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In the year 2002, someone gave me a few books written by Pastor Dalton Bruce of the Bethel (The House of God) church in Freeport, Trinidad. Their understanding of the Message seemed to be of a higher standard than the usual run, but the degrading language they use to denounce any error he and his co-Pastors could find among other ministers was rather disturbing. In different places in his books and on the Internet, Pastor Bruce points rightly to the main reason why there is so much confusion in the worldwide Message.
He is well aware of the cause, which is the question, "How can Christ still be on the Mercy Seat, after the seven Seals have been opened in March 1963?" Brother Branham said many times that Christ must leave the Mercy Seat, the Intercessory post, to come forth and take the Book out of the hand of Him on the Throne, and open the seven Seals. The Seals were opened in 1963, but after that the Prophet said at least 150 times that the Lord Jesus is still the same High Priest.
In many different places, Pastor Bruce deals at length with this question, he even tells his ministers that they must master this challenge. He calls it "The great puzzle," but he himself has no answer for it to help them, even so he would never admit it. I wrote a letter to him, telling him that the fact of 2 times 7 Seals opened at different times is the only answer to solve the puzzle. He denounced that as a heresy and cut off any further contact with me. I wrote some letters with many convincing quotes to his co-Pastors to continue, but they also cut me off with the argument that a quote in the sermon "Spiritual Food in Due Season" cancels everything Brother Branham said about 2 times 7 Seals being opened, even quotes from the Seals and many more preached after March 1963.
Then the Editor Anthony Jack took it upon himself to continue our debate about the answer to the "great puzzle," and later they printed most of it in their books and put it on the Internet. That was the time when I found out that they are dishonest, they printed the questions they asked me, but mostly answered the questions themselves, and did not always print my answers, or just part of it. I also found out that they want to prove everybody to be wrong in their doctrine, and all who do not agree with them would fall, and in the end they would be the only ones left standing. That is the reason I call them a conspiracy, because their purpose is to belittle everybody, by any means.
Recently, I contacted Bro. Anthony Jack again, the purpose was to give him enough quotes to try to convince him that I do not have a false doctrine, hoping that he would at least take their writing about me off the Internet. But as expected, he still continues in his vicious ways. I thought it would be good to publish our conversation for anybody to see, and decide for themselves what's right and what's wrong, because what they write on their website about me gives a distorted version.
E-mail from me to Br. Jack, Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Hello Bro. Anthony Jack
You came on my mind, and I thought it might be good to send this e-mail to you, it is in connection of what we were discussing a few years ago. I thought I share this with you because it was a great blessing to me. Just before Easter, some of my many opponents told me once again that my understanding of the second coming of the Lord to judge the righteous saints of all ages BEFORE the resurrection of the dead in Christ is a false doctrine. When I try to show them quotes and Scriptures, they don't want to see that. Then my precious and good Lord Jesus gave me a revelation which does settle this subject for me for ever.
We know that in the dark ages 68 million believers were killed, according to the martyrology. But there were more than twice as many killed who were not registered. So we can safely say that there are at least 100 million saints "harvested" from that age. Presuming that there are as many in every other age, from the upper room at Pentecost till today, then there are at least 700 million members of the Bride behind the curtain of time. We can be absolutely sure that they are of one mind and one accord, not just believing the same, but knowing everything exactly to the dot, to the smallest detail.
According to Bro. Branham, they are in the first Heaven, in their Theophany- Word bodies, clothed in their white robes of fine linen which according to Revel.19:8 is the righteousness of saints. It would be unthinkable, even foolish to think that they could be in any way confused, or have different "doctrines" among themselves, they are also most certainly in one accord with the Angels and all the Host of Heaven, and Almighty God Himself. In 1960, when Bro. Branham was translated behind the Curtain of time, he met some of them over there. They told him exactly what the details, and the sequence of the coming of the Lord are. That is the very event they all are waiting for over there, all those hundreds of millions. Some of them who met Bro. Branham explained it to him:
381-1 {389} TO 382-4 {407} THE FIFTH SEAL 63-0322 = I said, "Well, if I have--if I have passed on, I want to see Jesus...." And so, he said, "You can't see Him now. He's still higher..." And they were-- all there and they was passing by, and I said,... Looked like there were actually millions of them.... And I set there. These women and men still running by and hugging me, call me brother.... then a voice said, "You've been gathered to your people like Jacob was gathered to his people." I said, "All these my people? Are all these Branhams?" He said, "No, they're your converts to Christ...."
He said, "Well now, He will COME someday, and He will come to you first, and then you'll be JUDGED." Said, "These people are your converts that you've led...." And I said, "You mean by being a leader, that I--that--that He will JUDGE me?" He said, "Yes." And I said, "Does EVERY leader have to be JUDGED like that?" Said, "Yes." I said, "What about Paul?" He said, "He will have to be JUDGED with HIS." Well, I said, "if his group GOES IN, so will MINE, 'cause I've preached exactly the same Word...." And the millions screamed out, all at once, said, "We're resting on that...." and he said, "Someday He will COME, and then... Now, in here we neither eat, drink, or sleep; we're just all one." ...He said, "Then when Jesus COMES, then we're... And He JUDGES YOU for your ministry, THEN we go back to earth and take up BODIES." (Well, I--I thought about it then; that's exactly the Scripture.) Said, "THEN we go back to earth and take up bodies; then we eat. We don't eat here, neither do we sleep." Said, "We eat down there. But we go back to the earth."
That's how the coming of the Lord was revealed to me over the last 24 years. The living saints will be translated to meet the dead before the Throne, to witness that Judgment of the righteous saints of all ages, the living and the dead, BEFORE the resurrection of the dead in Christ and the changing of our bodies can take place. That's when the bloody Lamb will come forth and open the 7 last Seals, and fully redeem, and claim, and confirm each and every one, and reward every one as Matth.16:27, Revel.2:23, and Revel.22:12 tells us. Since I came to the Message in 1977, I have never met or heard anybody who believes the coming of the Lord like that. There might be others, but I and my friends have never heard of anyone among the worldwide Message believers.
But I and those few of my fellow believers fully realize that we have about 700 million Brothers and Sisters in Heaven, including Bro. Branham and Paul and all the other saints, and the Angels and all the heavenly Host as witnesses that our understanding is absolutely right, and indisputable, and truly undeniable. Why? Because some of those very same saints behind the Curtain told the Prophet yonder that it will be exactly like that. Anybody speaking against it actually claims that he or she knows more and better than those saints behind the Curtain of time, and all the heavenly Host! Who could be so unwise to claim that? It's done all the time, just about everywhere, but ignorantly without realizing what they are saying.
Would Almighty God take His Prophet out of his body and translate him into the first Heaven to meet his converts to explain through them, and the Voice of an Angel all about His second coming, and allow them to tell His Prophet a false story full of mistakes? Certainly not! The wrong stories and confusion can only be on this side. Bro. Branham's many explanations of Mt. Transfiguration is a further confirmation that the coming of the Lord is BEFORE the resurrection, there cannot be any dead Bride members asleep in the grave AFTER the resurrection.
387 THE.UNCERTAIN.SOUND 60-1218 What did Moses meant? Moses was-- represented the ones that had died and was sleeping in the grave, 'cause Moses died and was buried; nobody know where he was buried at. But he represented the ones that were asleep when He come. And Elijah represented the translated ones, who didn't have to die. See? There you are.
This is confirmed by lots of Scriptures. The Bible says in many places that the Lord will come to judge the living (quick - KJV) and the dead. One of them, 2 Timothy 4:1, is built into the cornerstone at the Branham Tabernacle. Once again, there are no dead saints after the resurrection of the dead in Christ, so we must and will meet our Saviour at His coming BEFORE the dead will rise. The next quotes are just 2 from dozens preached throughout the Message, from the beginning to the end.
E-52 THE.QUEEN.OF.THE.SOUTH 58-0613 If I'd come back a year from now, there's many of you wouldn't be here. You'd be gone. The next time I see you, in my life... Many of you here, the next time you see my face, will be at the judgment bar where the queen of Sheba will be standing there. She made her stand.
297 MODERN.EVENTS.ARE.MADE.CLEAR.BY.PROPHECY 65-1206 This may be our last meeting time. We may never... If I would be back a year from today, if I live, there'd be many that's here now won't be here then. And I'll have to meet you at the judgment bar and answer for everything that I've said tonight.
No, not at the resurrection of the dead in Christ, but at the Judgment Seat of Christ will we meet Bro. Branham and our loved ones the next time, as he was told behind the Curtain of time. Every Message believer has the picture of the cloud, but how many understand that it shows Jesus at His second coming on the great and dreadful day of the Lord when He comes to judge us as faultless, blameless, unreproveable, and holy overcomer of sin and unbelief, and fully redeem His Bride in righteousness, and (except Israel) curse the rest of the gentiles on earth? That's according to the Bible in the Old Testament, and right through the New Testament.
