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And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne
a book written within
and on the backside, sealed with seven seals.
There are three feasible, valid and sound possibilities to interpret this verse of Scripture. It is one Book with two sections, written within and on the backside, sealed with seven Seals. The first possibility is to claim that it means that the whole Book is altogether sealed with seven Seals as the majority of the Message believers rashly assume. The second option is that either one of the two sections is sealed with seven Seals, and the third alternative is that both sections are sealed separately, each one with seven Seals.
Time and again I am told that the Bible mentions only seven Seals, and not fourteen. A casual look at this Bible verse may make it look like that, I myself would also presume that it says that, but God's Prophet tells us that the third alternative is the correct interpretation of that verse of Scripture. For the genuine believer, it is a wonderful revelation and the very key to understand the whole Message correctly and a lifeline out of confusion, but for the critic, it is something to find fault with and remain confused. Brother Branham never changed that version, two times seven Seals opened at different times is the right doctrine, that is the Prophet's interpretation of Revelation 5 verse 1, he never changed that throughout his entire ministry.
And the whole thing here is seven Seals – got the mysteries
of God from the foundation of the world all sealed up in there, and revealed
by seven different Seals; that if God willing – let us pull
back these Seals and look down through the Book
and find out what it's all about. I hope we have a great time.
90-6 THE BREACH --JEFF.IN – 63-0317
"LOOK DOWN THROUGH THE BOOK", what Book is he talking about? He is talking about the Bible, the "written within" section which is sealed with "these Seals" and was opened up and revealed in that particular week in March 1963. The Prophet never touched the "seven different Seals," that is reserved for the bloody Lamb on the day of Redemption in the presence of all the saints of all ages.
Now, there's writing on the INSIDE of the Book, but the backside had seven Seals on the back of it that WASN'T written in the Book. Now, this is the revelator talking: John. Now, remember, it wasn't WRITTEN in the Book. "And in the days of the voice of the seventh angel all this mystery that's WRITTEN WITHIN should be finished." It should be taken care of in that day. Now, do you see what I mean? Are you following me?
THEN is the time for the seven voices of Revelations 10 to be revealed. When the Book is finished, there's only one thing left, and that is the seven mysterious voices of thunder that was wrote on the backside of the Book that John was forbidden to write.
So this is one thing they might squabble about, this
in here, about what it is, but He's the One that divinely interprets
it. But on the backside here, there's no one can do it. It
belongs to Him and Him alone, and He's the One Who can reveal those
seven mysteries out.
161 REV. CP.5 PT.1 BRUISED SERPENT – JEFF. IN- ROJC 743 – 61-0611
Brother Banham identified his entire ministry with the “written within” section only. Chapter one, and all the other chapters on this web site give all the necessary quotations to confirm that fact convincingly.
There's five things it must be. It must be in season, it must
be at the time God said it would be. It must be written in
the Word of God, it must be in the season of God's time, see? And it must be
by God's choosing.
And the seer foretold things that would come to pass. And, also,
that was his credentials as a divine interpreter of the written Word,
because his own ministry was manifesting that Word. See? So that made him the
Now, I believe that God can do things that's not written
in this Bible. I believe He can, because He's God. But just long as He does
what He promised here, is good enough for me. I-I-I don't believe that anything
should be added to this Book or taken from It. I believe that It is the complete
revelation of Jesus Christ. I believe that that's what it is. And all
doctrine, anyhow, must come from the Bible.
There was one exception in Brother Branham's ministry. When he preached the seven church ages in December 1960, the Holy Spirit anointed the Prophet to name the church age messengers, those seven stars in the right hand of the Lord Jesus according to Revelation 1:20. He also established the year of the start and the finish of each age up to this present time. Because those names and dates are not written in the Bible, the Holy Spirit confirmed His Prophet's teaching in a very extraordinary and unprecedented way.
Well, when we got through with the church ages, down there in the Tabernacle, about this many people. There is people sitting right here now was present. That same Pillar of Fire come right over by the side of the wall, and drawed out the church ages the way I had them on the blackboard. Is that right? Many of you was there.
193 ONCE MORE -- NEW YORK NY. -- V – 18 N – 13 -- 63-1117
A brother who was in Jeffersonville at that time told us that that drawing from the Lord was visible on the wall of the Branham Tabernacle for a few days before it faded away. Nevertheless, except for that occasion, Brother Branham's ministry had to be and was “within” the written Word in doctrines and deeds. The following quote, preached on the fifth day at the Sealsopening, explains two times seven Seals opened at different times in such a way that it cannot be denied. The Prophet met the Pillar of Fire, the Lord Jesus in the form of the Holy Spirit every day. He was anointed daily by one of those seven Angels when he preached these revelations at the Tabernacle under a exceptionally great anointing.
And now these seven Seals that this Book is
sealed with, and those seven Seals... Now... and
then after these seven Seals are completed, we find in Revelation
ten there was seven mysterious Thunders that John was commissioned to write,
but then was forbidden to write those. And at the
time of those Thunders, we find Christ, or the
Angel come down with a rainbow, and put His feet on the land and sea and swore
that time had run out at that time.
283-6 THE FOURTH SEAL -- Jeff. IN -- 63-0321
Just like in many other quotations, the Prophet mentioned distinctly and specifically these seven Seals, and those seven Seals. Those seven other, different Seals are connected to the seven mysterious Thunders, that opening is still a future event, when “time had run out at that time”. Brother Branham only fulfilled half of Revelation 5:1. His whole ministry, including the 1963 Sealsopening, was to complete the section “written within”. That leaves those who deny two Sealsopenings out on a limb, they can't place the other section of Revelation 5:1 anywhere. But that section, “and on the backside” is also included in the expression “sealed with seven Seals”. The Prophet identified the “little Book” in Revelation 10 as the Word “written within”, it was opened throughout his ministry, but it came to it's final conclusion at the 1963 Sealsopening when all the previously hidden mysteries were revealed.
And he had in his hand a little book open:
(Now, the Seals have done been
broken here! We are breaking them now, but in this the thing's
...and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth...
146 – 4 THE FIRST SEAL – JEFF.IN --63-0318
The Prophet identifies the Lamb's Book of life as the other section sealed on the backside of the Book, sometimes he calls It the “great Book.” The purpose of this chapter is to collect as much information as possible from God's Word about this mysterious second section of the Book. But before we have a closer look at the Lamb's Book of life, we want to look at something else.
According to the Bible, every person who ever lives on this earth will be judged by God, every one from Adam to the last individual who will reach the age of accountability.
Ecclesiastes 12:13 Let us hear the conlusion of the whole matter: Fear
God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.
14 For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every
secret thing ,
whether it be good , or whether it be evil .
Ezekiel 18:30 Therefore I will judge you, O house of Israel, every
according to his ways , saith the Lord
God. Repent, and turn yourselves
from all your transgressions; so iniquity shall not be your ruin .
Romans 14:10 But why doest thou judge thy brother? or why doest
thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand
before the
judgment seat of Christ.
12 So then every one of us shall give
account of himself to God.
2 Corinthians 5:10 For we must all appear
before the judgment seat
of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body,
according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad .
Every man that come on the face of the earth has to answer to God for a responsibility. And to many of us, a stewardship, we have to answer for. We... This responsibility is a stewardship that's been committed to us by God; I don't care what it is. As I said a few moments ago, "a housewife," then be a genuine housewife. That's right. If it's to be a farmer, be a genuine farmer. Whatever it is that God has put you to do, you got a stewardship to that; you've got to answer to God for, because it takes all these things to do it.
...He sits in the Heavens, He abides in a place because He is a Being. But,
being infinite, then He knows all things . Knowing every time
a gnat bats its eye. How every bumblebee, where he goes into the comb to get
his honey. He knows every sparrow that sets in the tree. He knows every
thought that's
in your mind, because He is infinite and omniscient.
ADOPTION PART 3 -- 60-0522.1M
Every work, every secret thing, every thought and deed of every member of the entire human race is foreknown by Almighty God. He knows the whole life of each one from the start to it's end, and to what extent every one will believe or if he or she will be an unbeliever. He knows already each ones final destiny, even after the end of our lives here on earth.
Psalm 33:13 The Lord looketh from heaven; he beholdeth all
the sons of men.
14 From the place of his habitation he looketh
upon all the inhabitants
the earth.
15 He fashioneth
their hearts alike; he considereth all their works.
God has divided all mankind into tree different races, the Jews, the Samaritans, and the Gentiles. Within these three races, there are four different groups of people in the mind of God by His foreknowledge, and each human being has been placed by Him in one of those four groups, and we all are on record somewhere in these four books which are incorporated in the section which is sealed on the backside of the Book of Revelation 5:1.
