, but seven LAST Seals.
I want to do my best by the grace of God to explain the SEVENTY WEEKS of Daniel. As I said this morning, it's a great Scripture. And it's not so much to speak on, but to PLACE IT where it belongs to make it fit with the rest of the Bible. And we have started from Revelations 1, got over in the 6th chapter. And of course, we get in now to the seven LAST Seals. And those Seals will run from the 6th--last part of the 6th chapter unto the 19th chapter inclusive.
In all these quotes, Brother Branham connects the opening of the 7 LAST Seals to Daniel's seventieth week, because that is the time when it will take place. Like the 5th Seal, the souls under the Altar will receive their white robes at that time. The actual happening of the 5th Seal is part of the 7 LAST Seals, in 1963 it was only explained and foretold. Those Jews could NOT have received their white robes while God is still dealing with the Church, Brother Branham says time and again that God will never deal with the Church and Israel at the same time.
I'd have a study now on this SEVENTY WEEKS of Daniel. That ties in the rest of the Message before I can go with the Seven SEALS, which there's Seven Seals, Seven Plagues, Seven Trumpets, Three Woes, the woman in the sun, casting out of the red devil, the 144,000 sealed away--ALL happens between THIS time.
63-- 61-0730M ...time has run out on the LAST Seal. And you wait till we get in them Seals and see where that Seal's at. AFTER you find the SEVENTY of WEEKS, THEN see where the Seals are. Time has run out. Redemption is over. He is now the Lion and the Judge. He's your Saviour this morning, but one day He'll be YOUR Judge.
71-- 61-0730M Revelations 6:1 to Revelations 19:21 is connected with the SEVENTY of WEEKS; therefore we must stop and explain before we go further. We must stop and explain why these seventy of WEEKS, 'cause if you don't you'll miss those Seals, you'll miss those Trumpets, you'll miss those vials, those Plagues, those three unclean spirits like frogs, those three Woes, the casting out of the red dragon, the woman in the sun. You'll miss it ALL if you don't, 'cause it takes place right here in this SEVENTIETH WEEK. That's where it takes place.
This quote is perfectly to the point, Revelation 6:1 is the opening of the 7 LAST Seals, and it takes place right here in this SEVENTIETH WEEK. Brother Branham entitles the Breach "The Breach BETWEEN the Church ages and the 7 Seals." The end of Revelation chapter 3 is the end of the church ages, and Revelation 6:1 is the start of the opening of the 7 LAST Seals, and the Breach, which is Revelation chapters 4 and 5, is in between. Perfectly Scriptural.
113 -- 61-0730M This Scripture, the SEVENTY of WEEKS, it discloses and tells exactly from the time that Daniel started there until the end of the consummation...
...It has nothing to do with the Gentiles. These SEVEN SEALS, Seven Plagues, Seven Woes, Seven Trumpets has not one thing to do. The Gentile Church will be in glory at that time. Don't have nothing to do with us, the Gentile Church; it only deals with Israel.
...later when we get into THOSE Seven Seals, Seven Vials, Seven Trumpets, all these things, that I can refer back and say, "Do you remember on the SEVENTY WEEKS of Daniel? Do you remember the church age when it went UP and what taken place?" And these seventy weeks of Daniel covers from the going up of the Church until the coming back of the Church. That space is what it covers.
I want to speak on this Book, bridging it BETWEEN the last church age TO the Seal OPENING. Now, there's a vast gap in there. And... Before, when I ended up on the Church Ages, I also spoke there upon the SEVENTY WEEKS of Daniel immediately following 'cause it tied in. And I said, "Now, if I ever take the Seven Seals, I'll have to get rid of this Daniel's Seventy Weeks in order to tie in the Seals, leaving one thing open." And that was the 5th chapter of the seven-sealed Book, and we'll take that tonight.
After the discovery of those 8 new quotes (10 altogether) which connect Daniel's 70 weeks and the 7 last Seals together, I felt strongly that the sermon "Souls that are in prison now" is holding another surprise like that. There are 4 quotes from that sermon in this chapter already, but sure enough, the search revealed another 6 which explain the timing of the opening of the 7 LAST Seals. All these quotes confirm once again that when the last one has come in and is "finished," and when the 6th Seal and the Trumpets to the Jews has started already, then the Lamb will leave the Mercy Seat and come forth to take the Book to fully redeem His Bride.
But under the SIXTH Seal, where these Trumpets opened. Remember, under THERE, we find out that the Lamb came forth, appeared on the scene. He had left the Mercy Seat. His work of redemption was finished. And He came forth and TOOK the BOOK out of the right hand of Him that sat upon the Throne, and "time was no more."
139 All that He died for was written in the Book, and He could not leave His mediatorial Seat until He had thoroughly redeemed. And He couldn't redeem it at the cross, because they were predestinated in the Lamb's Book of Life, and He had to stay on There to make intercessions until that LAST person was FINISHED. Glory! But one day He rose from There, come forth. Where was the Book at? It was still in the abstract Owner, God Almighty. And John looked around, and he wept, because there was no man even worthy to look on the Book and, especially, open the Seals, to reveal what the hidden mystery was.
149 The Lamb came forth, walked up to Him that had the Book in His right hand, and RECEIVED the BOOK; climbed up on the Throne and sat down. That's it. It was over (WHEN?) when the Seals was revealed. When the LAST ONE, that was everything that He had redeemed, there was nothing... He come to redeem.