66 THE.LAODICEAN.CHURCH.AGE 60-1211E ...it was the Lord's day. Is that right? And that's the day that He comes as a Judge, and will smite the earth with a curse. Is that right?
And I will send to you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the
great and dreadful day of the LORD:
18 THE.SECOND.COMING.OF.THE.LORD 57-0417 ...but it's speaking of the second coming of Christ. And this great subject that we have here before us now is one of the most vital subjects in the entire holy Writ. There's nothing so important as the coming of the Lord Jesus. For if He does NOT come, we have been found false witnesses, our dead that's in the grave are PERISHED, and there is NO HOPE left for us if Jesus doesn't come visibly the second time.
The dead in Christ would remain perished in the grave if the Lord Jesus would not come visibly the second time to first fully redeem them. Therefore the perception that His coming is AFTER the resurrection is a wrong witness which leaves no hope for the living saints, because we would miss His coming altogether. That shows once more, as some of the hundreds of millions of Brothers and Sisters yonder, and the Heavenly Host witnessed to Bro. Branham behind the Curtain of time, that the second coming of the Lord at the Judgment Seat of Christ will take place BEFORE the resurrection of the dead.
My Brother, if you think that this understanding is wrong, please let me know where and what is wrong, and please give me the correct doctrine of the Lord's coming which would disprove these facts. Looking forward to hear from you. God bless you.
Bro. Emil Fichter
E-mail from Br. Jack to me, Friday, April 27, 2012
Hello Mr. Fichter,
Your doctrine is antichrist, as it cannot fit the scripture nor this experience of the prophet. You have added to the experience of the prophet.
You quoted: He said, "Then when Jesus COMES, then we're... And He JUDGES YOU for your ministry, THEN we go back to earth and take up BODIES." (Well, I--I thought about it then; that's exactly the Scripture.) Said, "THEN we go back to earth and take up bodies; then we eat. We don't eat here, neither do we sleep." Said, "We eat down there. But we go back to the earth."
The WE who goes back to earth and take up bodies are the dead. The living do not have to take up bodies. The bodies of the living are changed and they had been eating all the time on earth. Only the dead have to take up bodies before they can eat.
You further stated: The living saints will be translated to meet the dead before the Throne, to witness that Judgment of the righteous saints of all ages, the living and the dead, BEFORE the resurrection of the dead in Christ and the changing of our bodies can take place. That's when the bloody Lamb will come forth and open the 7 last Seals
Where did it say in this experience, or where did the prophet or the scripture say that the living are translated out of their bodies to meet the dead? No where in this experience was it spoken of opening of seals. You added those things to what was told the prophet in this experience. Where did the prophet or the scripture say that the lamb opens seven seals at this time.
Where is your scripture for 14 seals? The Bible was sealed with only seven seals. The prophet said that the seals at the back of the book was the unwritten thunders, which was hiding under the last seal, not seven seals. They were at the back of the book because the seven thunders were not written in the book. So there are no other seven seals.
Your doctrine is therefore antichrist
E-mail from me to Br Jack, Friday, April 27, 2012
Bro. Anthony Jack,
Your reply shows once again how you just ignore and disregard what does not fit into your conception of the Message and the Bible. Behind the Curtain, the dead saints explained to Bro. Branham their part in the coming of the Lord. But the next quote I gave you is one of many about Mt. Transfiguration where he clearly said that Moses represents the dead saints, and Elijah the TRANSLATED living saints. You know the message well enough that there are lots of quotes like that. All the other quotes you just ignored.
213 GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP 65-0425 Like on Mount Transfiguration, where every one of us is represented there; there was Moses, the one that died and raised again; there was Elijah, the quickening saints that'll be caught up at the last day.
You wrote: where did the prophet or the scripture say that the living are translated... Here are some, the quick are the living saints who have been raptured by the quickening power to meet the dead before the Throne:
ACTS 10:42 And he commanded us to preach unto the people, and to testify that it is he which was ordained of God to be the Judge of quick and dead.
I PETER 4:5 Who shall give account to him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead.
6 For for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit.
II TIMOTHY 4:1 I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;
35-2 THE.EASTER.SEAL 65-0410 I seen tens of thousands times thousands coming, young men and women running, throwing their arms around me, screaming. I looked right back and seen myself laying on the bed. Oh, Lord, let me look a past the curtain of time. What is it? It's quickening power that'll catch US away: that great quickening power.
The same quickening power that took Paul and Bro. Branham out of their bodies and translated them to the 3rd and 1st Heaven will also catch us away, exactly the same. The quick means the living saints who have been translated by quickening power to meet the dead saints before the Throne to be judged in the same Judgment that was explained to Bro. Branham behind the curtain. If these quotes and Scriptures don't prove that, then what else do you need to see that fact?
121 REVELATION.CHAPTER.FOUR.1 60-1231 Come up here with Me." Amen. "And I'll show you what's going to take place hereafter." Oh, my. Oh. Caught up in the vision, caught up into glory... His experience must've been something like that of Paul's. II Corinthians 12:2 and 4, if you're putting it down. II Corinthians... 2 to 4. Paul was caught up one day, in a--in a vision too.... ...Oh, my. I don't believe he could do it. (Why, a little trip I took one day, I've never got over it and never will.) See
E-100 ABRAHAM.AND.HIS.SEED.AFTER.HIM 61-0416 God, I pray that You'll change our mortal bodies one of these days. Like the vision, or a translation, or whatever it was the other night... We'll be caught up one of these days, changed, just... Lord, I believe it with all that's in my heart.
31-1 IS.THIS.THE.SIGN.OF.THE.END.SIR 62-1230E 3rd mystery is the mystery of the translation of the living saints at the end time of this age: I Corinthians 15 and also Thessalonians 4:14-17.
35-2 IS.THIS.THE.SIGN.OF.THE.END.SIR 62-1230E There'll just be a few understand it. "As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the coming of the Son of man." What was saved? Five souls. In the days of Lot there was actually three saved. The wife started out and lost. So shall it be in the coming of the Son of man. There'll be very few saved, translated in that time. One of the mysteries of that church being taken up...
57-5 {373} GOD.HIDING.HIMSELF.IN.SIMPLICITY... 63-0317M There'll be one leave Georgia. See? There'll be one leave in Africa. And let's say there'd be five hundred people a-living will go in the translation. Now, that ain't--that ain't the church body; this is the Bride. That ain't the church; this is the Bride.
The lack of the understanding of this translation will reduce the living saints of the Bride to just a very, very, very few. The next quotes and Scriptures show: ....out of their bodies to meet the dead?
II COR. 5:6 Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body,
we are absent from the Lord:
7 (For we walk by faith, not by sight:)
8 We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.
9 Wherefore we labour, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him.
10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things
done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.
We cannot meet the Lord to be fully redeemed in this body as verse 6 says, therefore we must have this great translation faith (verse 7) and be willing and confident (hopeful courage, and are well pleased = Amplified B.) to leave this body to be translated to meet the Lord at the Judgment Seat of Christ (verse 10) to be accepted by Him (verse 9) and be judged and confirmed to be blameless as 1 Cor. 1:7+8 etc. says.
172 THE.RAPTURE 65-1204 The next rapture takes place is II Thessalonians for the church, the Bride, to be resurrected to be raptured into glory. "We which are alive and remain (That's the body that's left on earth.) will not prevent or hinder them which are asleep; for the trumpet of God shall sound first, and the dead in Christ shall rise. (See?) And we which are alive and remain shall caught up together with them."
As the Prophet tells us, all Scriptures have a compound meaning, so has 1 Thessalonians 4:14 - 18. We will gather at the Judgment Seat of Christ in our Theophany bodies, while the natural bodies of the living saints remain ON the earth as the quote above tells us, and as Bro. Branham saw his body left behind on the bed. And the bodies of the dead will still be in the grave under the earth or in the sea. Where else could the bodies of the dead be? There are no "on the earth" bodies of living people at the white Throne Judgment, because there are no living people there.
REVELATION 5:13 And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever.
There are lots of quotes where the Prophet said: "This robe of flesh I drop and rise to seize the everlasting prize..." And, "The soul leave the body like a bird from the cage" or "The soul is extracted like a tooth from the body." That's not the generally known Rapture for all the Bride, it's the soul leaving the body for this translation.
This is some of the evidence so far that the living saints join the dead at the Judgment Seat of Christ for the second coming of the Lord BEFORE the resurrection of the dead (and the changing of our bodies) as it was explained to Bro. Branham behind the curtain of time. I am not an antichrist, I am exactly with the word. This is enough for today, I can show you in another e-mail that this Judgment and the opening of the last Seals is the same event.