First of all we know most assuredly that the purpose of God
stands in election. It was purposed in Himself. It was God's purpose to bring
forth a people like
unto Himself that would be a Word Bride. She was chosen before the
foundation of the world IN HIM. She was foreknown and beloved before she was
ever brought forth during the ages upon the earth. She was redeemed by His
blood and can NEVER come into condemnation. She can never be in the judgment
because sin cannot be imputed unto her. Rom. 4:8, “Blessed is the man to whom
the Lord will not impute sin.” But indeed she shall be with Him in His throne
of judgment, judging the world and even angels. Her name (each of her members)
was written in a section of the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of
the world.
Secondly , there is another class. Their names are also in the Book
of Life and they will come up in the second resurrection. Such are the foolish
virgins and the righteous as are spoken of in Matt. 25. In this class also
are those who do not worship the beast or become involved in the antichrist
system but die for their faith even so they are not in the bride, not having
been born again. But they will come up in the second resurrection and go into
eternal life.
Thirdly there are the borderline Christians such as we saw in
Israel coming out of Egypt. These had their names in the Book of Life and
their works written
in the books. These having failed to obey God and being void of the Spirit,
though even the signs and wonders were amongst them, will have their names
removed from the Book of Life. Amongst this group will be the ones like Judas
who though entirely void of the Spirit, but are religious, will have manifestation
in their lives, and though on the books were not the elected IN Him. Such also
as Baalam will be in that group.
Fourth and finally are the ones whose names
have never been or will ever be written on the books. Such are found in Rev.
13:8 and Rev. 17:8, “And all that
dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the
Book of Life of the Lamb...” ...None of these would be placed on the records
of life. I am not saying that there is no record of them. No doubt there is
some kind of a record of them, but NOT IN THE RECORDS OF LIFE.
In Revelation 22:11, at the end of time, we see these four groups again. The unjust who never did believe in God at all, and the filthy ones who were blotted out of the Book of life because of their disrespect or blasphemy towards the Lord. The righteous who will get Eternal life, but did not follow the Word of God all the way, they are in the Book of life, and the holy ones who will be the members of his spotless Bride, they are recorded in the Lamb's Book of life.
Since the fall of man, when redemption became necessary, these Books are laying open in Heaven while their contents are acted out on earth by the people of the four different groups. According to the Prophet, all the believers start in the Book of life. The very elect, the members of the Bride, are transfered from the Book of life into the Lamb's Book of life at the end of their earthly journey, after they have passed the test of life. That is the reason why their names can never be blotted out from that Book, God has foreseen our lives to the very end before He placed us in that section.
Adam and Eve surely repented thoroughly of their failures and remembered when the Lord clothed them with the bloody sheepskin, a type of the Redeemer Who would come one day and redeem them back again to their original condition. They and Abel and Seth and their offspring were the first ones to live godfearing and fully redeemable lives to be transferred into the Lamb's Book of life. Cain lived and acted as was foreknown by God, he started as a believer in the Book of life in the presence of God. After Cain's offering was not respected, God told him that he will be accepted if he does well, but he went and killed his brother Abel and was cheeky and lied about it. He was driven out from the presence of the Lord and his name was surely blotted out of the Book of life. He was the first one recorded in the third book, the record of those who can't be saved and redeemed.
The contents of the four Books in Heaven, foreseen in the mind of God before the foundation of the world, continued to be carried out and fulfilled on earth by all mankind throughout all the ages. At the endtime, the Lamb's Book of life will be the first one to be completed and closed.
And someday, someday, the Master is going to come and call for every name
that's wrote on the Lamb's Book of Life . If yours are not
there, get it on there now, for He is going to come and call. Even those that
are in the grave shall hear His Voice and come forth to Life. The Master will
come and call for you. And while He is calling today, answer and make preparations
for that Day , is my advice to you.
And when that last soul is saved that was redeemed and seen
and knowed by God before the foundation of the world, when that last
soul's saved, that closes the Book . Then the Lamb
comes out and takes the Book out of the right hand of Him
that sets upon the Throne... then He's coming then, He's coming to the earth.
...and we don't know what time that we may be called on to answer yonder at
Judgment , and to give an account for what we've done with Jesus
Christ. And then the case is closed, the Book is closed ;
It's laying closed , and there's nothing can be done. We've
judged ourselves by judging Him.
162 ACTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT -- JEFF. IN -- 54-1219.2E
These quotes and others explain that the Book (Lamb's Book of life) will be closed in Heaven when the last soul has been saved. According to Revelation 5:1, It will be sealed with seven Seals and It will go to the right hand of God. Then all the saints of all ages will be gathered, and the Lamb will come from the Mercy Seat to the earth and take the Book from the hand of God and loose those 7 Seals and call for every name that is in the Lamb's Book of life and judge His holy saints according to our actions recorded in the Book. His bloodwashed, sinless, blameless, faultless, unblameable and unreproveable Bride of all ages is waiting eagerly for that other Sealsopening to take place behind the curtain of time to be confirmed as such. He will judge us by how we have judged Him (the Word), and we will be found “NOT GUILTY” of unbelief and we will be regarded worthy of full redemption and be entitled to receive those rewards which the Lord will bring with Him.
Revelation 22:12 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is
with me ,
to give every man according as his work shall
1 Corinthians 1:8 Who shall also confirm you unto the
end, that ye may be
blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus
Colossians 1:22b ...to present you holy and unblameable and
unreproveable in his sight.
Jude 24 Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present
you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding
While this greatest event in human history is taking place, and followed by the resurrection of the dead in Christ and the changing of the bodies of the living saints and the Rapture, the other three Books will still be open in Heaven and acted out on earth. When the last of the foolish virgins and the righteous believers have given their lives and have died as martyrs, then the Book of life will be completed and closed in Heaven. But the other two records will still be open and acted out by the anti-christ and his filthy and unjust followers till the atomic chain reaction will destroy everything on earth at the battle of Armageddon, then those two books will be closed also. These last three books will remain closed during the 1000 years Millennium reign till the White Throne Judgment.
Revelation 20:12 And I saw the dead ,
small and great, stand before God;
and the books were opened : and another book
was opened , which is the
book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were
written in the books, according to their works.
Daniel 7:10b ...and ten thousand times ten
thousand stood before him:
the judgment was set, and the books were
We can clearly see that the opening of the other seven Seals on the backside of the Book and the White Throne Judgment are actually closely related to each other, but they are over a 1000 years apart. Both are referred to as a Judgment and in both the individuals recorded works are named as the deciding factor for each one's destiny. In Revelation 5:3 and 13, we see the living and the dead members of the Bride gathered in the first Heaven, while the bodies of the living saints will remain somewhere on the earth, and the bodies of the dead saints will still be under the earth in the grave or in the sea. We will be judged outside our physical bodies, in our Theophany bodies, because we have overcome the lust and desires of the flesh and our works are according to the revealed Word of the Message of the hour by the leading of the Holy Spirit as it is recorded in the Lamb's Book of life. Then, after we have been judged to be holy overcomers, we pick up our glorified bodies.
Revelation 5:13a And every creature which is in
heaven ,
and on the earth,
and under the earth , and such as are in the
sea, and all that are in them,
heard I saying, Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto him...
The White Throne Judgment will start with the dead ones only as Revelation 20:12 explains, there are no living ones like in Revelation 5. Their works which are recorded in the books will show that they have not overcome the desires and the lusts of the flesh and rejected the leading of the Holy Spirit Who is trying to lead every one according to the Message of the hour.
Revelation 20:13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.
For the final sentence, the sea and hell (Hades = the grave) will give up the dead to be presented in their worldly state. The righteous among them, who's names are written in the Book of life, will receive Eternal life. But the filthy and the unjust unbelievers will be cast into the lake of fire.
There is something else I would like to clarify about the two sections in the Book of Revelation 5:1. We see that the section on the backside of the Book, which includes the four books, was opened in Heaven and started to be acted out on earth immediately after the fall of man. But for the first 2500 years, there was no written word to guide and lead the people, God spoke directly to Adam, Enoch, Noah, Abraham and every one else.
The first written word was the two tables of stone, written with the finger of God, which the Lord gave to Moses. Then Moses was instructed to write the Torah, the first 5 books in the Bible which contain the story from the creation to Israel's journey to the promised land. Then the Prophets were added who wrote about the events in Israel and prophesied of the coming Messiah. The 4 Gospels explain the life and death of the Lord Jesus, and the Apostle John was inspired by the Holy Spirit to compile the New Testament. Only a few privileged people owned a Bible before the Catholic church banned the distribution of God's Word altogether.