The Bible says in Ephesians 4:30 that the saints must be sealed by the Holy Spirit "UNTO the day of redemption." That Scripture applies also for the LAST person, he or she must have that earnest (Eph.1:14) in order to join the rest of the Bride on that great day of our full redemption. WHEN will the day of redemption be? AFTER the last one has received the earnest, obviously. But how many Message believers know anything about that day of redemption? That's a very serious question!
152 The Church was predestinated to be without spot or wrinkle. She is going to be There. And the Lamb died for that purpose. And then when the LAST NAME on that Book was redeemed, the Lamb came forth and TOOK the BOOK, "I'm the One that did it!"
155 The Lamb had redeemed it, but He could not come forth until EVERY name was revealed, and that was taking place under the SIXTH Seal, BEFORE the Seventh broke. Then the spotless... THEN the Lamb came for what He had redeemed. He come to claim what He had redeemed. He's already got it, right here in the Book, taken It from His hand. Now He's coming to receive what He has redeemed. That's His work. He's done. He's come to receive it. Oh, what a--what a time! Has proven it, the SEVENTH Seal proved it. Come back and TOOK the BOOK of Redemption!
These quotes seem to be so clear that we would want to believe that everybody should understand what our Prophet is talking about. But the reality is very different, I have sent these same quotes to many Pastors in different parts of the world, and almost every time there is no reply, nothing. No wonder Brother Branham spoke of such a very few who will make it all the way to the end! And the rest, the greater majority will be subjected to the contents of the next quote, what a horrible doom, what a dreadful destiny.
206 There will be a ministry that will show great wonders, Joel said so, but there'll be NO TIME for redemption. It's all over. The Lamb has done TOOK His BOOK, and His redeemed is over. As Jesus first preached and was rejected, and then went and haunted those that were in there, preached to them that were in prison, could not repent, no time for salvation, that same ministry will have to REPEAT AGAIN.
208 The Lamb TOOK His BOOK when, the SEVENTH SEAL just ready for it to be opened, the SIXTH Seal. Remember, He hid the Seventh Seal from us. He wouldn't do it. When the Angel stood, day by day, telling it, but then He wouldn't do it on that one. Said, "There is silence in Heaven." No one knew. It was the Coming of the Lord.
347 The Bride is sealed in with Christ, the LAST member has been redeemed. The SIXTH Seal has produced itself. The SEVENTH Seal brings Him back to earth. The Lamb come and took the Book out of the right hand of Him, and set down and claimed what He owned, what He had redeemed. That right? It's always been that Third Pull.
The last 2 quotes tell us once again what the SEVENTH Seal, the coming of the Lord is all about. We are not talking about great mysteries which are hidden under that 7th Seal, they will only be revealed at that time. But we want to know where, when and how will those mysteries opened up, we want to know how to get there and how it will be done that we can prepare to be part of it. That is what all these quotes tell us, what God's plan is, and what we must know to be ready to join them yonder.
304 Then you just might as well walk... You're finished, them that's outside. AFTER the Book was taken by the Lamb, the SIXTH Seal is revealed AND ALL the Seals, it's over. It could be. I hope it isn't.
391 There won't be NO mercy. Remember that. "And the sanctuary become smoky." "He that's filthy, is filthy still; he that's righteous, is righteous still; and he that's holy, is holy still." There is no more mercy, when the Lamb takes the Book; that's it, that's all of it. And it looks a whole lot like it could be now. Maybe we have another day; maybe today is that day. Maybe tomorrow is the la-... Maybe tonight is the last night. Maybe this is the LAST YEAR. I don't know, friends. I'm telling you, I don't know. It'll never be told me.
416 If this is the time, and we have arrived at that place, I am not ashamed of what I have preached. And if each minister has to stand with his congregation and be JUDGED, as I saw in the vision, I'm thankful for the Gospel that I have preached, because it's the same Gospel that Paul and them preached.
Brother Branham refers in the last quote to his experience behind the curtain of time. He was told by his converts over there that they are waiting for the coming of the Lord, not the resurrection as just about everybody on this side believes. They told him that he will be judged first about the Message he preached, and his converts will be judged according how they received it. Paul and all the other messengers, and all the ministers and their people will be judged like that. Looking at the last 2 quotes, we see that the opening of the 7 last Seals and the Judgment behind the curtain of time is the same event, both are called the day of redemption and the second coming of the Lord. We will be judged and redeemed and rewarded according to our righteous deeds recorded in the Lamb's Book of Life.
2013 was the 50th anniversary since Brother Branham preached the opening of the 7 written Seals. At least tens of thousands Message believers worldwide joined the Jubilee celebrations by listening together to the 7 Seals on the same 7 days when Brother Branham preached them 50 years ago. They all heard and seen those 19 quotes in the Seals which we see in this chapter, and as they continued the Jubilee celebration after the Seals, they have heard and seen all the other quotes in this chapter which were preached after March 1963, including the sermon "Souls that are in prison now."
As far as we can see, and that is limited, we can see no change that the Jubilee tape revival was supposed to bring about. It seems that the worldwide confusion about the coming of the Lord is as big as ever. Listening to these jubilee tapes appears to have had as much effect as water has on a duck's back. Despite all these quotes from our Prophet which make 2 times 7 Seals opened at different times as clear as clear can be, this teaching of the coming of the Lord is regarded by our huge opposition as one of the worst false doctrines in the Message. Any believer who read this chapter so far will have to decide between right or wrong, between what Brother Branham said, or the opinion of someone else. Soon, that decision will most certainly have far reaching consequences.