E. Fichter
E-mail from Br Jack to me, Friday, April 28, 2012
Mr. Fichter,
I never asked where did the prophet say that the living are translated? That is very deceitful of you. I asked : Where did it say in this experience, or where did the prophet or the scripture say that the living are translated out of their bodies to meet the dead? No where in this experience was it spoken of opening of seals. You added those things to what was told the prophet in this experience. Where did the prophet or the scripture say that the lamb opens seven seals at this time.
You have not answered my question as yet. You also used this quotation of the prophet deceitfully:
172 THE.RAPTURE 65-1204 The next rapture takes place is II Thessalonians for the church, the Bride, to be resurrected to be raptured into glory. "We which are alive and remain (That's the body that's left on earth.) will not prevent or hinder them which are asleep; for the trumpet of God shall sound first, and the dead in Christ shall rise. (See?) And we which are alive and remain shall caught up together with them."
... That's not the generally known Rapture for all the Bride, it's the soul leaving the body for this translation.
The prophet never said that we are translated and our bodies (plural) are left on earth. He said "The body" (singular). That is a body of people. You are perverting the message like the serpent in Eden. The prophet was speaking of the fifth rapture, which at this time he said the dead are resurrected before the rapture. You say this is before the resurrection. The prophet said there are only five raptures. You are preaching six raptures:
You stated: 35-2 THE.EASTER.SEAL 65-0410 I seen tens of thousands times thousands coming, young men and women running, throwing their arms around me, screaming. I looked right back and seen myself laying on the bed. Oh, Lord, let me look a past the curtain of time. What is it? It's quickening power that'll catch US away: that great quickening power.
The same quickening power that took Paul and Bro. Branham out of their bodies and translated them to the 3rd and 1st Heaven will also catch us away, exactly the same.
Yes, the same quickening power will catch us away in a rapture. The prophet said rapture means to be caught up, and we are caught up after the resurrection of the dead. Not caught up out of our bodies before the dead are resurrected.
You stated: But the next quote I gave you is one of many about Mt. Transfiguration where he clearly said that Moses represents the dead saints,
213 GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP 65-0425 Like on Mount Transfiguration, where every one of us is represented there; there was Moses, the one that died and raised again; there was Elijah, the quickening saints that'll be caught up at the last day.
The prophet said that Moses represents the dead saints that were raised again. In other words:: resurrected. You are saying that the living are translated to meet the dead that have not as yet been raised again. Who should I believe, you or the prophet?
You do not believe this message. You have your own doctrine.
You quoted: E-100 ABRAHAM.AND.HIS.SEED.AFTER.HIM 61-0416 God, I pray that You'll change our mortal bodies one of these days. Like the vision, or a translation, or whatever it was the other night... We'll be caught up one of these days, changed, just... Lord, I believe it with all that's in my heart.
31-1 IS.THIS.THE.SIGN.OF.THE.END.SIR 62-1230E 3rd mystery is the mystery of the translation of the living saints at the end time of this age: I Corinthians 15 and also Thessalonians 4:14-17.
The first quotation is saying that our bodies are changed before we are cught. In the second quotation, I Thessalonians 2{ 12-17 verified that we are caught up together with the dead after they rise first. So you do not know what you are talking about.
Show me where the prophet interpreted II COR. 5:6 the way you did, You cannot. That is your privated opinion. Therefore it is a heresy.
I repeat my questions: Where did it say in this experience, or where did the prophet or the scripture say that the living are translated out of their bodies to meet the dead? No where in this experience was it spoken of opening of seals. You added those things to what was told the prophet in this experience. Where did the prophet or the scripture say that the lamb opens seven seals at this time.
Where is your scripture for 14 seals? The Bible was sealed with only seven seals. The prophet said that the seals at the back of the book was the unwritten thunders, which was hiding under the last seal, not seven seals. They were at the back of the book because the seven thunders were not written in the book. So there are no other seven seals.
E-mail from me to Br Jack, Monday, April 30, 2012
Bro. Anthony Jack
I am absolutely 100% sure that you are sharp enough, and know the Message well enough that you realize that what I wrote to you is exactly with the Bible and the Message, but you cannot agree because you have denominated on something else, and you must uphold that under all circumstances, no matter how much you have to twist and pervert the quotes and Scriptures to do it. But:
40 GOD.DOESN'T.CALL.MAN.TO.JUDGMENT... 63-0724 Now, because we have a responsibility that we've got to answer to God someday for. EVERY MAN that come on the FACE of the EARTH has to answer to God for a responsibility. And to many of us, a stewardship, we have to answer for. We... This responsibility is a stewardship that's been committed to us by God; I don't care what it is. As I said a few moments ago, "a housewife," then be a genuine housewife. That's right. If it's to be a farmer, be a genuine farmer. Whatever it is that God has put you to do, you got a stewardship to that; you've got to answer to God for, because it takes all these things to do it.
I am aware of that at all times, that's why I don't cheat and pervert. EVERY person has to answer to God, either as a member of the righteous Bride, whether living or dead, or else at the White Throne Judgment. You have denied that already, but you will answer anyhow, no matter how much you deny it because the Bible and the Prophet said so.
You wrote that the Judgment at the coming of the Lord as explained to the Prophet behind the Curtain of time is only for the dead saints, not the living saints. There you delete the quote above already. I gave you the Scriptures and quotes where Bro. Branham clearly explains that the living saints will be translated, quickening power will take us there (35-2 65-0410 etc.) like he was taken out of his body and translated behind the curtain of time, and as Paul was taken out of his body to be translated to the 3rd Heaven. After the resurrection when we have our glorified bodies, we don't need translation power for that rapture.
You twisted the quote from the Rapture message (172 65-1204), if the body left on earth is a "body of people" as you wrote, then how can that body of people be raptured as the quote says, and at the same time be left on earth??? A 10 year old child would laugh at such a silly statement. Your next quote you twisted up was that of Mt. Transfiguration, let me give you another one.
387 THE.UNCERTAIN.SOUND 60-1218 ...there appeared to Him, Moses and Elijah. Watch that. What did Moses meant? Moses was--represented the ones that HAD DIED and was SLEEPING in the GRAVE, 'cause Moses died and was buried; nobody know where he was buried at. But he represented the ONES that were ASLEEP when HE COME. And Elijah represented the TRANSLATED ONES, who DIDN'T have to DIE. See? There you are.
According to this quote, you ought to acknowledge that your "interpretation" of Mt. Transfiguration was wrong. At the coming of the Lord, the bodies of the dead saints will still sleep in the grave, under the earth and in the sea as Revel. 5:3 + 13 says, and the living saints will be translated to join the dead to meet the coming Lord. Peter was a witness at Mt. Transfiguration, he explains:
I PETER 4:5 Who shall give account to him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead.
6 For for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that ARE DEAD, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit.
As the first quote says, EVERY man will give an account to God. At the second coming of the Lord, the living saints will be called (Rev.4:1) to come up hither, to leave the body and be translated by quickening power to meet the dead before the Throne to be "judged" and confirmed (1 Cor. 1:7+8) as the faultless and holy and blameless Bride. As the Prophet was told behind the Curtain of time, Paul and Peter and all the saints will be there. In verse 6 Peter explains that those who ARE still DEAD at that time will be judged according to their life on earth in the their flesh, but are now living in their Spirit-Theophany body which they entered at their death. In that Spirit body they will be judged and rewarded as overcomer of unbelief and sin.
Same with Paul, Bro. Branham asked, "Is Paul going to be judged? Yes, he will be judged with his people..." In 1 Cor.4:3-5 he confirms it, and in 2 Tim.4:1 he says the same as Peter did:
II TIMOTHY 4:1 I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;
As explained already by Bro. Branham, the quick is the living saints that will be translated by quickening power just like he was taken out of the body and translated or raptured behind the Curtain, and as Paul was taken out of his body and raptured or translated to the 3rd Heaven. Yes like that, and no other way. That same Paul confirms this translation to be like he tells us in 2 Cor. 5:6. When you call me a heretic for that, then it will bounce right off me and unto Bro. Branham because I say what he said, and you will answer for it to Christ at His Judgment Seat. Good luck to you!!!
121 REVELATION.CHAPTER.FOUR.1 60-1231 Now, immediately after He'd showed the end of the age of His work here, He went on up into heaven and said, "I'll show you what's going to be after this, after the church ages." He said, "John, I can't talk to you down there no more, 'cause I've left down there. I've come up higher. Come up here with Me." Amen. "And I'll show you what's going to take place hereafter." Oh, my. Oh. Caught up in the vision, caught up into glory...