At the time of the Reformation, the Bible was translated into many different languages and became available in some parts of Europe and the Middle East. For about the last 100 years, the Bible, the first section of Revelation 5:1, the Word “written within”, is freely available in most parts of the world. This was in preparation for the 1963 Sealsopening which is necessary for the manifestation of the endtime Bride who will be called out of every nation, kindred and tongue.
Almost all of those saints of all ages had only a small portion of the full revelation of Jesus Christ revealed to them at the age when they were living on earth. But they believed their portion of the Word, the Message from God for their time and age, they took a gallant stand for it despite hard trials, persecutions and many times torture and death. All those saints who lived from Adam till the opening of the seven written Seals in 1963, I guess maybe as many as 95 to 98%, experience one Sealsopening only, the one described in Revelation 5 to 8:1 when we all will see the bloody Lamb come from the Mercy Seat and take the Book from the right hand of Him on the Throne and loose those seven Seals on the backside of the Book to redeem each one of us individually according to the testimonies and works and deeds which are recorded in that Book.
Hebrews 11:39 And these all, having obtained a good report
through faith, received not the promise :
40 God having provided some better things for us, that they
without us should not be made perfect.
Before that other Sealsopening can take place, there has to be a few saints at the end of time who will receive that promise , which is to bypass the grave and not to endure death, and to meet the Kinsman Redeemer on the other side as living saints. We have received the full revelation of Jesus Christ at the Sealsopening of the written Word in 1963, to “unseal” and reveal all the previously hidden mysteries. They are necessary for us to know and believe and understand to take us all the way to the stature of the perfect Man, to the image and likeness of the fulness of Christ. That will be the great victory of our Lord Jesus over Satan, a few people just like Him who will withstand the devil with such great faith and the manifestation of the third pull, that he will not be able to touch us when we will be severely tested at our final trial in the time of the squeeze.
...she will be an invincible army. If they get the true revelation of the
two spirits within the framework of the Christian church, and by God's Spirit
discern and withstand the antichrist spirit, Satan will be powerless
before her . He will be as definitely thwarted today as when Christ
withstood his every effort to gain power over Him in the desert.
Let us continue this chapter with a further careful examination of the Lamb's Book of life.
Luke 10:20 Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject
unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.
Revelation 21:27 And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that
defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but
they which are written in the Lamb's book of life.
Now, we're going to see what the Book says about how it became
open. And is not made known until the Lamb takes the Book, breaks the Seals,
and opens the Book. The Lamb's got to take the Book;
it's His. Now remember, no man in Heaven, no man in earth –
pope, bishop, cardinal, state presbyter or whoever he is – can break them
Seals or reveal the Book but the Lamb.
75-5 THE BREACH -- JEFF.IN -- 63-0317
The Lamb takes the Book, because it belongs to Him, it is His possession because He redeemed all of It on the cross and paid for It with His own Blood. As we have seen in some of the previous chapters, the opening of the seven Seals on the backside of the Book is also called the Judgment of the righteous.
Psalm 1:5 Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment,
nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.
King David had 500 wives, the Son of David, the Lord Jesus Christ, has a Bride made up of ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands, a multitude of saints according to Revelation 5:11 and Daniel 7:10. The following quotations tell us clearly why the Bride must first be judged in righteousness.
But let me tell you something, mister. You are going to have
to answer for your wife, but your wife is never going to have
to answer for you. You are the head of the woman, and God is the head of man.
75 – QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS – JEFF.IN – C.O.D. P.23 – 53-0729
The man has the rule over his wife, and he's responsible solely
for his wife. God makes the man answer for his wife. Now, read
and see if God says that now.
781 – Q.& A. ON HEBREWS, PART III – JEFF.IN – C.O.D. P.333 – 57-1006
You woman, as you serve your husband, you serve God.
20 – 3 LOOK AWAY TO JESUS – V.2 N.17 – JEFF.IN – 63-1229
Just as every true son of God has to answer to God for the righteousness of his wife, and she has to be judged and be approved for her loyalty to her husband, so will the tested and accepted Son of God, the second Adam, present His Bride faultless and blameless before Almighty God at the opening of the other seven Seals on the day of Redemption. It is obvious that this can only take place after the last one has come into the Body of Christ, when the Bride is completed.
Them names were put on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation
of the world – will come forth just as certain as anything. That's why Jesus
sits right there and waits with His mediatorial work until the last
seed. He'll know exactly when to strike.
292 – 4 THE FOURTH SEAL -- JEFF.IN -- 63-0321
The Word of God was made flesh to dwell among His own, He was created by the spoken Word of God which was transmitted by the mouth of the Archangel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary. Romans 8:3 and Hebrews 2:16 to 18 and 4:15 tells us that He was sent in the likeness of sinful flesh and was tempted and tested and tried like we are. Because He is a Kinsman like all of His many brethren (Romans 8:29), His Name and deeds are also recorded in the Book of Life like every other believer. Just as the wife of a son of God is registered under his name (they are one) in the Book of Life in Heaven, so will all the forknown Bridemembers be transfered from the Book of Life into the Lamb's Book of Life which is the Lamb's Own section in the same Book.
7.Brother Branham, is the Lamb's Book of Life and the Book of Life the same Book?
Sure, because that's where all redemption's wrote in this Book, see?
473 – 1 Q.& A. ON THE SEALS - JEFF.IN - - 63-0324
Now, your old Book is gone with your old union. Now, your name
in your old... has been transferred... Now, your name is now
in the new Book, not in the Book of Life, but in the Lamb's
Book of Life. What the Lamb redeemed. Not the old Book of your natural
union, but you're new Bride. Hallelujah! Your new Life is in the Lamb's Book
of Life, your marriage certificate, hallelujah! Where your
true eternal germ from the beginning takes hold.
To be in the Body of Christ means that we have died to our old nature and be born again to take on His nature. Our lives are hid in Him, and our new names and our righteous deeds are recorded in our Bridegroom's section, in the Lamb's Book of Life in Heaven while the Blood of the Mediator keeps us clean until the day of our full Redemption. That will be the all important day, the greatest day in human history.
This Book – the Bible was really written before
the foundation of the world. And Christ, being the Lamb, was slain before the
foundation of the world. And the members of His Bride – their names were put
in the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world, but it's been
sealed up. And now it's being revealed – whose names were in
there, all about it. What a great thing! And John, when he
saw it he said, “Every thing in Heaven, everything underneath the earth, everything
heard him say, 'Amen, blessings and honor.' ” He was just really having a great
time, for the Lamb was worthy.
122 – 1 THE FIRST SEAL -- JEFF.IN-- 63-0318
This is one of those quotes which has been badly misunderstood, which has greatly contributed to the confusion all over the world. If something is revealed, the secret of it made known, does not mean that it is fulfilled, not at all! If the secret of the Coming of the Lord is not revealed before He comes, how would we know how to prepare ourselves? Brother Branham does not say that the believers names were spelled out at the Sealsopening in 1963 as some have claimed, he revealed in 1963 (now it's being revealed) all about the day of Redemption, how it's going to be, what will happen on that future day, (Jesus, the Kinsman Redeemer come from the Mercy Seat) who will be there (the saints of all ages) who's names are in that Book (all about it). The Prophet is the forerunner of the second Coming of Christ, a Prophet is a “foreteller”, one who reveals the secrets of a future event before it will take place.
This is described in this seven-sealed Book that we're talking
of now. All right. The Book of Redemption, it's all described
in here. All that what Christ will do at the end will be revealed
to us this week in the Seven Seals if God will let us. See? All
right; it'll be revealed. And revealed as the Seals break
and are released to us, then we can see what this great plan of
redemption is and when and how it's going to be done. It's all
hidden in this Book of mystery here. It's sealed up with Seven Seals... And so the
Lamb is the only One Who can break them.
90-1 {140} BREACH.THE -- JEFF.IN -- 63-0317E
The description, the explanation, the revelation of the great plan of redemption was “unsealed” by the Lamb in the form of the Holy Spirit through His Prophet William Branham in March 1963. He gave us the explanation of what Christ WILL DO AT THE END, when time for salvation and grace and mercy has run out, and how and when it is going to be done at that future point in time. We all, including the very last saint has to receive this information to be able to prepare for that great and dreadful day of the Lord, the day of our full Redemption. That is what the 1963 Sealsopening of the written Word is all about, to make us ready to be included, not more and not less.
...and the Book is only unfolding it now – not each one's
name, but what the mystery of the Book is while it's calling
those names. Do you understand that now? See? The Book doesn't say, “Now, Lee
Vayle is to be saved in the time of this church age,” or “Orman Neville...”
or whoever. No, it don't say that. It just shows the mystery, unfolds
the mystery of what the thing is. But we ourselves, by faith believe
473 – 3 Q.& ANSWERS ON THE SEALS – JEFF.IN -- 63-0324
Matthew 22:14 For many are called, but few are chosen.