HIS EXPERIENCE must've been something like that of Paul's. II Corinthians 12:2 and 4, if you're putting it down. II Corinthians... 2 to 4. Paul was caught up one day, in a--in a vision too. Did you know that? And he saw things that wasn't expedient for him to even talk about; fourteen years, never even mentioned it. See? But listen at the difference between them.
What Paul saw, he was forbidden to speak of it or to tell it out to the public. Oh, my. I don't believe he could do it. (Why, a little trip I took one day, I've never got over it and never will.)
Right through that sermon and others, the Prophet explains that John represents us, the living saints, and we will be caught up like Paul was, and like in the trip Bro. Branham took when he was taken out of his body to be translated behind the curtain. That's enough about that translation, if you don't see it then you just don't want to see it, that's all.
You wrote: ...No where in this experience was it spoken of opening of seals. You added those things to what was told the prophet in this experience. Where did the prophet or the scripture say that the lamb opens seven seals at this time.
E-39 BLIND.BARTIMAEUS 54-0402 But one of these days we're going to have to meet again into His Presence and give an account for all that we've done and said here on earth, when the GREAT Book is opened in the JUDGMENT.
E-13 BALM.IN.GILEAD 59-0707 I wonder, when this United States of America, which is my home sweet home, when God's GREAT Book is opened at the day of JUDGMENT, and this nation is brought to judgment...
E-54 WATCHMAN.WHAT.OF.THE.NIGHT 60-0722 You said there would be a Church would be there without spot or wrinkle. Father, O God, let OUR NAMES be on that GREAT Book up there. May WE APPEAR without spot or wrinkle. Cleanse our heart from sin, and that's unbelief, Lord.
190 IDENTIFICATION 64-0216 If there is those here, Lord, who was in Your thinking before the foundation of the world, surely this is awakened them up. I trust that every one of them was. And there, Father, we'll know when YOU COME, and the GREAT Book is OPENED, we'll understand then.
Yes, the GREAT Book is the Lamb's Book of Life, that's the one which contains our righteous deeds and new name, and the bloody Lamb will come to take that one out of the right hand of him on the Throne, at the Judgment Seat of Christ, and loose those 7 LAST Seals and judge us, and redeem and reward us according to our works written and sealed in there.
You wrote: Where is your scripture for 14 seals? The Bible was sealed with only seven seals. The prophet said that the seals at the back of the book was the unwritten thunders, which was hiding under the last seal, not seven seals. They were at the back of the book because the seven thunders were not written in the book. So there are no other seven seals.
Really? Where is your Scripture that there are NOT 2 times 7 Seals opened at different times? Show me! Apart from the quotes above, the Prophet spoke of the 7 LAST Seals (193 61-0806, 27 61-0723M, 597-7 61-0723E, 6 62-1014E etc.), and 7 OTHER Seals (30-1 62-1230E), and 7 DIFFERENT Seals. Revelation 5:2 says that an Angel asked "Who is worthy to open the book, AND to loose the Seals thereof?" How can you open the book first, and then loose the Seals thereof? Can you answer that one? The Seals are there to keep the book shut, you have to break the Seals first BEFORE yo can open the Book. That's why we got a Prophet to reveal these hidden things, and he explains it clear enough.
90-6 {145} THE.BREACH... 63-0317E And the whole thing here, the Seven Seals got the mysteries of God from the foundation of the world all sealed up in there, and revealed by Seven DIFFERENT Seals; that if God willing--let Him--let us pull back THESE Seals and look down through the Book and find out what it's all about. See? Oh, I hope we have a great time.
THESE 7 Seals hold the mystery, the secrets, the questions, the puzzle of the coming of the Lord, it's sealed up in the "Book written within" which is our Bible. Therefore, THESE Seals have to be opened first to reveal, open up, unseal the mystery about the loosening of the 7 DIFFERENT Seals on the backside of the Book. That's how Revel. 5:2 makes sense. On top of the same page in the Breach, Bro. Branham explains it better. As far as I have experienced, everyone seems to have missed this fact.
90-1 {140} THE.BREACH 63-0317E This is described in THIS seven-sealed Book that we're talking of NOW. All right. The Book of Redemption, it's all described in here. ALL that what Christ WILL DO at the END will be revealed to us THIS WEEK in the Seven Seals if God will let us. See? All right; it'll be revealed. And revealed as the Seals break and are released TO US, then we can SEE what this great PLAN of redemption is and WHEN and HOW it's GOING to BE DONE. It's all hidden in this Book of mystery here. It's sealed up with Seven Seals...
We seen the quotes about the GREAT Book, to be opened at the day of Judgment. Bro. Branham said in the Sealsbook on page 72-4 {32} and 146-3 {196} that NOW, in that week in 1963, the Seals of the LITTLE Book were opened. They described, revealed, illustrated, expressed, defined, presented and "unsealed" this previously hidden mysteries of what Christ WILL DO at His second coming, at the END. 1963 was not the END, but the revealing of the PLAN of REDEMPTION tells us what will take place on the day of REDEMPTION, when the PLAN will be fulfilled, and WHEN and HOW it is GOING to be DONE. Now, after these mysteries have been revealed, now we know how to prepare for that great and dreadful day of the Lord, and to be ready for it.
2 pages further, Bro. Branham starts to explain what Christ will do at the END. He starts with the translation of John, who represents us, the living saints who will meet the dead saints before the Throne.
92-3 {154} THE.BREACH 63-0317E And John, in the Spirit, standing up here in heaven... He's just been lifted up now from the Church Ages (See?), saw the Church Ages, and then he was taken up in the 4th chapter. He said, "Come up higher; I'm going to show you things that will come...."
And he saw One setting upon the throne with this Book in His hand, in His right hand. Think of it. Now, and then in this Book was the title deed to redemption. And it was sealed with Seven Seals. And then a Angel came forth, a strong Angel proclaiming with a loud voice, "Who was worthy to open the Book, to take the Book; Who was able to open the Seals...
Here is the plan of redemption. HERE IS THE ONLY WAY YOU'LL EVER BE REDEEMED...
And John said there was no man in heaven found worthy; no man on earth found worthy; no man beneath the earth that ever lived and died was found worthy; no man was found worthy....
The Angel's call was a call for the Kinsman Redeemer to appear...
And it come from Adam all the way down through all the apostles, and prophets, and everything else, and nobody was found. Now, what about that? Nobody in heaven, nobody on earth, nobody that ever lived... Elijah was standing there. Moses was standing there. All the apostles were standing there of--of all the ones that had died, all the holy men, Job, the sages. EVERYONE was standing there, and nobody was worthy even to look at the Book, let alone take It and break the Seals.
Did that happen in 1963? It would be crazy to claim that. EVERYBODY standing there includes me, Emil Fichter, I will be there at the END, that will be the time WHEN and WHERE and HOW I will meet my Lord Jesus in His nailscared body as Bro. Branham said in the Breach 89-3 {137} = ...so He could die to redeem man. Wait till WE see HIM, when there's nobody worthy.
There are at least 17 quotes in the Sealsbook which explain and "unseal" to us the great mystery of what Christ will do at the END, when He will gather all His saints of all ages before the Throne, and come forth from the Mercy Seat to take the Book. Let's look at one of them, all the other ones say more or less the same. I attach a pamphlet which shows most of the other quotes.
125-6 {59} TO 126-3 {61} THE.FIRST.SEAL 63-0318 Now, the Lamb in the time of intercessory back here, He knew that there were names in there that was put in there from the foundation of the world, and as long as them names have never been MANIFESTED on earth as yet, He had to stay there as Intercessor. Do you get it? Perfectly predestination...
...Therefore as long as there was ONE NAME hadn't never yet been clared--DECLARED in earth, Christ had to stay there as an Intercessor to take care of that name...
Anybody under the age of 49 was not even born in 1963, they could not have been MANIFESTED on earth, or DECLARED in earth. In your book 11 on page 45 and 60 and many other places, you write that the Christ is still the High Priest on the Mercy Seat, and remains there till the last elected is baptized into the Body of Christ. That is obviously still in the future. Filthy people can still become righteous and holy, that has not changed yet because there is still mercy, just like before March 1963.
...But as soon as that final name had been splashed in that Clorox or bleach, then His intercessory days was over. "Let him that's filthy be filthy still. Let him that's holy, he's holy still." See? And he LEAVES the sanctuary, and then it becomes a JUDGMENT SEAT. Woe unto those outside of Christ then. Now, notice: But it's to be revealed when the Lamb leaves His intercessory place from the Father. (Now, that's Revelation 5). Now, He TAKES the Book of Seals, the Book of Seals or a Book SEALED with Seals, breaks them and shows them (look) at the END of the age now, AFTER the intercessory is OVER; the church ages has done finished up.
You write everywhere that the intercessory is not over yet, and it certainly isn't or else we are not in the Message. As this quote and at least another 16 in the Sealsbook tell us, AFTER the last one is manifested and declared on earth, and cleaned by the bleach, then and only then will the Lamb come forth and take the Lamb's Book of life (486-3 {188} 63-0324M) and loose those OTHER Seals to all the gathered saints of all ages, the living and the dead.
You call me all these evil names like heretic and antichrist and what more because I believe quotes like the one above and many more. I know already that you will deny this one above and all the others, but let me show you what Bro. Branham calls you, where he tells you what you are.
264-5 {263} THE.THIRD.SEAL 63-0320 And now, how can you be an antichrist? Anybody that DENIES that EVERY WORD of THIS--isn't true and to be TAUGHT just the same, is an antichrist, 'cause they deny the--the--the--the--the Word, and He is the Word.
Bro. Branham teaches 2 times 7 Seals opened at different times right through the 1963 Sealsopening and the whole Message, and all you could ever do is lambasting and speak evil of it and call me most degrading names for believing the Prophet word by word. The quote above applies to you in every sense, because you don't teach the one above that one like the Prophet does.
I do not expect any repentance from you and your boss, I know that is not in you, you only dish that out to others. In your book 12 on page 206, S. ....... asked your boss to remove him from your website, and your boss told him that he could fulfill his request only on the basis of Scriptures and the Message of Bro. Branham. .......... 's teaching is lacking that, but my understanding is not lacking, it's proven according to the Scripture and the Message. I don't claim to know everything, certainly not, but my understanding of the opening of the Seals is much closer to the truth than yours.
I have only one request, please take everything about me off your website, I don't mind about the books. Then I won't bother you anymore. Don't forget, this e-mail and this request is also recorded in Heaven, and we both have to face it again one day, as the first quote in this e-mail clearly explains.
E. Fichter
E-mail from Br Jack to me, Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Mr. Fichter, I don't think we are getting anywhere. I believe the Word and message, and you are in a delusion of the devil. You do not believe I will repent, and I don't believe you will either. So let us not waste each other's time anymore. I will save your emails and mines, incase we have to further expose you and your heresies on a subsequent publication. Why ask to have your exposition removed from our website? Are you ashamed of your teachings? I think you should be overjoyed to have your teachings published on our website, free of charge. Could you please send a photo of yourself that we could identify your face with your heretical teachings, if the Lord will so lead?
E-mail from me to Br Jack, Tuesday, May 2, 2012
Bro. Jack,
You truly showed your colour, you are not sincere, without any respect or fear for God's Word. As you said, I will certainly not waste any more time. I feel actually sorry for you, I would not want to stand in your place at the Judgment. In your book 11 on page 61 you show what you are made of by cutting out the important part of a quote. The yellow part is what you left out to uphold your own idea. With that "revelation" I want to end any further contact with you.
Quote: 124-5 {51} "When the Seals completely are broken, the time of redemption is over, because the Lamb left the intercession post to walk out to take His claims. He was a Mediator between that, but when the real revelation happens on the Seals as they begin to break, the Lamb is coming forth from the sanctuary... He's not a Mediator then." (THE FIRST SEAL 63-0318)
124-5 {51} THE.FIRST.SEAL 63-0318 = Now, the mystery of the Book are revealed WHEN the Seals ARE BROKEN. And when the Seals completely are broken, the time of redemption is over, because the Lamb left the intercession post to walk out to take His claims. He was a Mediator between that, but when the real revelation happens on the Seals as they begin to break, the Lamb is coming forth from the sanctuary. It's according to the Word. We read it last night. HE COME from the--out of the midst and TOOK the BOOK. So He's no more Mediator, because even they called Him a Lion, and that's the--that's the King, and He's not a Mediator then.
E-mail from Br Jack to me, Tuesday, May 2, 2012
Mr. Fitcher,
Who are though that judgest another man's servant? It seems as though I touched a sore spot. You sound angry. Tut! Tut! Temper! Temper! Do't blow the lid. My place at the Judgment will be a very glorious one. I will be sitting on a throne, with Christ, judging heretics who pervert the message of Malachi 4. Please save yourself such embarassment, with your nonsensical fourteen seals doctrine of the devil. Leave such nonsensical, illiterate teachings for fourth world people. Not even third world people are so foolish. You sound like you can't even count. It is 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. Not 1,2,3,4,5,6,14.
That's when our "fellowship" ended, in that quote they cut out the very answer of the "great puzzle," it is one of the 17 in the Sealsbook where Brother Branham clearly and distinctly explains that when the last one is manifested on earth, or declared in earth, is finish and sealed, and when "He which is filthy, let him be filthy still, and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still ...", and when all the saints of all ages will be gathered before the Throne, from Adam to the last one, then the bloody Lamb, the Kinsman Redeemer, the Lion, the King, the Judge will leave the Intercessory Post, the Mercy Seat, the place of Meditorial, the Altar, and come forth in His nail-scared body "As It had been slain" (Revel.5:6) to take the Lamb's Book of Life out of the right hand of Him on the Throne, and fully redeem, and claim, and confirm (1 Corinth.1:7+8 etc.) each and every member of the Bride individually as faultless, blameless, unreproveable and holy overcomer of false doctrines and sins in the flesh. That's how the Bride will be redeemed there and then, and fully restored, it will reverse the fall of Eve and Adam who failed in Eden, and caused death to all mankind.
If we can see and understand that, then that's when the pieces come together to form the picture, and the great puzzle is solved. The opening of the 7 written Seals in March 1963 poured out all the pieces of the puzzle. It revealed, opened up, "unsealed," described what Christ will do at the END, and when and how it will be done on the Lord's day (Revel.1:10,) the great and dreadful day of the Lord (Malachi 4:5), the day of Redemption (Ephes.1:14 + 4:30) at the second coming of the Lord. It is very sad to see that this great confusion is spread all over the world, on the Internet, at various forums and everywhere, even in the very center and place from which the Message originated.
On February 28, 2012, on the day of the 49th anniversary of the appearing of the cloud, VOICE of GOD RECORDINGS announced on their website that they are canceling the Easter services at VGR for this year. The reason for this cancellation was that the hour is late, and that: "...we should cleave to the Word like never before. Gather in your churches, have prayer together, listen to the prophet, read your Bibles in your homes and with your families, love one another, serve one another, do everything the Word says, for our Lord will soon return and we must be ready."
That is certainly true and very appropriate, and more important than anything else is that we must be READY. The announcement continued: "One day, there will be a GREAT EASTER when the dead in Christ shall rise and we will meet our Lord Jesus in the air. Then, He will wipe away these tears of sorrow."
Like just about everywhere else, this belief that the resurrection will be the next event BEFORE we meet our coming Lord is a shortcut which ignores the "greatest event in human history" as Brother Branham calls it, the day of REDEMPTION. It deeply grieves me to have to write this about VGR, because they are doing a great work, but the fact is that this understanding of the coming of the Lord Jesus is misleading whoever reads and believes this, it is certainly not the way to get READY to meet the Lord. Some will say, "Who are you to write stuff like this?" Let us see what the Bible and the Message says about this most vital subject. There are quotes in the Message which seem to indicate that the next event will be the resurrection of the dead, like these two.
Lord Jesus, as my poor heart jumps for joy, as I see the possibilities, of me a middle-aged man, but yet the possibilities of me seeing You come in this generation; to be alive and stand here, and see when that Trumpet sounds, "He that's filthy is filthy still. He that's righteous is righteous still. He that's holy is holy still." O Lord God, to think of us standing, in a moment in a twinkling of an eye, when the world won't know what's going on, but all of a sudden, you'll see appear before you, your loved ones that's gone on has come to unite with you again. And we'll be changed in a moment in a twinkling of an eye, and be caught up together to meet our Lord in the air, and then unite with Him to be there forever, and never to have to be out of His Presence again.
And so is the Holy Spirit; It's to be manifested when we see the Lord Jesus coming in glory, and feel that transforming power, and see the dead rising out of the grave, and know that in a second longer we'll be changed and have a body like His. It'll be made manifest. Then to see those who rejected it, will be left down-out--out.
Many times, this last quote has been given to me as evidence that the resurrection of the dead in Christ is the next event, to disprove my "false doctrine." But what about some other quotes in the SAME SERMON? In the next quote, Brother Branham talks about the living saints meeting the dead over there, those who have fallen asleep. We meet them over there behind the Curtain of time, NOT here on earth, like the vision (translation) "told us everything" about it. Isaiah 28 tells us that the Bible is here a little and there a little, precept upon precept, line upon line. The Message is the same.