And no one can be redeemed unless they were put on the Lamb's
Book of Life before the foundation of the world. Who are they? I don't know,
nobody else knows. See? Just God alone. I'm trusting that every one of us, our
names are on that Book. If mine was on there, I'm sure
to be there. If it wasn't, I won't be there, that's all.
45 HE THAT IS IN YOU - JEFF.IN - V-6 N-12 -- 63-1110.2E
But a – a Lamb come forth, a bloody Lamb that had been slain
since the foundation of the world, that come and took the Book of Redemption
and opened It. God, may my name be there. May every name here
be written There, Lord, that's been redeemed in this great plan of redemption.
Grant it, Father.
He came to claim all He had redeemed. He's the Intercessor now,
an Intercessor making intercessions for those who He has redeemed. All whose
name was written on the Lamb's Book of Life, is redeemed.
4.What is the name that will be on the people of Revelation 3:12?
I don't know. He said give them a new name. I don't know what that is, see?
It'll probably be made known when we get there, but I don't
know what it is now, see? See, He is going to do that. He give them a new name
that they just knew themselves...
471 – 2 Q.& ANSWERS ON THE SEALS – JEFF.IN -- 63-0324
Our names will be on that Book, if we go all the way in the revealed Word. Our belief in the Message of the hour and the fellowship under the leading of the Holy Spirit is calling us out of the world and is transforming us all the time more and more into His Image. Paul said that we must die daily and resurrect more and more till we come into the full stature of the perfect Man, as he explained in Ephesians 4:13.
Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the
Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the
fulness of Christ:
As the spoken Word of the Archangel Gabriel created that natural fertilized Seed in the womb of the believing Virgin Mary, the spoken Word of our Prophet has the creative Power to built us up, and to lead us all the way to be eventually in the exact Image of our Lord Jesus, as explained in 2 Corinthians 3:18.
But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the
Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory,
as by the Spirit of the Lord.
To reach the full Stature of the perfect Man is only possible for the Endtime Bride. It is attainable since the Sealsopening of the written Word in 1963, it is the full revelation of Jesus Christ, Who is the Word. The Lord said in Luke 12:48:
For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required...
The revelation of Jesus Christ in this hour, not what He was
in another hour, what He was now... The Bible expresses it's growing in the
Bride to the full statue...
Because all the mysteries of the written Word have been revealed, the full Stature of the perfect Man is required, anything less will be a failure in the eyes of God when time shall be no more. Isaiah 28:9 to 13 and Hebrews 5;14 tell us that we must be weaned from milk and be able to eat strong meat, that means to understand true doctrine and be able to put the pieces together which are scattered here a little and there a little. God knows already who will go all the way to the full Stature of the Bridegroom, He put their names on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world. That is why the Lord Jesus said that all those who the Father has given Him will come, they can't fail. Those who do not succeed to be transformed to the full Stature of the Lord Jesus, their names will remain in the Book of Life, but they will not appear at the Judgment of the righteous, they will be judged at the White Throne Judgment. They are the foolish virgins mentioned in Matthew 25:1 to 13.
The following quotation is another one which has been often misunderstood and misquoted. The Prophet is praying for those who raised their hands for salvation and the baptism of the Holy Ghost.
I am trusting that I'm one of those that's going to find my
name tonight behind that seal yonder that was put
in there from the foundation of the world. Something struck my heart and I'm
standing, Lord. Is it me? I want You to reveal to me my new name over
there. Fill me and seal me in to Yourself by the Holy Ghost.
227 -1 THE SECOND SEAL -- JEFF.IN -- 63-0319
Brother Branham does not say that they would find their name under the second Seal on that night in March 1963, but he tells them that if they receive the Holy Spirit, then they will be sealed unto the day of Redemption. That will be “yonder” or “over there” when time has run out, that will be the time and place where they will find that their names are truly on the Lamb's Book of Life. Not even the Prophet had concrete evidence that his name is in that Book, but by faith we believe that our names are recorded in the Lamb's Book of Life since before the foundation of the world.
And I pray, Father, that this very night that their souls may
be saved, and their names written on the Lamb's Book of Life in Glory. That
on that great Day, when the roll is called... “Present!”
Praise God.
E – 63 CHRIST – PHOENIX AZ.-- 55-0221
Think of it, you who are born again, before the foundation of
the world, God put your name on the Lamb's Book of Life. Christ died and sent
the Holy Ghost here to call you to Eternal Life. You have received It; He sealed
you. You're there till the day of your redemption. Hallelujah!
170 - QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS – C.O.D. P.398 -- 59-0628E
And someday, someday, the Master is going to come
and call for every name that's wrote on the Lamb's Book of
Life. If yours are not there, get it on there now, for He is going to come and
call. Even those that are in the grave shall hear His Voice
and come forth to Life. The Master will come and call for you.
And while He is calling today, answer and make preparations for that
Day, is my advice to you.
“It is so close that” Jesus said, “it would deceive the very
Elected...” And that's the ones that are hid down in these Seals,
whose names are on the Book since the foundation of the world.
183 – 3 THE SECOND SEAL – JEFF.IN – 63-0319
These four quotes explain what the greater part of the Message believers worldwide do not know, how can they make preparations for that day when they know nothing about it? We must be present on that great Day, the day of Redemption, when the Lord will come and call for every one of us who's name is written and sealed in the Lamb's Book of Life. Even those who are in the grave, the dead in Christ, will be there together with the living saints to meet our Master when He calls us by our new names at that other Sealsopening in Glory. That is what these 4 quotes tell us!
“Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby you are sealed until
the day.” Not of your death, but “of your Redemption.” See, after death
is done over, you are still sealed.
The next Scripture, Revelation 13:8, has not yet been fulfilled, that will happen at the time of the squeeze. The following quotation explains that at that time our names will still be sealed, showing us once again that that other Sealsopening will be after the squeeze when time is no more.
And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not
written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
And the Bible said that he deceived all – A-L-L – all upon the
face of the earth whose names were not written under those Seals
from the foundation of the world!
172 – 1 THE FIRST SEAL -- JEFF.IN -- 63-0318
These Scriptures and quotes show as the fact that the Sealsopening of the Word “written within” in March 1963 by the Holy Spirit through the Prophet did not include the Lamb's Book of Life. That section is still sealed, it contains all the names of the millions of saints of all ages who make up the Bride of the Lord Jesus Christ. The seven Seals on the Lamb's Book can only be loosed by the Kinsman Redeemer personally, after the last Bridemember has come into the Body of Christ, when time shall be no more, when time for redemption has run out.
Just as the Bible, the written Word from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21, is according to Revelation 10:3 also known as the “little Book”, so does Brother Branham refer now and then to the Lamb's Book of Life as the “Great Book”. This Book does not only contain our new names, but all our righteous actions, deeds and performances are recorded and included in that Book. All our failures, if they have been truly and properly and sincerely confessed, will go back to Satan where they originated from and he will be accountable for all of that on the White Throne Judgment. This can only be done by and through the Blood of the High Priest on the Mercy Seat.
This Book is mentioned in the Bible a few times in connection with righteous living, the whole life of every Bridemember is recorded in It, even the tears of compassion.
Exodus 32:32 Yet now, if thou wilt forgive their sin- ; and if not,
blot me, I pray thee, out of thy book which thou hast written.
Psalm 56:8 Thou tellest my wanderings: put thou my tears
into thy bottle: are they not in thy book?
Psalm 139:16 Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect;
and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance
were fashioned, when as yet there was non of them.
Malachi 3:16 Then they that feared the LORD spake often one
to another: and the LORD harkened, and heard it, and a book
remembrance was written before him for them that feared the
LORD, and that thought upon his name.
One of these days, the doors of the tabernacle will be closed
for the last time, the Bible will be closed on the pulpit, and you'll stand
in the Presence of God, to give an account for what you've
heard tonight. What then? What then? When the great Book is opened,
what then? When tonight comes on record, what then? Oh, as
the song says: What then? When the great Book is opened, what then?
293 THE SEAL OF GOD – JEFF.IN – 54-0514
Oh, my! Just think, when the last battle is fought, when the
arms are all stacked, the smoke of the battle has died down, the sun is a setting,
the books are closed, and we stand at the Judgment.
What then? What then? When the great Book is opened, what then?
And the glass would fly across the arteries of your body, and
you would be bleeding to death. And you'd have to stand before the Judgment.
You'll be asked to give a reason. What then? What then? What then? When the
great Book is opened, what then?