I--I--I believe we're all going up now, one of these days. And if we happen to fall asleep BEFORE that time, I'm taken from you, remember, I'll meet you over there. I know it's there. The very vision's that's told you everything, being perfect, has come to pass just as He said.
Look what Paul said in the Book of Hebrews the 11th chapter, said they was sawed asunder and pulled apart, wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins in the--the desert and destitute and so forth, lives that this world's not worthy of. There you are. That life's worthy of the Gospel. How's mine and yours going to stand in the day of judgment with men like that?
When we're all (the living saints) going up now, be translated to meet those who have fallen asleep before the coming of the Lord, we will also meet all those great men of God mentioned in Hebrew chapter 11, and we will be judged as worthy sons and daughters with them, as the Prophet was told yonder. Then, after that Judgment, then we come back to earth to pick up the new bodies. THEN we will feel the transforming power, and see the dead rising out of the graves.
Here in South Africa where I live, we have this multitude of different Message doctrines all over the country, and that is more or less the same in every other country around the world. If the believers would know how much most Ministers sweep under the rug when they study the Message and the Bible, they would be shocked. I have heard time and again that many believers don't care anymore, many go to church like those in the denominations without any zeal, because they are utterly confused from hearing different Message versions all the time.
We have a question here that needs the right answer! Is it possible to exactly pinpoint the coming of the Lord step by step, so that everybody who is willing can understand it? Something which no sensible person can deny? Some facts so clear that the Sisters also, and the bigger children can absolutely understand it? Yes, I believe it can be done, or else I would never mention these things.
At the beginning of this chapter, in the first e-mail to Br. Jack, I did refer to it already. We know when the Lord takes a predestinated member of His Bride home, at the last breath the soul leaves this earthly body and enters his or her Theophany body as explained in 2 Corinthians 5:1. Then that saint will be translated to join all the other saints behind the Curtain of time.
Melchisedec was the Priest, but He became Jesus Christ. Now, you bypassed that, because in that form He knowed ALL THINGS. And you have never been able to know that yet. You come like Adam, like me. You became from the attribute to the flesh to be tempted. But when this life is finished here... "If this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one already waiting." That's where we go; that is the Word. Then we can look back and see what we done. NOW, we don't understand it. We have never become the Word; we've just become the flesh-man, not the Word...
See, he become here and was part of that Word, and he entered from the flesh life back into the body that had been prepared for him before the foundation of the world. He entered into the theophany which was the Word. You get it? That's where ALL believers go when we turn from here. Then in that form the veil then is lifted. You see you are the Word also when you enter into there.
67 + 92 WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC -- JEFF.IN -- V-5 N-10 - 65-0221E
During the dark ages, 68 million believers were killed, besides many more who are not registered. We can safely say that there are many hundreds of million Brothers and Sisters yonder, from all 7 church ages, somewhere behind the Curtain of time. As we see in the quotes above, they are in their Theophany-Word bodies, in which they know ALL THINGS. I am sure that we all agree that it is impossible that there could be any disagreement or confusion among them, nothing whatsoever.
Being in Heaven, they are also completely in one accord with the heavenly Host, with all the Angels and with Almighty God Himself. No "false doctrine" could ever come from that side, anything that causes a confusion originates on this side. In 1960, Brother Branham was taken out of his body and was translated behind the Curtain of time to meet his converts yonder, all those Brothers and Sisters in their Theophany bodies in which they know ALL THINGS. What for? To explain to him the exact sequence of events which will take place at the coming of the Lord. The Voice of an Angel and some of those saints told him all about it, could anybody question that as inaccurate?
And that Voice said, "But you can't see Him now. He's higher. Someday He will come back." And then ministers, and people all standing around, I begin to recognize them then. After I seen they were my converts of people I'd knowed in life. They were young. I didn't know them then. You see, they went back to young men and women. "Oh," I said, "there's brother and sister..." I--I was just so happy. I--I never was so happy in my life. And I said, "If I'd only knowed this beforehand." And I looked around, and I said, "Do you mean that He will come to me?"
Said, "He will come to you, and He will question you on the Gospel that you preached, because you were borned a leader." And then, and I said, "Well, will Paul have to stand the same judgment by it?" "Sure." I said, "Then if Paul makes it, I will too, because I preached the same thing he did, without compromising on one word." And all them people screamed out, "We are resting assure on that." Said, "THEN we'll go back to earth and receive a glorified BODY, and live together through forever in this condition."
E-38 ABRAHAM -- YAKIMA.WA -- 60-0803
...Said, "That woman that you're admiring," said, "you know how old she was when you led her to Christ?" I said, "I have no idea." Said, "Past ninety." Said, "See, she's young forever." And she looked up at me. She said, "Brother Branham, Jesus will come someday, and THEN we'll go back to earth." And said, "THEN we'll receive our glorified BODY; then we'll live together forever."
And I said... I--I said, "I want to see Jesus." He said, "Not yet. It'll be a time before He comes yet. But He'll come to you first, and you'll be judged by the Word that you preached, and they are resting upon That."
"Will all have to be done that? Will Paul have to stand?" He said, "Yes, Paul stands too with his group that he preached to." I said, "I've preached the same message he did."
And them millions raised their hands and said, "We are resting on that." There you are (See?), right there. Yes. Said, "THEN together we'll go back to the earth for a BODY that can eat, and we drink, and live together through all the ceaseless ages there." That's the coming of the Lord.
213 THE.TEN.VIRGINS.... -- JEFF.IN -- 60-1211M
There are many more quotes which say the same, but three is a witness. Yes, "That's the coming of the Lord, and there are many million of saints yonder who witness to that, and the heavenly Host also plus Almighty God Himself. "That's nothing but the truth," as Brother Branham would say, and anybody changing it, no matter who it might be, is certainly misleading the believers. The Prophet asked, "Is Paul to be judged?..." The Apostle Paul confirms it himself, he knows all about it.
I CORINTHIANS 4:4 For I know nothing by myself; yet am I not
hereby justified: but he that judgeth me is the Lord.
5 Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both
will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the
counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God.
HEBREWS 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die,
but after this the judgment:
No, not the resurrection of the dead in Christ, but the Judgment of the saints of all ages BEFORE the resurrection is where and when we meet the coming Lord Jesus. Like Br Jack, many try to say that this Judgment of the righteous saints will be only for the dead in Christ, not for the living ones. The Apostles Paul and Peter confirm that it is for the living (quick) and the dead saints.
ROMANS 14:9 For to this end Christ both died, and rose, and revived,
that he might be Lord both of the dead AND living.
10 But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought
thy brother? for WE shall ALL stand before the judgment seat of Christ.
11 For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, EVERY knee shall bow to
me, and every tongue shall confess to God.
12 So then every one of US shall give account of HIMSELF to God.
ACTS 10:42 And he commanded us to preach unto the people, and to testify
that it is he which was ordained of God to be the Judge of quick AND dead.
I PETER 4:5 Who shall give account to him that is ready to judge the
quick AND the dead.
6 For for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that ARE dead,
that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live
according to God in the spirit.
It is as sure as sure can be that there are no more dead saints AFTER the resurrection, so it is obvious that this Judgment of the righteous saints has to be BEFORE the dead in Christ can rise.
Now, because we have a responsibility that we've got to answer to God someday for. EVERY man that come on the face of the earth has to answer to God for a responsibility. And to many of us, a stewardship, we have to answer for. We... This responsibility is a stewardship that's been committed to us by God; I don't care what it is. As I said a few moments ago, "a housewife," then be a genuine housewife. That's right. If it's to be a farmer, be a genuine farmer. Whatever it is that God has put you to do, you got a stewardship to that; you've got to answer to God for, because it takes all these things to do it.
Not only Brother Branham, but right through the Bible it says that every person who ever lived on this earth, and can be held accountable, will meet and answer to God. Chapter 9 of this website gives many more quotes and Scriptures to confirm this fact. At the beginning of this chapter I have mentioned already that Mt. Transfiguration tells us that the living join the dead before the Throne.
What did Moses meant? Moses was--represented the ones that had DIED and was sleeping in the GRAVE, 'cause Moses died and was buried; nobody know where he was buried at. But he represented the ones that were asleep when HE COME. And Elijah represented the translated ones, who didn't have to die. See? There you are.
What will take place? There was Moses first; that's all these six ages that they SLEPT, six church ages. Not only that, but Elijah was there, the messenger of the last day with his group, or the transfigured, the raptured. Amen. Now, in the future, waiting the coming... What do they all-- All had gathered with Him.
Now, look at transfiguration. We was every one represented there. There was the living saints that had raptured, there was Elijah standing there; and there stood Moses, the DEAD saints...?... Also, both of them had Quickening Power. Whether the one died and the other didn't die, they're ALL THERE.
What more must the Prophet say to make it clear that the Lord at His second coming will meet the living and the dead at His Judgment Seat? How could that be AFTER the resurrection? He did say much more to confirm it, there are over 30 quotes in the Message like the next two.
But yet, Job, there's coming One, a Just One, Who will stand in the breach, and put His hands on a sinful man, and a Holy God, and bridge the way, and stand in his place, and make intercessions for him. THEN the man shall rise again."
Elihu, in this way got to him. Said, "Now, Job..." Watch, here it is, said, "Job, that flower never sinned. That's the reason it dies and comes back, dies and comes back. But man lays down; he never comes back." But He said, "There is coming a just One someday, Who will be able to stand in the breach, put His hand on a sinful man, a holy God, and bridge the way. And He will be the life connection. THEN man shall rise." Oh, my.
At the second coming of the Lord, on the day of Redemption, the bloody Lamb will come forth from the Mercy Seat and put His hand on the Holy God and take the Lamb's Book out of the right hand of Him on the Throne, and fully redeem sinful man. That is all the gathered saints of all ages, He will "judge" each and every one as blameless overcomer of sin and unbelief, and reconcile us back to God like Adam and Eve were before the fall. AFTER that, we come back to earth to pick up our glorified bodies as Elihu told Job, and as our Prophet was told behind the Curtain of time.
I realize that our parting down here we'll--may never meet again UNTIL we meet UP THERE to face all the deeds that's done in our life. Then, Father, what will be then? Help us to meet each other there, won't you, Lord.
Brother, sister, if I never meet you again, UNTIL it's at the judgment seat of Christ, where the deeds that's done in the body could be made manifest...
Could Brother Branham say that next time we see him, or meet him, will be at the Judgment Seat of Christ if it is not so? Then that event must and will be BEFORE the resurrection. The next quote tells us that we will ALL meet there, not just him, but all the saints of all ages.
So God being my judge, I see that Light. For revelation, for vision... If I never meet you no more till I meet you in the land of glory, and stand that day at the judgment seat of Christ where we'll ALL come, I've told you the truth.
E-70 HEAR.YE.HIM -- PHOENIX.AZ - 60-0313
If I never lay eyes on any of you all again, if I never see you in this life, when I meet you at that gate BEFORE we go in to stand before Christ, the visions from God are true and real.
"When will it be, Brother Branham?" I cannot tell you. I do not know. But one of these days, if we never meet again on this EARTH, we're going to meet yonder at the--at the judgment seat of Christ. And you'll find out that in that room, the revelation coming from God (just like all the rest of them has), that them...
568-2 {335} THE.SEVENTH.SEAL -- JEFF.IN -- 63-0324E
We know that the opening of the Seals in 1963 was "THUS SAITH THE LORD," and that includes the quote above, and all the others also, despite the opposition I experience all the time.
And that's always been kind of a heartache to me, across the nation, around the world, has been meeting friends and then leaving them, knowing that there's many that you won't see no more UNTIL you meet them at the judgment. It's kind of a sad affair.
I've got to stand then before you. You remember, I'm going to meet you again. If I never meet you here on this... Or I'm going to meet you at the judgment. And I've got to answer for what I've said tonight.
Right through his ministry, Brother Branham never changed that! How could he, that is what he was told behind the Curtain of time. First the Judgment of the righteous saints of all ages, all those who are written in the "great Book," which is the Lamb's Book of Life, from Adam all the way down to the last one, everyone will be standing there as the Prophet tells us in the Breach 93-1 {159}. THEN we will come back to the earth to pick up the glorified bodies, AFTER the Judgment.
I am confident that there are enough quotes and Scriptures in this chapter that every Brother and Sister, young and old, who have the right motive and objective will see and understand that this is not just another "false doctrine," or someone's opinion, but it is absolutely the truth. The evidence is that some of those hundreds of millions saints behind the Curtain of time explained it to Brother Branham exactly like that. They are our witnesses together with the whole Heavenly Host, that we will meet at the Judgment first, and then, after that we come back to earth to pick up our glorified bodies. The last 7 quotes and many others, and lots of Scriptures confirmed that the living saints will join the dead in Christ before the Throne to partake in this Judgment of the righteous saints.
With all this assurance, I pray and trust that VGR will somehow come to the realization that their announcement on their website on the 28th of February does not reflect the true facts of this most important event, the coming of the Lord. Those who are waiting for the resurrection of the dead in Christ, and believe that is the next event, they will miss the coming of the Lord altogether and will find themselves to be cast into the outer darkness, the great and dreadful Tribulation.
It certainly grieves me to have to write things like this, I am aware at all times that on that day I will have to answer for what I am writing here. But the Lord knows my heart, I am not looking for faults or for something to criticize, but I see a great need of the most important part of the Message to be known among the Message churches. For many years, I look now and then at various websites, and also at the VGR website to see what goes on. I cannot remember in all the years that I have ever seen at the "Quote of the day" section any of these quotes which explain the Judgment of the righteous saints, or the fact of 2 times 7 Seals opened at different times etc. I wonder why?
You remember the other night of the message that He give me back yonder when I was laying the cornerstone, just exactly, said, "Do the work..." Said, "When you come out of this vision, read II Timothy 4." You know it's laying right there in the cornerstone--thirty-three years ago. Said, "Do the work of an evangelist. Make full proof of your ministry, for the time will come when they will not endure sound DOCTRINE; but after their own lusts shall heap teachers, having itching ears, turn from fable--from Truth unto fables." If that hasn't been just word by word.
That is the commission Brother Branham received from the Lord, 2 Timothy 4:1-5. He put it into the cornerstone when the Branham Tabernacle was built. It contains the word doctrine twice.
II TIMOTHY 4:1 I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ,
who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;
2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke,
exhort with all longsuffering and DOCTRINE.
3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound DOCTRINE; but after
their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
5 But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist,
make full proof of thy ministry.
The "sound doctrine" covers every subject of the Message, but the most important part of it is in verse 1, to prepare and make ready the believers for the coming of the Lord when He will come to judge the quick (living) and the DEAD. Once again, we see that this greatest and most important event is placed BEFORE the resurrection, because there cannot be any dead saints AFTER the resurrection, a 12 year old child could understand that. As a Message believer since 1977, I have never heard of a single Message believer or minister believing it like that. At the Ohio river in 1933, the Angel of the Lord came down and announced the greater purpose of the Message.
Watching for the coming of the Lord, preparing a Church as a forerunner, as John the Baptist forerun the first coming, the Holy Spirit is in the Church, forerunning, getting a Church ready for the second coming.
What exactly is the second coming? Verse one in the commission tells us, the physical, corporal Lord Jesus will be coming from the Mercy Seat to judge the quick (living) and the dead, including the Apostle Paul who wrote this verse of Scripture, and was mentioned behind the Curtain.
I may not do it, but this message will introduce Jesus Christ to the world. "For as John the Baptist was sent to forerun the first coming, so is the message to forerun the second coming." And John said, "Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world." See? So it--it paralleled it in every way, and I know it will. The message will go on.
7-4 LOOK.AWAY.TO.JESUS -- JEFF.IN - 63-1229E
Yes, the Message will go on, and it is getting a church ready for the second coming of the Lord, no matter how few will accept the real and true "sound doctrine" of it. We see all the "fables" in the Message, such as the different variations of the "Parousia" doctrines, and Thunder teachings, 2 souls, some deny that Jesus is God, others say that Brother Branham is Jesus Christ, or the Holy Spirit and so on. But they are all united in absolutely denying the day of Redemption, the second coming of the Lord when He will gather all His saints of all ages, and come forth from the Mercy Seat, the Intercessory post, to take the Lamb's Book of Life from Him on the Throne and loose the 7 LAST Seals, or 7 OTHER Seals, or 7 DIFFERENT Seals as the Prophet calls it, to "JUDGE" each saint as a holy, blameless, faultless overcomer of false doctrines and any other sin.
That righteous verdict will lift the condemnation which was pronounced upon mankind after the fall in Genesis 3:17-19. That's what the day of Redemption is all about, to reverse the fall, but for the Bride only. Each ones righteous life will be shown like a film on the "canvas of the skies" as it is recorded in the "great Book" since before the foundation of the world. Then the Lord Jesus, our Kinsman Redeemer will tell each and every one: "Well done, thou good and faithful servant... enter thou into the joy of the Lord." That's why this Judgment of the righteous saints has to be BEFORE the resurrection, because the dust of the earth cannot relies the glorified bodies until that curse is lifted which God put on Adam and Eve, and on all mankind in Genesis 3.
But one of these days we're going to have to meet again into His Presence and give an account for all that we've done and said here on earth, when the GREAT Book is opened in the JUDGMENT. Blessed are they that hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.