They still tattle and talk, and do things they shouldn't do.
They don't want that, Lord. What then, when that great Book is opened?
But, said, “Such won't enter the Kingdom.”
254 HEBREWS CPT.4 – JEFF.IN – 57-0901.2E
God, bless these man. And may they serve this office with all
their heart, knowing that it is purchasing through them a great degree in Heaven.
Someday, when the Books of Heaven shall be closed, may the Book of the celestial
beings and in the great Book of Heaven be opened, may their
names be one hundred percent before God and the Saviour and all the Heavenly
Hosts, to be the same in His Kingdom.
You said there would be a church would be there without spot
or wrinkle. Father, o God, let our names be on that great Book up there.
May we appear without spot or wrinkle.
If there is those here, Lord, who was in Your thinking
before the foundation of the world, surely this is wakening them up. I trust
that every one of them was. And there, Father, we'll know when You come
and the great Book is opened, we will understand then.
These quotations confirm again that the Great Book of Heaven will be opened at the Judgment of the righteous, which includes all of us who were in the Father's thinking before the foundation of the world, when He chose us to be His Bride for all Eternity.
For, some day this Book will judge me. That's
right. The Word's of God, there, will be my Judge at the day of Judgment. I
must preach the Truth regardless of how it hurts or what it hurts.
Supposing that we be strangers to each other, only God alone knows between us. That's all. But one of these days we're going to have to MEET AGAIN into His Presence and give an account for all that we've done and said here on earth, when the GREAT Book is opened in the Judgment.
I wonder, when this United States of America, which is my home sweet home, when God's GREAT Book is opened at the day of Judgment, and this nation is brought to judgment...
And the airwave of our voices continually travels around and
around the world; therefore, then our voice what we say will be our Judgment.
Our testimony will rise right against us. Our own voices will echo in our own
ears at the Judgment bar of God when His great instrument catches
every voice that's been spoke – every word that's been muttered.
Just before the end of his ministry, the Prophet again repeatedly stressed this fact that our lives are recorded in a Book which will be opened and displayed at the day of the Judgment, all our thoughts, words and deeds will be openly exposed.
When you're born, God sets a record on. It don't
make... Put a record on, it don't make much noise for a little while, you know;
that's the little baby till it comes to accountability. Then the noise starts.
He starts saying things and doing things he has to answer for. And then when
that life ends, that record or tape is took off and laid in the- in the great
big library of God. Now, how you going to get around it at
the Judgment bar? It's played right back in front of you: Every move you made,
every thought that went through your mind.
Dear God, another hour or two has passed on. The clock has moved
around now. The message now goes into history, and it's recorded on the Book.
WE ALL have to answer now for this, every move that we made, every word that
we said, every thought went through our mind, the record is still playing. And
it'll play on till life is over, and then we'll answer at the day of Judgment.
Yes , sir. My, how you forget. But let us have all of our deeds
done right, because they're in a Book, a record that is to
be played at the day of the Judgment.
Dear God, as I know that this is paged on the Book,
the great record... Oh, God, do they realize that every word
we say, scientifically proven, it's on a record, and it starts when we start
living in this earth; it ends when we die; and it's put in God's album
to be played back again at the Judgment? How are we going to escape it, the
damnation of God, if the thing has been made so clear before us and yet we turn
it down. Oh, dear God, these words never die; they go on and on. The record
will be played at the day of the Judgment. You seen those hands that went up,
Father. It'll be right there at the day of Judgment. Also what their
heart was thinking will be there at the day of Judgment.
2 Corinthians 5:10 For we must all appear before
the judgment
seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his
body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.
1 John 4:17 Herein is our love made perfect,
that we may have boldness
in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world.
Brother Branham, the Apostles Paul and John and every other member of the Bride of the Lord Jesus, all the saints of all ages including me, we all will be assembled yonder behind the curtain of time when the Kinsman Redeemer will loose the Seals of the “great Book” to reveal all our good deeds done in our bodies. If our deeds are bad, then we cannot be included in the Bride and be invited to the Judgment of the Righteous, but we will appear at the White Throne Judgment after the Millennium.
...and we don't know what time that we may be called on to answer
yonder at Judgment, and to give an account for what we've done with Jesus Christ.
And then the case is closed, the Book is closed; It's laying
closed, and there's nothing can be done. We've judged ourselves
by judging Him.
162 ACTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT -- JEFF.IN -- 54-1219.2E
Let them know that this little boy was just set here for a sermon.
He's preached his sermon. The Book is closed. But we shall
see him again. Grant, Lord, that we will all stand there in
the beauty of Christ where we have Eternal life.
Men and woman, boys and girls may be sitting here tonight, will
be in the morgue before daylight. Surely then, your Book is
closed, and you'll never have another chance.
30 INFLUENCES -- TULARE CA – 64-0215
Let us take notice that the last two quotations were preached after the March 1963 Sealsopening. After the believer's last breath, his or her personal record will be closed in Heaven. And after the last living saint has come into the fold and has come all the way into the full Stature of the perfect Man, then the whole Book will be closed, the album is completed, the “great Book” is accomplished and fulfilled. We are now living at that time of the end of the history of the world, we are waiting for the last saint to be saved and perfected, then the other Sealsopening can take place.
And then we're at the closing of the history of the world. The
Book is now being finished. The last line will be
wrote across it someday, and she will be closed up, then time
shall be no more.
That church is a predestinated church. Every name
that was ever put on that Book, Jesus came to redeem. And when the last
name is redeemed, the Book is closed.
Maybe there's a little boy in here tonight, or a little girl,
was born over in Seattle, Washington. Now that Book holds her name.
He come to redeem whose name was on that Book. “Redeem” means to bring back
from where it fell from, and in the human race she was fell. And she can't accept
it now – she's too young. So the church will slug right along, just play along.
We will have meetings, and so forth, till the last person is
brought in. Then the Book is closed. There's no more added.
And when He brings the last one in... He's setting
at the right hand of God tonight, doing His mediatorial work.
And when that last soul is saved that was redeemed and seen and knowed by God
before the foundation of the world, when the last soul's saved,
that closes the Book. Then the Lamb comes out and takes the
Book out of the right hand of Him that sets upon the Throne. Then it's ... then
He's coming then. He's coming to the earth.
And when the Books is closed of earth's
actions, and when they are finished and we stand at the Judgment bar,
may it be said that when this meeting comes to be read off at that great day,
that literally hundreds, yes thousands, will raise their hands... May then there
come a blast from the great millions that will be standing...
When the last predestinated saint's “earth's actions” are completed, the Book in Heaven will be closed. All these quotations from Brother Branham's sermons show us that the “great Book” contains all our new names and deeds and actions, It does not consist of doctrines and teachings as the “little Book” did when those Seals were opened in 1963. Were thousands and “great millions” shouting and raising their hands in Jeffersonville in March1963? No, that event was for the Endtime Bride only, but at the opening of the other seven Seals, all the saints of all ages will stand there in the millions and see our Saviour come down to us on earth on the Lord's day.
The next quote is a very precious nugget, it tells us that all the new names of all the predestinated children of God read together will spell out the complete story of redemption from the beginning to the end after each and every one has lived and acted out his or her foreordained attribute and characteristic of God under the leadership of the Holy Spirit. This is a most wonderful revelation from the Prophet.
But when the body has been borned and that last name
that's on the Book be recognized here on earth, the Books are closed,
for it is completed, the story of redemption has been read completely.
Then we go to see Him and to meet Him in the resurrection. ...the story of redemption
cannot be fully known until we see Him and stand in
His likeness.
79 + 81 BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT -- JEFF. IN -- 58-0928.1M
We were His attribute. We are now His attribute. And because "In
the beginning was the Word." And a word is a thought expressed. So we were His thoughts,
then expressed into word and become what we are. That's the reason our names, maybe
not what we have now, but our names were put on the Lamb's Book
of Life before the foundation of the world. See? And if it wasn't there then, it'll
never be there. See? And Jesus come to redeem all those, that's
whose names were on that Book.
45 HARVEST.TIME -- PHOENIX.AZ -- V-18 N-6 -- 64-1212
This is the complete revelation of Jesus Christ,
and the seven Seals had the mysteries hid of what it all was, and is supposed
to open it in the last day, at the Laodicean age, at the end of time.
Thanks be to God, that finishes the message to the church. That finishes it,
when they look back and see what has been,
and see where it's all brought up to, that finishes it, the
age of the church.
20-3 FEAST OF THE TRUMPETS -- JEFF. IN -- 64-0719.1M
The Redemption story can only be fully known when we see Him, the Kinsman Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ. We will all stand in His likeness, all in one row, God's attributes displayed in the millions times millions of sons and daughters, making up the body of the Lord's Bride. Then we will look back and understand why we were led to do certain things which we could not understand at the time, but there and then it will all fall into place, we will then see where “it's all brought up to.”
Each one of the seven church ages was anointed through the messenger to reflect one of the seven virtues of God. Each virtue was split up into thousands of segments, and each segment was foreordained for one of the believers of that day and age to be displayed and expressed in their life. But after the 1963 Sealsopening, every true saint of God will eventually be anointed with all the seven virtues and all the segments will be displayed by that group of perfected saints. We will obtain the greatest promise, which is to bypass death, and Hebrews 11:40 declares that all the other saints of all ages cannot be perfected without us. With other words, the Lord Jesus cannot come from the Mercy Seat to open the seven Seals around the “great Book”, The Lamb's Book of life, until the little flock called the Entime Bride is completed and displayed as God's masterpiece in the image and likeness of the Lord Himself.
Our new names will be the title or heading of our particular attribute of God which He had foreordained for us, one for each individual, which the Holy Ghost led us to express and demonstrate here on earth in our own life. As we have seen already, nobody else can take our place if our name is on the Lamb's Book of life, the “great Book” in Heaven, the section sealed with seven Seals on the backside of the Book.
After we have discussed the Prophet's explanation of the two sections of the Book mentioned in Revelation 5:1, there is still a mystery left which looks quite confusing. By and through the Prophet's ministry, the Lamb opened the section of the Word written within. That section is called the “little Book”, and is known to us as the Bible from Genesis 1:1 to the Amen in Revelation 22:21. Before the opening of those seven Seals in March 1963, only the Lord Himself and the Apostle Paul had the full revelation of It because it was only partly revealed during the previous ages.
Paul was forbidden to speak, and John was even asked to put it
in a Book so it would go all down through the ages. Oh, my! It's revealed now,
to be revealed in this last days. It wasn't revealed in his day, it's revealed
now as we go along.
124 REVELATION CHAP.4 PT.1 – JEFF. IN -- 60-1231
As we have seen in many of Brother Branham's quotations, the other section on the backside of the Book is still sealed to our understanding, but It is laying open in Heaven while It's contents is acted out on earth by the believers till the last member of the Bride has come into the fold and is sealed unto the day of Redemption. Then that section called the Lamb's Book of life, or the “great Book”, will be closed and placed in God's right hand. Then God will call for the gathering together of His saints, for the Judgment of His righteous people as it is explained in Psalm 50:4 to 6.
He shall call to the heavens from above, and
to the earth, that he
may judge his people.
Gather my saints together unto me; those that have made a covenant
with me by sacrifice.
And the Heavens shall declare his righteousness: for God is Judge
himself. Selah.
The dead saints who are in Heaven, and the living saints on earth, we will all be gathered behind the Curtain of time for the loosening of those seven Seals by the Kinsman Redeemer. He is the only worthy One Who can take that Book and loose those seven Seals, He will be our Attorney on that day.
O God, if the people could only see this! Our Judge is our Attorney. The case is settled. It's all over. The same One is Judge is the Attorney, is our Attorney. The case is settled, we have the Token. Both Judge and Attorney is the same Person.
68 THE TOKEN -- SHREVEPORT LA -- 63-1128.2E
The remaining mystery is about the location of that second section, the “great Book”. Brother Branham explains that the Book of Revelation 5:1 is the Bible. Therefore, both sections must be included in the Bible. The Prophet said:
For, someday this Book will judge me. That's
right. The Words of God there, will be my Judge at the day of Judgment. I must
preach the truth regardless of how it hurts...
O God, someday, maybe this day yet, I've got to stand with them
at the Judgment bar. And when the great Boss comes forward in His great kingly
garments; as a minister of the Gospel, I've got to stand before this
open Bible and give an account for what I have taught the people.
83 WATER BAPTISM -- JEFF. IN -- 59-0329.2M
You see the Book actually was planned and written before the
foundation of the world. This Book – the Bible
was really written before the foundation of the world. And Christ, being the
Lamb, was slain before the foundation of the world. And the members of His Bride
– their names were put in the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the
world, but it's been sealed up.
122-1 THE FIRST SEAL -- JEFF. IN -- 63-0318
When these seven Seals were opened, that opened up the entire
Bible. The seven Seals, it was sealed with seven Mysteries. And in
these seven Seals, held the entire mystery of it, and it was the Book
of Redemption – New Testament.
When the last name was called, the Book, the
plan, everything else was revealed then, the seven Seals was opened by the Lamb.
The mysteries of the whole Bible was hid in
there. If we had time, I'd like to...
John looked in the – the Book there, the Bible,
we find that he saw there was no one upon the earth that was worthy to take
the Book, the Book of Redemption, and there was nobody in Heaven worthy. Nobody
that was beneath the earth, or nowhere, was able or worthy to take the Book,
to loose the Seals, or to even look on It. And he wept, because in
this Book was the Book of Redemption, his own name
was in there, and nobody was worthy.
The Prophet explains that when the last name was called, the plan and the mysteries of everything will be revealed which is hid in the whole Bible. He also tells us that the Book of Redemption is inside the Bible, including our names. Brother Branham lets us know that there is more in the Bible than what we can read in It. In actual fact, he reveals that the “great Book” is inside the “little Book”. The following three quotations confirm and establish this truth even more clearly, let us examine them carefully.
He took the Book, for He was worthy; and He loosed the Seals
thereof. And we're looking to Him this morning to reveal these contexts that's
written in the Book, because it is the Book of Redemption; All that
is redeemed is written therein. May we find our position this morning
in the time that we're living.
That's when we'll be rewarded. That's what this
seven – sealed Book is going to open up to us. What is these
things? They're mysteries. They're not wrote in the Word, they
have to be revealed by the Holy Spirit; but if you'll notice, actually, they
are revealed all down through the Scriptures, but they been hid
from the people.
Then there is coming forth seven mysterious Thunders that are not even written
at all! That's right! And I believe that through these seven Thunders
will be revealed in the last days in order to get the Bride together for rapturing
faith; because what we got right now, we wouldn't be able to do it. There is something
that has got to step forward for we can't have enough faith for divine healing hardly.
We have got to have enough faith to be changed in a moment to be swept up out of
this earth, and we will find that after awhile , the Lord willing, find where
it is written.
128-2 THE FIRST SEAL -- JEFF. IN -- 63-0318
Brother Branham said first that these mysterious Thunders are not even written at all, and later in the same paragraph he says that we will find later where it is written? How is that possible?
I always thought it was sealed on the back of the Book and it'd
be something wasn't wrote in the Book, but it turned out that it was made known
that He cannot do that. It isn't something that's written
in the Book... It's something that's been hid in the
Book. “For whosoever shall take one Word from It or add one word to It...” So
it is a mystery that's been in the Book in these seven church
ages. Each one of them produced a – a mystery.
In the early part of his ministry, before he preached the seven church ages, Brother Branham thought that the second section, the “great Book” sealed on the backside, was located outside the Bible. Then the Lord corrected him and showed him that it can't be that way, that other section is also inside the Bible. It is not written in the Book, It is not part of the “little Book” written within, but it is somehow hidden in there. That sounds very mysterious, the “great Book” hidden inside the “little Book”, how could that be? Are our new names hidden in our Bibles after all?
Up to now, we have not found any other quotations in the Message which could give any further explanations about this “puzzle”. But some years ago, a truly interesting, extraordinary, phenomenal and very convincing discovery gave us a plausible answer to this question. Personally, I am almost sure that this is the solution, but because there is no direct confirmation from God's Prophet, I am venturing out without authority. This is the only place on this web-site where I do that, but I believe this should not be held back, it is too credible to ignore for a spiritual believer.
In August 1985, our local newspaper carried a very amazing report, I quote:
On this occasion, it was North London on a Sunday. Instead of prayers, the attraction was a seminar conducted by a rabbi in his early 40s from Israel. It was perhaps surprising that in the front row, listening intently to Rabbi David Ordman, was the Chief Rabbi of Great Britain.
Ordman indeed had something remarkable to report, the result of five years of dogged research by himself and 19 other rabbis. To the irreligious, it is a shocking thought that in the desert, 400 years before Christ, someone had the intellect to match one of the most sophisticated computers of the 1980s. It is such a computer – the American Prime Mainframe machine, installed at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem – that Ordman is using to prove his point.
Ordman and his colleagues believe they have discovered a series of hidden codes, painstakingly buried in the original Hebrew text of the 2400 year old Torah, the first 5 books in the Bible. He says that the codes are so complex as to defy the possibility that they were put there by any human being, least of all a scribe in the Middle East 400 years before Christ. The codes Ordman and his colleagues have found – they are really highly sophisticated word games – are quite invisible without a computer.