I wonder, when this United States of America, which is my home sweet home, when God's GREAT Book is opened at the day of JUDGMENT, and this nation is brought to judgment...
But let us have all of our deeds done right, because they're in a book, a record that's to be played at the day of the judgment.
Who could disregard such quotes as some "skim milk" doctrine, which state that we will have to meet Brother Branham in the Presence of Almighty God, and give an account for our deeds on the day of Judgment? For those who are ready and prepared, this will be a most glorious meeting at the second coming of the Lord Jesus. But those who fail to be ready, they will certainly have that experience, but on the White Throne Judgment, that will be a horrible ordeal at that time.
This is the "sound doctrine" which is supposed to come from Jeffersonville to prepare the Bride of the Lord Jesus for His second coming, to make her ready to meet Him. It would be interesting to know how many of the Brothers and Sisters who read this chapter have ever seen these quotes, or heard of these vital facts of the Message? As I have mentioned in other chapters, the Message did never go out as Brother Branham wanted it to be done. In "Taking sides with Jesus" he says:
82 ...make this like your HEADQUARTERS and like Brother Neville here being like the senior elder among you. See? And sometimes you get a question that you can't discuss out with your church out there, then bring it in here to Brother Neville and YOU ALL discuss it TOGETHER. If there--you can't come to any decision, I'll be coming by pretty soon, then we'll all come together with it...
83 ....get training in your own groups other ministers, men that you see that has a calling in their life for the ministry. TRAIN them young men; bring them in here to the elder. ALL of you set together in a ministerial meeting and there TEACH the DEEPER THINGS of God....
....Maybe when we come together then, ALL of us together, we'll pray, the discernment of God come down, and He'll GIVE IT just exactly what IT IS (You see?) and let us know just how to DO IT...
84 ...And training up a group of men. And if I'm in evangelistic work somewhere, there's places I can place them WORLDWIDE...
Brother Branham repeated 7 times that the ministers should come together to discuss problems and questions about deeper things, he literally begged those ministers to do it, and train younger ministers to establish the same faith, and to be properly trained in the "sound doctrine," and then distribute it worldwide together with the Spoken Word books and the tapes. He even commanded it to be done like that, just like Paul did with Timothy and others, but did they do it?
117 Now, that's the way. That was God's way back there, that was God's way in the early church age, and I believe it's God's way NOW (That's right.) for us to DO IT. So, let's do it. Just quit talking about it and DO IT. That's all. We can DO IT by the grace of God. Don't you believe it?
762-82 TO 768-117 TAKING.SIDES.WITH.JESUS -- JEFF.IN -- COD -- 62-0601
Whether from the Branham Tabernacle or from VGR, the "deeper things," the "sound doctrine" did never go out from Jeffersonville like Brother Branham wanted it to be done. That might just be the reason why there is such a confusion all over. Did the death of the Prophet cancel his commission? Or his experience behind the Curtain of time? No, it is still as relevant as in Brother Branham's day, and will be till the last predestinated son or daughter of God has received it, and is made ready to partake in the second coming of the Lord Jesus in glory, as Colossians 3:4 tells us.
In the early part of 2011, I took some time to study the teachings of some of the most prominent ministers I know of, on this subject of the coming of the Lord, which they present on the Internet. Needless to say, not one of them is preaching this most vital event to be BEFORE the resurrection of the dead in Christ. Then I sent pamphlets with quotes and Scriptures to Edmonton, Vancouver, New York, Lima, Lebanon, Johnson City, Homer, Townville, West Columbia, Tucson, and other places in other parts of the world. I got one reply, the secretary of one Pastor referred me to another Brother because he did not have time to answer me. Brother Branham said:
Then He shows that the people that are living on earth, it'll be one here and one there, it will not be a bunch of people gathered together in a LITTLE GROUP, "For there will be one in the field, or two in the field, I'll take ONE and leave one..."
716-141 QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS -- JEFF.IN -- 62-0527
Can't deal with a group; God deals with an individual. It's always been His policy. Two men has two different ideas. God gets one man in His; that's all He has to have, one man. That's what He's trying to get today; He's trying to get you in His hand; He'll take one here and one there. It'll never be a GROUP, so just get that out of your mind.
"It will never be a group," not even a little group. That sounds terrible, not a single church, not one anywhere will be ready for the coming of the Lord? Even so that is exactly what I experienced by and large for the past 24 years, it shocks me every time I see it. In the next quote, the Prophet says in his second last sermon, that only 1 in a thousand Message believers will make it!
God's calling individuals. "I stand at the door and knock. If any man, any person..." One individual out of a thousand, it might be one out of a million.
170 LEADERSHIP -- COVINA.CA -- 65-1207
Brother Branham said time and again that one in a million of all Christianity will be ready for the Rapture. There are 2,2 billion Christians in the world, half of them are Catholic. 2,2 billion is 2200 million. One in a million means there will be 2200, that will be the number of the worldwide Bride, all the living saints who will meet the dead in Christ at the Lord's coming. According to VGR, there are now one million followers of the Message in the Congo alone, and they are known to be half of the rest of the world. Therefore, there are at least 2 million Message followers worldwide. 2200 in 2 million is 1,1 per thousand, as Brother Branham said in the quote above.
I was speaking here a few days ago upon this Scripture, "Strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, and but few there'll be that will find it." And a young man who was riding with me in a car, said, "How many would you say would be saved in this generation?" I said, "Eight or ten."
"Oh," he said, "Don't say that, brother." I'll say, "I'll lengthen it to FIFTY, and that's as many as I can go." He said, "Fifty people?" I said, "Jesus said when He was on earth, 'As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man.' Days of Noah, there was eight souls saved."
50 for the whole of the USA? That number is even worse than one in a thousand. He said that the Message cannot be denominated. No, not the real, true Message, but those who leave out the most important parts, they certainly have denominated it. The next quote tells us that churches who have received the Message will never hear about these most important things, it will never be preached to them, or it will go right over the top of them, they cannot grasp it.
They the--the--the church, the people that's in denominations that are--are genuine Christians who's RECEIVES the MESSAGE... And they will never see it. It'll never be preached to them. And those in a mixed crowd (who it is preached to), it'll go right over the top of their head unless their name was on the Lamb's Book of Life. That's right.
But they will be good people, and they'd be raised up again and given trial, and be judged by the very group that preached to them. Don't you know the saints will judge the earth? They'll be preached to. See? They'll be preached to by the very same people witnessed to them of the MESSAGE to COME OUT of IT.
Does that mean that Revelation 18:4 "Come out of her, my people..." will repeat once more within the Message? It does look like it, and looking at the situation as it is, those 2200 have to be called out from the churches at every nation, kindred and tongue. That will be the little bitty MINORITY.
On the 3rd chapter ends up the church age. That's right. And the church age GOES OUT with such a little bitty minority that we find... Just listen here. I--I read this again this morning; it just nearly tore me to pieces: the place and the attitude of Christ at the END of the church age, found from the 20th verse to 22nd verse of Revelation 3. Think of it: Christ, at the end, where He's at. Where is He at the end of the church age? Outside His church, pushed out by denominations and creed. What's His attitude? Trying to get back in. That's a pitiful condition.
The church age has not "gone out" yet, we are close, but it is not at the very END yet. Has Christ been "pushed out" in the Message? Those who cannot accept that He will come in His physical body to judge the living and the dead saints of all ages, as the Message and the Bible declare, and as the Prophet was told behind the Curtain of time, they are busy shutting Him out. How can they be sealed, have the earnest UNTO the day of Redemption, and then reject that day?
I believe that we still have great Light coming on now that'll just flood the earth one of these days for a short period, maybe just in a matter a months. But I believe that there's great Light coming.
What's the matter with people? Can't you see we're at the end time? It's all over. The next thing will be a sweep will...?... that LITTLE GROUP together. In a month or so she'll be gone, as soon as she's gathered together. Well, we're at the end.
I'm only building. The hour's close at hand when you're going to see something happen, when something's going to take place and all this background here, has only been laying a foundation for a short, quick message that'll shake the whole nation.
13-4 AND.KNOWETH.IT.NOT -- JEFF.IN -- 65-0815
That will be the time when this great 2 million Message bubble will burst, when the Message believers will realize that they do not have what they thought they had. That short, quick, but true teaching of the Message will sweep the world to gather that little group together, those 2200 wise virgins out of every nation. It must happen, I wonder how and when it will take place, most likely in the latter rain outpouring of the Holy Spirit. May God's grace and mercy help us to be part of that LITTLE GROUP who will go all the way in the revealed Word, and be ready for the call, and have that great translation faith to meet all the other saints of all ages, and our blessed Saviour yonder at His second coming.