Thirty years ago, even without the help of a computer, mathematically inclined rabbis started noticing some oddities about the Torah that had gone unnoticed. They noticed that the number 7 had a strange significance. If you took any passage in the Torah, the main subject of it – be that Adam, God, Noah – is always mentioned 7 times. He, or they, or Someone also played another game. If you took the first Hebrew “T” in the first line of Genesis, then counted out each subsequent 49th letter (49 is the square of 7) the word Torah emerges, correctly spelt. The same happens in the first lines of Exodus. In the third book, you take the first “Y” and each subsequent seventh letter, the Hebrew name of God – Yehovah – crystallises out of the text.
Ordman's rabbis knew all this before they programmed the entire 125000 words of the Torah into the computer. Yet even their simplest early discovery shocked the rabbis. The rabbis found that the main subject of each passage was not only mentioned seven times in a straight reading of the Hebrew, but it was also often coded into the verse in the now—familiar way, frequently more than once. The computer started to chatter out more and more, scanning through billions of combinations. It was work that would have taken humans hundreds of years.
In Genesis, in a section about Adam and Eve, EDN (Eden) was coded in 16 times. Sometimes the coded-in word was the subject of the passage, but was not actually mentioned in it. Instead, it would appear like a subtitle.
The rabbis started feeding words at random into the computer and asking it to search widely through the text looking for the word, coded at any regular letter interval of up to 150. One word they tried was “Galut”, meaning “exile”. Its first appearance was coded into a Genesis passage about Adam and Eve's expulsion from Eden - the first expulsion in the history of man. Next it turned up in a passage where Cain complains to God about his wanderings after killing Abel - the second exile.
Galut appears in God's prophesy to Abraham that the Jews would be “sojourners in another land” (this was Egypt). Each time, like an eerie commentary from a distant voice, the word is there, in a time capsule... The great medieval Spanish rabbi, Maimonedes, said his name was in the Torah. Indeed, his initials did crop up at one point. Maimonedes's greatest religious book was the Mishneh Torah, the second Torah, whose 14 volumes describe the 613 duties the Torah bestows on Jews. But in the passage where his initials appear, so does the name of the Mishneh Torah, in code. The words are separated by a gap – of 613 letters.
The rabbis punched into Genesis the names of 25 different trees from a dictionary of biblical Hebrew, thirteen of the trees cropped up, coded into the one 43-word section of “...and the Lord God caused to grow out of the ground every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food; and the tree of life in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil...” They put more names into the program, and a further 18 came up – a total of 31 tree names hidden in one passage and nowhere else in the book.
“To plan this kind of thing would take years”, says Ordman. “And they had to prepare a text as well, with perfect grammar, a message, no contradictions. We are not trying to prove the divinity of the Torah here, but that the statistical odds against it being humanly written are impossible”.
This newspaper report fascinated me, it was the first time I have heard about the Bible code. In 1997, a book was published entitled “THE BIBLE CODE”, written by Michael Drosnin, a newspaper reporter from America. This more advanced book became an instant bestseller, it's contents was the subject of countless discussions and debates on television, radio, newspapers and magazines all over the world. Soon after that, many others wrote different books about this subject, some wrote in favour of this amazing discovery, others tried to ”warn” the readers of the great dangers of believing such “a desecration and misconception” of the Holy Bible as that.
The author of this Book “THE BIBLE CODE” is actually a selfconfessed unbeliever, therefore all his views and opinions are useless and of no interest for us. But in many places in this book, he is quoting those men in Jerusalem who discovered the Bible code. In all the different books which I have seen in connection with the Bible code, Dr. Eliyahu Rips seems to be the most prominent one, he is the man who discovered the code in the Bible. Everyone who wrote about him described him to be a most humble and God-fearing man, someone who appears to be very modest. Dr. Rips is one of the world's principal experts in mathematics and is recognized and known all over the world, he worked closely together with Doron Witztum who is a well known physicist.
The first step was to take the whole Hebrew Bible, the Old Testament, and remove the spaces between all the words and bring all the 304805 letters into one continuous line. Then that line was divided into 64 lines of about 4762 letters each which forms the table which is used in the computer to find the codes. The sages of old declared that Moses received the Word from God like that, it was “contiguous and without break of words”, just like the computer program these men produced.
The first real test of the accuracy of the Bible code came when Rips and his partners searched and found the names of 32 familiar Jewish sages and teachers who are well known in the Jewish history over the last 2000 years. Not only their names, but also the date of each ones birth and death was discovered with the help of the mathematically sophisticated computer program. This was published in one of the leading science papers, and it came to the attention of Mr. Gans, one of the most senior code-specialists in the American armed forces, the most secret department of National Security. When he saw this report, he decided to challenge those men in Israel. To make this absolutely sure, he wrote his own program of the Bible to prove that this “ridiculous” claim of the existence of the Bible code must be a hoax.
To his amazement, no matter how much he tried different methods, he got the same result as Dr. Rips and his friends. Then they added another 34 sages, and again their names, date of birth and the date of their death showed up in a indisputable manner. Then the code specialist had the idea to look if the towns where those 66 sages lived would also be included in the Bible together with their names, and sure enough, the names of those towns were there plain and clear. Mr. Gans who tried to disprove the Bible code, he actually proved it to be right and authentic. He is a Jew himself, and this experience affected him so much that he became a believer.
Dr. Rips also presented his discovery to one of the very best science journals. Robert Kaas, a professor and editor of this American magazine was very skeptical, he had eventually three experts on the job to try their best to disprove the reality of the Bible code. They were puzzled, they came to the mutual conclusion that the mathematics of the computer program could not be faulted, and the code was there for every one to see. Kass published the paper in the magazine.
Another one of the world's greatest authorities in mathematic and “game theory” got involved to try to disprove the Bible code. Robert Aumann consulted the best leaders in this scientific field in America, Israel and the entire world to solve this great mystery, but they all came to the same conclusion that the mathematical part was absolutely flawless. Modern science has never seen something like this and Mr. Aumann declared openly that “the Bible code is an established fact.”
The Pillar of Fire above the head of Brother Branham was photographed in Houston, Texas, in January 1950. Because of the mysterious nature of this picture, it had to be thoroughly investigated and examined by a scientific expert who must be acceptable by the critics. Dr. George J. Lacy, an “Investigator of Questioned Documents” working for the FBI, studied the negative for three days with the help of the most up-to-date instruments available. He pronounced the photo to be genuine, with a written official statement that the negative was not retouched or double exposed, but the halo position was caused by light striking the negative.
The many scientists who examined the Bible code are better known as Dr. Lacy, they are the best experts on earth in that field. To doubt and belittle their verdict of the fact that the Bible code exists could only be regarded as foolish talk of a ignorant person. No codes as those in the Bible have ever been found in any other book, they only exist in the Holy Writ. The Lord did not put the code in there to play a little word game, there is obviously a great purpose for this phenomena to be “hid” in the Bible.
I am sure that most of the readers of this web-site have heard about the Bible code, and many have read some of the books which have been published referring to this subject. Just about every major event in the whole history of the world was found to be encoded, including the names of politicians, kings ,dictators, musicians, artists, inventors and scientists plus the names of the places and sometimes the date of where and when the events occurred. But one of the most exciting statements is a quotation from one of those 66 sages, the Genius of Vilna who lived in the eighteenth century. This very enlightened Jewish scholar of the Scriptures declared that:
The rule is that all that was, is, and will be unto the end of time is included in the Torah, from the first word to the last word. And not merely in a general sense, but as to the details of every species and each one individually, and all the details of everything that happened to him from the day of his birth until his end.
Let us compare this astounding statement with some of the Prophet's quotations.
But let us have all of our deeds done right,
because they're in a book, a record that is to be played at the day of Judgment.
The message now goes into history, and it's recorded on the Book.
We all have to answer now for this, every move that we made,
every word that we said, every thought went
through our mind, the record is still playing. And it'll play on till life is
over, and then we'll answer at the day of the Judgment.
189 A THINKING MAN'S FILTER -- JEFF. IN -- 65-0822.2E
There are many more quotations like these, but these two are enough to show us that this Jewish sage and our Prophet talk about the same thing, explaining that there is a record of every person's life. Every deed, every move, every word spoken and every thought is recorded from the birth to the end of every person, not only in Heaven, but also in the Hebrew text of the Bible. Brother Branham said that all of that is hidden in the Bible, he does not give us any further explanations, but this Jewish sage explains that it is in the Torah and the Bible code shows us how it is possible to be hidden in the Book.
John looked in the – the Book there, the Bible,
we find that he saw there was no one upon the earth that was worthy to take
the Book, the Book of Redemption, and there was nobody in Heaven
worthy. Nobody that was beneath the earth, or nowhere, was able or worthy to
take the Book, to loose the Seals, or to even look on It. And he wept, because
in this Book was
the Book of Redemption, his own name was in
there, and nobody was worthy.
They're mysteries. They're not wrote in the
Word, they have to be revealed by the Holy Spirit; but if you'll notice, actually,
they are revealed all down through the Scriptures, but they been hid
from the people.
I always thought it was sealed on the back of
the Book and it'd be something wasn't wrote in the Book, but it turned out that
it was made known that He cannot do that. It isn't something
that's written in the Book... It's something that's been
hid in the Book. “For whosoever shall take one word from It or add
one word to It...” So it is a mystery that's been in the Book
in these seven church ages.
These quotes tell us again that our names, deeds, words and thoughts recorded in the Book of Redemption, the section sealed on the backside of the Book, is actually hidden inside the written Word, the Bible. That is how the Prophet explains it, and Dr. Rips and his colleagues say the same. They wrote in their book that, “there is a Bible beneath the Bible, the Bible is not only a book – it is also a computer program... it is encoded from the beginning to the end with words that connect to tell a hidden story”. The analysis of the Bible code made them realize that there are still unknown codes in the Bible, on different and higher levels, and they proclaimed that “it is in fact some Book of Life.” That would mean that the Book of Life, and the Lamb's Book of Life and all the other records are encoded in the Bible.
Dr. Rips, the world famous mathematician, tried to work out the extent of the Bible code. He calculated that the amount of information that could be encoded is without a limit, there could be an endless amount of combinations, he reckoned that it would be infinite. Not only Dr. Rips, but the other famous specialists who were involved in the discovery and research and understand the Bible code, they all came to the same conclusion that if all the existing computers all over the world could be connected together, they could not encode the Bible as it was done when God gave the first five Books to Moses on top of the mountain. Our Prophet said the same about the Bible.
It wouldn't be just to read a Scripture. He... That's what He lives on. And
every word is given by inspiration, and it's fitting
for time; it never ends. It's like a chain. It just keeps going
on. It never ends, the Scriptures.
Brother Branham called it the “great Book” which he said is not written, but hid in the Word written within, the “little Book”. Now we can see how it is possible that the “great Book” is inside the “little Book”. I cannot see any valid reason to deny that the great Book is actually this code hid in the Bible.
Someday when the Books of Heaven
(maybe the Bible codes at different levels?) shall be closed, may the
Book of the celestial beings and in the great Book of Heaven be opened,
may their names be one hundred percent before God and the Saviour
and all the Heavenly hosts, to be the same in His Kingdom.
33 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS -- C.O.D. P.358 -- JEFF.IN -- 59-12??
And there, Father, we'll know when You come and the great
Book is opened, we will understand then.
And may there not be one person here this morning, lost, may
everyone be ready, be in that great circle when we meet at
the other side. When the roll is called, may I hear the name after name, “present.”
That's what we're looking for, Lord. And the old will be young there forever,
transformed in a moment of time, immortal, shall stand in his likeness, the
sun and the stars to outshine, as Daniel said, “Those who have turned many to
righteousness shall shine as the stars forever.” But we hear what You said to
the Prophet, “Go thy way, Daniel, for thou shalt rest in thy lot, but in
that day you'll stand.” O God, let us be counted worthy through the
Blood of Jesus, no merits of our own do we claim, but through His merits may
we be worthy to stand at that day as we confess our wrong and
desire to stand in His righteousness, with the great Prophet Daniel and all
those who will stand when the rewards are given.
18 + 19 COUNTDOWN -- JEFF. IN -- 62-0909.1M
Daniel 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal
the book,
even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and
shall be increased.
12:13 But go thou thy way till the end be: for thou shalt rest, and stand
in thy lot at the end of the days.
Those men in Jerusalem set up the computer to also search back and forth in the Book of Daniel chapter 12. Between the fourth and thirteen's verse, some amazing results appeared. In one place the sentence “Sealed before God” turned up, and vertically through that the words “Bible code” emerged perfectly in line. The word “Computer”, also appeared in a vertical straight line, and even the date of the Jewish calendar year “5757” which is the year 1997 according to our calendar, the very year this book about the Bible code was published. In two other places in this same part of this chapter, the sentence “For you the encoded”, and the words “Hidden secrets” emerged. Dr. Rips and those with him came to the conclusion that there is a secret “sealed Book” which will be revealed at the end of time, they came to the realization that the Bible code might be that secret Book.
Brother Branham's ministry was to reveal the one section in the Book, the Word written within, the “little Book” of Revelation 10:2 and 8 to 10 which was sealed with seven Seals. The Lord Jesus, in the form of the Holy Spirit, revealed these Seals by and through Brother Branham progressively throughout his ministry, but in March 1963 the Revelation of Jesus Christ was fully opened up.
The Prophet made it abundantly clear that the other section on the backside of the same Book is also sealed with seven Seals, but there is not one place where he said that he did open those seven Seals. He explained that the Book in the right hand of God in Revelation 5:1, which contains both sections, is the Bible. He also told us that the phrase “on the backside of the Book “ means that the second section will only be revealed after the first one is completed, when the last one has come into the fold. He taught us that the second section is the Lamb's Book of Life, sometimes he called It the “great Book” or the Book of Redemption. On the day of Redemption, the Lord will gather together His saints of all ages, the living and the dead, to partake in the other Sealsopening. The Lord Jesus, the bloody Lamb and Kinsman Redeemer, will come from the Mercy Seat, take the Book and loose those seven Seals and reveal our new names and all our deeds and actions.
Brother Branham said that this part on the backside is in the Book, and the Book is the Bible, It is not written in the Book, but “IT'S SOMETHING THAT'S BEEN HID IN THE BOOK.” According to the Prophet, the “great Book” is hidden in the “little Book.” That sounds very confusing and complicated, but that is exactly how he explained it! The Bible code is the perfect answer, it dovetails with every detail of the coming of the Lord as stated in the Message and the Scriptures. This is a wonderful revelation for the believers, something of utmost importance and a good reason to rejoice. But the critics who read this chapter will certainly have a “field-day”, they will obviously criticize, belittle and ridicule such a “false doctrine” as this one.
Before we close this chapter, we want to consider two verses of Scripture in Malachi chapter 4 in connection with the Bible code. Verses 4 and 5 state:
Remember ye the law of Moses my servant, which I commanded
unto him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments.
Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming
the great and dreadful day of the Lord:
The great and dreadful day is the coming of the Lord, the Kinsman Redeemer, the King of kings and Lord of lords, the bloody Lamb, from the Mercy Seat. It will be on the Lord's day, the greatest day in human history for those wise virgins who will be ready and waiting, but most dreadful for those who are not prepared. In verse 4 it says “for all Israel”, does that include natural and spiritual Israel? Israel means “ruling with God”. Brother Branham told us that the whole Bride, from Adam to the last one will be present on that great day, all of us who will later judge and rule the world.
But what has the law of Moses and the statutes given to him by God on Mt. Horeb got to do with the coming of the Lord? We are not under the law, we are saved by grace. We have seen already that one of those Jewish sages, the Genius of Vilna, claimed that every individual who ever lived on earth, everything that happened to him from the day of his (or her) birth until their end is recorded and included in the Torah. That means that the “great Book”, the Lamb's Book of Life is encoded in the Torah.
Does Malachi 4:5 urge us to remember the Torah with the law of Moses and the statutes and judgments, because our very own “lifestory”, our thoughts, words and deeds, are encoded and sealed in there until we will be judged in righteousness at the coming of the Lord to open the other seven Seals on the back of the Book on that great day? What else could connect the Torah with that great day? We all will be gathered there in our Theophany bodies, in which we know all things. We won't need a computer to see the code, no computer will ever reach the capacity and scope of the dimension of the supernatural Theophany Word Body.
A Brother in Switzerland obtained the “Torah Code Search” program from those computer experts at Jerusalem, he discovered the name Marrion Branham encoded in Genesis 24:4-17. That is the chapter where Abraham sent his servant Eliezer to find a wife for his son, a perfect type of Brother Branham's ministry. A coincidence?
We do not have a direct quote from the Prophet to confirm the existence of the Bible code, but the evidence that It is in place can hardly be disputed. I believe that for the sincere and spiritually minded believers, this chapter will be a great help to unfold the deeper mysteries of our beloved Message, and to assist us to make sure to be ready and be prepared for that great day of Redemption.